blob: 7f1ebe51474da518dbe5a8749f3283dcfd1e563d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module mojo;
import "mojo/public/interfaces/application/service_provider.mojom";
import "mojo/public/interfaces/application/shell.mojom";
// This is the primary interface implemented by every Mojo application. It
// allows the application to receive its startup arguments from the shell, and
// to be notified of events that occur during its execution.
// TODO(aa): It would be good to reorder the parameters once we have interface
// versioning.
interface Application {
// Initializes the application with the specified arguments. This method is
// guaranteed to be called before any other method is called, and will only be
// called once.
// The |url| parameter is the identity of the application as far as the shell
// is concerned. This will be the URL the application was found at, after all
// mappings, resolution, and redirects. And it will not include the
// querystring, since the querystring is not part of an application's
// identity.
Initialize(Shell shell, array<string>? args, string url);
// Called when another application (identified by |requestor_url|) attempts to
// open a connection to this application.
// If the other application wants to request services from this application,
// it will have passed a valid interface request through the |services|
// parameter (i.e. one containing a valid message pipe endpoint). This
// application may then bind an implementation of |ServiceProvider| to that
// request in order to make services available to the other application.
// If the other application wants to offer services to this application, it
// will have passed a bound interface through the |exposed_services|
// parameter. This application may then request services through that
// interface.
// It is possible that both parameters will be valid/bound if the other
// application wants to both request services from and offer services to this
// application.
// This application is free to ignore the |services| or |exposed_services|
// parameters if it does not wish to offer or request services.
// resolved_url is the URL that was requested to create this connection, after
// all mappings, resolutions, and redirects. This will include any querystring
// that was part of the request.
AcceptConnection(string requestor_url,
ServiceProvider&? services,
ServiceProvider? exposed_services,
string resolved_url);
// Called to request the application shut itself down gracefully.