blob: 63ff6834170ad28753438b30febcf1fa43e6a135 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of generate;
class GenerateOptions {
final Directory packages;
final Directory mojoSdk;
final Directory mojomPackage;
final List<Directory> additionalDirs;
final bool download;
final bool generate;
final bool errorOnDuplicate;
final bool verbose;
final bool dryRun;
GenerateOptions(this.packages, this.mojomPackage, this.mojoSdk,
this.additionalDirs,, this.generate, this.errorOnDuplicate,
this.verbose, this.dryRun);
/// Ensures that the directories in [additionalPaths] are absolute and exist,
/// and creates Directories for them, which are returned.
Future<List<Directory>> validateAdditionalDirs(Iterable additionalPaths) async {
var additionalDirs = [];
for (var mojomPath in additionalPaths) {
final mojomDir = new Directory(mojomPath);
if (!mojomDir.isAbsolute) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"All --additional-mojom-dir parameters must be absolute paths.");
if (!(await mojomDir.exists())) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"The additional mojom directory $mojomDir must exist");
return additionalDirs;
Future<GenerateOptions> parseArguments(List<String> arguments) async {
final parser = new args.ArgParser()
abbr: 'a',
allowMultiple: true,
help: 'Absolute path to an additional directory containing mojom.dart'
'files to put in the mojom package. May be specified multiple times.')
abbr: 'd',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Searches packages for a .mojoms file, and downloads .mojom files'
'as speficied in that file. Implies -g.')
abbr: 'f',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Print the operations that would have been run, but'
'do not run anything.')
abbr: 'g',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Generate Dart bindings for .mojom files.')
abbr: 'i',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'Ignore generation of a .mojom.dart file into the same location '
'as an existing file. By default this is an error')
abbr: 'm',
defaultsTo: Platform.environment['MOJO_SDK'],
help: 'Absolute path to the Mojo SDK, which can also be specified '
'with the environment variable MOJO_SDK.')
abbr: 'p',
defaultsTo: path.join(Directory.current.path, 'packages'),
help: 'An absolute path to an application\'s package root')
..addFlag('verbose', abbr: 'v', defaultsTo: false);
final result = parser.parse(arguments);
bool verbose = result['verbose'];
bool dryRun = result['fake'];
bool errorOnDuplicate = !result['ignore-duplicates'];
final packages = new Directory(result['package-root']);
if (!packages.isAbsolute) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"The --package-root parameter must be an absolute path.");
if (verbose) print("packages = $packages");
if (!(await packages.exists())) {
throw new CommandLineError("The packages directory $packages must exist");
final mojomPackage = new Directory(path.join(packages.path, 'mojom'));
if (verbose) print("mojom package = $mojomPackage");
if (!(await mojomPackage.exists())) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"The mojom package directory $mojomPackage must exist");
final download = result['download'];
final generate = result['generate'] || download;
var mojoSdk = null;
if (generate) {
final mojoSdkPath = result['mojo-sdk'];
if (mojoSdkPath == null) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"The Mojo SDK directory must be specified with the --mojo-sdk flag or"
"the MOJO_SDK environment variable.");
mojoSdk = new Directory(mojoSdkPath);
if (verbose) print("Mojo SDK = $mojoSdk");
if (!(await mojoSdk.exists())) {
throw new CommandLineError(
"The specified Mojo SDK directory $mojoSdk must exist.");
final additionalDirs =
await validateAdditionalDirs(result['additional-mojom-dir']);
if (verbose) print("additional_mojom_dirs = $additionalDirs");
return new GenerateOptions(packages, mojomPackage, mojoSdk, additionalDirs,
download, generate, errorOnDuplicate, verbose, dryRun);