blob: 09ca4ad951ef0bb2736f389bde6329ffc2ac4e60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/map_internal.h"
namespace mojo {
// A move-only map that can handle move-only values. Map has the following
// characteristics:
// - The map itself can be null, and this is distinct from empty.
// - Keys must not be move-only.
// - The Key-type's "<" operator is used to sort the entries, and also is
// used to determine equality of the key values.
// - There can only be one entry per unique key.
// - Values of move-only types will be moved into the Map when they are added
// using the insert() method.
template <typename Key, typename Value>
class Map {
// Map keys cannot be move only classes.
"Map keys cannot be move only types.");
typedef internal::MapTraits<Key,
internal::IsMoveOnlyType<Value>::value> Traits;
typedef typename Traits::KeyStorageType KeyStorageType;
typedef typename Traits::KeyRefType KeyRefType;
typedef typename Traits::KeyConstRefType KeyConstRefType;
typedef typename Traits::KeyForwardType KeyForwardType;
typedef typename Traits::ValueStorageType ValueStorageType;
typedef typename Traits::ValueRefType ValueRefType;
typedef typename Traits::ValueConstRefType ValueConstRefType;
typedef typename Traits::ValueForwardType ValueForwardType;
typedef internal::Map_Data<typename internal::WrapperTraits<Key>::DataType,
typename internal::WrapperTraits<Value>::DataType>
Map() : is_null_(true) {}
// Constructs a non-null Map containing the specified |keys| mapped to the
// corresponding |values|.
Map(mojo::Array<Key> keys, mojo::Array<Value> values) : is_null_(false) {
MOJO_DCHECK(keys.size() == values.size());
Traits::InitializeFrom(&map_, keys.Pass(), values.Pass());
~Map() { Traits::Finalize(&map_); }
Map(Map&& other) : is_null_(true) { Take(&other); }
Map& operator=(Map&& other) {
return *this;
// Copies the contents of some other type of map into a new Map using a
// TypeConverter. A TypeConverter for std::map to Map is defined below.
template <typename U>
static Map From(const U& other) {
return TypeConverter<Map, U>::Convert(other);
// Copies the contents of the Map into some other type of map. A TypeConverter
// for Map to std::map is defined below.
template <typename U>
U To() const {
return TypeConverter<U, Map>::Convert(*this);
// Destroys the contents of the Map and leaves it in the null state.
void reset() {
if (!map_.empty()) {
is_null_ = true;
bool is_null() const { return is_null_; }
// Indicates the number of keys in the map.
size_t size() const { return map_.size(); }
void mark_non_null() { is_null_ = false; }
// Inserts a key-value pair into the map, moving the value by calling its
// Pass() method if it is a move-only type. Like std::map, this does not
// insert |value| if |key| is already a member of the map.
void insert(KeyForwardType key, ValueForwardType value) {
is_null_ = false;
Traits::Insert(&map_, key, value);
// Returns a reference to the value associated with the specified key,
// crashing the process if the key is not present in the map.
ValueRefType at(KeyForwardType key) { return Traits::at(&map_, key); }
ValueConstRefType at(KeyForwardType key) const {
return Traits::at(&map_, key);
// Returns a reference to the value associated with the specified key,
// creating a new entry if the key is not already present in the map. A
// newly-created value will be value-initialized (meaning that it will be
// initialized by the default constructor of the value type, if any, or else
// will be zero-initialized).
ValueRefType operator[](KeyForwardType key) {
is_null_ = false;
return Traits::GetOrInsert(&map_, key);
// Swaps the contents of this Map with another Map of the same type (including
// nullness).
void Swap(Map<Key, Value>* other) {
std::swap(is_null_, other->is_null_);
// Swaps the contents of this Map with an std::map containing keys and values
// of the same type. Since std::map cannot represent the null state, the
// std::map will be empty if Map is null. The Map will always be left in a
// non-null state.
void Swap(std::map<Key, Value>* other) {
is_null_ = false;
// Removes all contents from the Map and places them into parallel key/value
// arrays. Each key will be copied from the source to the destination, and
// values will be copied unless their type is designated move-only, in which
// case they will be passed by calling their Pass() method. Either way, the
// Map will be left in a null state.
void DecomposeMapTo(mojo::Array<Key>* keys, mojo::Array<Value>* values) {
Traits::Decompose(&map_, keys, values);
is_null_ = true;
// Returns a new Map that contains a copy of the contents of this map. If the
// values are of a type that is designated move-only, they will be cloned
// using the Clone() method of the type. Please note that calling this method
// will fail compilation if the value type cannot be cloned (which usually
// means that it is a Mojo handle type or a type that contains Mojo handles).
Map Clone() const {
Map result;
result.is_null_ = is_null_;
Traits::Clone(map_, &result.map_);
return result.Pass();
// Indicates whether the contents of this map are equal to those of another
// Map (including nullness). Keys are compared by the != operator. Values are
// compared as follows:
// - Map, Array, Struct, or StructPtr values are compared by their Equals()
// method.
// - ScopedHandleBase-derived types are compared by their handles.
// - Values of other types are compared by their "==" operator.
bool Equals(const Map& other) const {
if (is_null() != other.is_null())
return false;
if (size() != other.size())
return false;
auto i = begin();
auto j = other.begin();
while (i != end()) {
if (i.GetKey() != j.GetKey())
return false;
if (!internal::ValueTraits<Value>::Equals(i.GetValue(), j.GetValue()))
return false;
return true;
// A read-only iterator for Map.
class ConstMapIterator {
const typename std::map<KeyStorageType,
ValueStorageType>::const_iterator& it)
: it_(it) {}
// Returns a const reference to the key and value.
KeyConstRefType GetKey() { return Traits::GetKey(it_); }
ValueConstRefType GetValue() { return Traits::GetValue(it_); }
ConstMapIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
bool operator!=(const ConstMapIterator& rhs) const {
return it_ != rhs.it_;
bool operator==(const ConstMapIterator& rhs) const {
return it_ == rhs.it_;
typename std::map<KeyStorageType, ValueStorageType>::const_iterator it_;
// Provide read-only iteration over map members in a way similar to STL
// collections.
ConstMapIterator begin() const { return ConstMapIterator(map_.begin()); }
ConstMapIterator end() const { return ConstMapIterator(map_.end()); }
// Returns the iterator pointing to the entry for |key|, if present, or else
// returns end().
ConstMapIterator find(KeyForwardType key) const {
return ConstMapIterator(map_.find(key));
typedef std::map<KeyStorageType, ValueStorageType> Map::*Testable;
// The Map may be used in boolean expressions to determine if it is non-null,
// but is not implicitly convertible to an actual bool value (which would be
// dangerous).
operator Testable() const { return is_null_ ? 0 : &Map::map_; }
void Take(Map* other) {
std::map<KeyStorageType, ValueStorageType> map_;
bool is_null_;
// Copies the contents of an std::map to a new Map, optionally changing the
// types of the keys and values along the way using TypeConverter.
template <typename MojoKey,
typename MojoValue,
typename STLKey,
typename STLValue>
struct TypeConverter<Map<MojoKey, MojoValue>, std::map<STLKey, STLValue>> {
static Map<MojoKey, MojoValue> Convert(
const std::map<STLKey, STLValue>& input) {
Map<MojoKey, MojoValue> result;
for (auto& pair : input) {
result.insert(TypeConverter<MojoKey, STLKey>::Convert(pair.first),
TypeConverter<MojoValue, STLValue>::Convert(pair.second));
return result.Pass();
// Copies the contents of a Map to an std::map, optionally changing the types of
// the keys and values along the way using TypeConverter.
template <typename MojoKey,
typename MojoValue,
typename STLKey,
typename STLValue>
struct TypeConverter<std::map<STLKey, STLValue>, Map<MojoKey, MojoValue>> {
static std::map<STLKey, STLValue> Convert(
const Map<MojoKey, MojoValue>& input) {
std::map<STLKey, STLValue> result;
if (!input.is_null()) {
for (auto it = input.begin(); it != input.end(); ++it) {
TypeConverter<STLKey, MojoKey>::Convert(it.GetKey()),
TypeConverter<STLValue, MojoValue>::Convert(it.GetValue())));
return result;
} // namespace mojo