blob: beec1a102e7024a44a33b51c20ba9da49e1ee4fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/callback_internal.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/shared_ptr.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/template_util.h"
namespace mojo {
template <typename Sig>
class Callback;
// Represents a callback with any number of parameters and no return value. The
// callback is executed by calling its Run() method. The callback may be "null",
// meaning it does nothing.
template <typename... Args>
class Callback<void(Args...)> {
// An interface that may be implemented to define the Run() method.
struct Runnable {
virtual ~Runnable() {}
virtual void Run(
// ForwardType ensures String is passed as a const reference.
typename internal::Callback_ParamTraits<Args>::ForwardType...)
const = 0;
// Constructs a "null" callback that does nothing.
Callback() {}
// Constructs a callback that will run |runnable|. The callback takes
// ownership of |runnable|.
explicit Callback(Runnable* runnable) : sink_(runnable) {}
// As above, but can take an object that isn't derived from Runnable, so long
// as it has a compatible operator() or Run() method. operator() will be
// preferred if the type has both.
template <typename Sink>
Callback(const Sink& sink) {
using sink_type = typename internal::Conditional<
internal::HasCompatibleCallOperator<Sink, Args...>::value,
FunctorAdapter<Sink>, RunnableAdapter<Sink>>::type;
sink_ = internal::SharedPtr<Runnable>(new sink_type(sink));
// As above, but can take a compatible function pointer.
Callback(void (*function_ptr)(
typename internal::Callback_ParamTraits<Args>::ForwardType...))
: sink_(new FunctionPtrAdapter(function_ptr)) {}
// Executes the callback function, invoking Pass() on move-only types.
void Run(typename internal::Callback_ParamTraits<Args>::ForwardType... args)
const {
if (sink_.get())
bool is_null() const { return !sink_.get(); }
// Resets the callback to the "null" state.
void reset() { sink_.reset(); }
// Adapts a class that has a Run() method but is not derived from Runnable to
// be callable by Callback.
template <typename Sink>
struct RunnableAdapter : public Runnable {
explicit RunnableAdapter(const Sink& sink) : sink(sink) {}
virtual void Run(
typename internal::Callback_ParamTraits<Args>::ForwardType... args)
const override {
Sink sink;
// Adapts a class that has a compatible operator() to be callable by Callback.
template <typename Sink>
struct FunctorAdapter : public Runnable {
explicit FunctorAdapter(const Sink& sink) : sink(sink) {}
virtual void Run(
typename internal::Callback_ParamTraits<Args>::ForwardType... args)
const override {
Sink sink;
// Adapts a function pointer.
struct FunctionPtrAdapter : public Runnable {
explicit FunctionPtrAdapter(void (*function_ptr)(
typename internal::Callback_ParamTraits<Args>::ForwardType...))
: function_ptr(function_ptr) {}
virtual void Run(
typename internal::Callback_ParamTraits<Args>::ForwardType... args)
const override {
void (*function_ptr)(
typename internal::Callback_ParamTraits<Args>::ForwardType...);
internal::SharedPtr<Runnable> sink_;
// A specialization of Callback which takes no parameters.
typedef Callback<void()> Closure;
} // namespace mojo