blob: f36761c0b389785e3d38091dcb8f2a8378510e72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "mojo/public/c/environment/async_waiter.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/callback.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/message.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/environment/environment.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/core.h"
namespace mojo {
class ErrorHandler;
namespace internal {
// The Connector class is responsible for performing read/write operations on a
// MessagePipe. It writes messages it receives through the MessageReceiver
// interface that it subclasses, and it forwards messages it reads through the
// MessageReceiver interface assigned as its incoming receiver.
// NOTE: MessagePipe I/O is non-blocking.
class Connector : public MessageReceiver {
// The Connector takes ownership of |message_pipe|.
explicit Connector(
ScopedMessagePipeHandle message_pipe,
const MojoAsyncWaiter* waiter = Environment::GetDefaultAsyncWaiter());
~Connector() override;
// Sets the receiver to handle messages read from the message pipe. The
// Connector will read messages from the pipe regardless of whether or not an
// incoming receiver has been set.
void set_incoming_receiver(MessageReceiver* receiver) {
incoming_receiver_ = receiver;
// Errors from incoming receivers will force the connector into an error
// state, where no more messages will be processed. This method is used
// during testing to prevent that from happening.
void set_enforce_errors_from_incoming_receiver(bool enforce) {
enforce_errors_from_incoming_receiver_ = enforce;
// Sets the error handler to receive notifications when an error is
// encountered while reading from the pipe or waiting to read from the pipe.
void set_connection_error_handler(const Closure& error_handler) {
connection_error_handler_ = error_handler;
// Returns true if an error was encountered while reading from the pipe or
// waiting to read from the pipe.
bool encountered_error() const { return error_; }
// Closes the pipe, triggering the error state. Connector is put into a
// quiescent state.
void CloseMessagePipe();
// Releases the pipe, not triggering the error state. Connector is put into
// a quiescent state.
ScopedMessagePipeHandle PassMessagePipe();
// Is the connector bound to a MessagePipe handle?
bool is_valid() const { return message_pipe_.is_valid(); }
// Waits for the next message on the pipe, blocking until one arrives,
// |deadline| elapses, or an error happens. Returns |true| if a message has
// been delivered, |false| otherwise.
bool WaitForIncomingMessage(MojoDeadline deadline);
// MessageReceiver implementation:
bool Accept(Message* message) override;
MessagePipeHandle handle() const { return message_pipe_.get(); }
static void CallOnHandleReady(void* closure, MojoResult result);
void OnHandleReady(MojoResult result);
void WaitToReadMore();
// Returns false if |this| was destroyed during message dispatch.
MOJO_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool ReadSingleMessage(MojoResult* read_result);
// |this| can be destroyed during message dispatch.
void ReadAllAvailableMessages();
void NotifyError();
// Cancels any calls made to |waiter_|.
void CancelWait();
Closure connection_error_handler_;
const MojoAsyncWaiter* waiter_;
ScopedMessagePipeHandle message_pipe_;
MessageReceiver* incoming_receiver_;
MojoAsyncWaitID async_wait_id_;
bool error_;
bool drop_writes_;
bool enforce_errors_from_incoming_receiver_;
// If non-null, this will be set to true when the Connector is destroyed. We
// use this flag to allow for the Connector to be destroyed as a side-effect
// of dispatching an incoming message.
bool* destroyed_flag_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace mojo