blob: e8bab6f8b6470b56ac18c7492e0254ef17eb1c49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
define("mojo/services/public/js/shell", [
], function(bindings, core, connection, shellMojom, spMojom, serviceExchange) {
const ProxyBindings = bindings.ProxyBindings;
const StubBindings = bindings.StubBindings;
const ServiceExchange = serviceExchange.ServiceExchange;
const ServiceProviderInterface = spMojom.ServiceProvider;
const ShellInterface = shellMojom.Shell;
class Shell {
constructor(shellProxy) {
this.shellProxy = shellProxy;
this.applications_ = new Map();
connectToApplication(url) {
var application = this.applications_.get(url);
if (application)
return application;
var application = new ServiceExchange();
function(servicesProxy) {
application.proxy = servicesProxy;
function(exposedServicesStub) {
application.stub = exposedServicesStub;
StubBindings(exposedServicesStub).delegate = application;
this.applications_.set(url, application);
return application;
connectToService(url, service) {
return this.connectToApplication(url).requestService(service);
close() {
this.applications_.forEach(function(application, url) {
var exports = {};
exports.Shell = Shell;
return exports;