blob: f027025be5ea519066f037a2269fd95c6e617910 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library stack_trace.chain;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'frame.dart';
import 'stack_zone_specification.dart';
import 'trace.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A function that handles errors in the zone wrapped by [Chain.capture].
typedef void ChainHandler(error, Chain chain);
/// A chain of stack traces.
/// A stack chain is a collection of one or more stack traces that collectively
/// represent the path from [main] through nested function calls to a particular
/// code location, usually where an error was thrown. Multiple stack traces are
/// necessary when using asynchronous functions, since the program's stack is
/// reset before each asynchronous callback is run.
/// Stack chains can be automatically tracked using [Chain.capture]. This sets
/// up a new [Zone] in which the current stack chain is tracked and can be
/// accessed using [new Chain.current]. Any errors that would be top-leveled in
/// the zone can be handled, along with their associated chains, with the
/// `onError` callback. For example:
/// Chain.capture(() {
/// // ...
/// }, onError: (error, stackChain) {
/// print("Caught error $error\n"
/// "$stackChain");
/// });
class Chain implements StackTrace {
/// The line used in the string representation of stack chains to represent
/// the gap between traces.
static const _GAP = '===== asynchronous gap ===========================\n';
/// The stack traces that make up this chain.
/// Like the frames in a stack trace, the traces are ordered from most local
/// to least local. The first one is the trace where the actual exception was
/// raised, the second one is where that callback was scheduled, and so on.
final List<Trace> traces;
/// The [StackZoneSpecification] for the current zone.
static StackZoneSpecification get _currentSpec =>
/// Runs [callback] in a [Zone] in which the current stack chain is tracked
/// and automatically associated with (most) errors.
/// If [onError] is passed, any error in the zone that would otherwise go
/// unhandled is passed to it, along with the [Chain] associated with that
/// error. Note that if [callback] produces multiple unhandled errors,
/// [onError] may be called more than once. If [onError] isn't passed, the
/// parent Zone's `unhandledErrorHandler` will be called with the error and
/// its chain.
/// Note that even if [onError] isn't passed, this zone will still be an error
/// zone. This means that any errors that would cross the zone boundary are
/// considered unhandled.
/// If [callback] returns a value, it will be returned by [capture] as well.
/// Currently, capturing stack chains doesn't work when using dart2js due to
/// issues [15171] and [15105]. Stack chains reported on dart2js will contain
/// only one trace.
/// [15171]:
/// [15105]:
static capture(callback(), {ChainHandler onError}) {
var spec = new StackZoneSpecification(onError);
return runZoned(() {
try {
return callback();
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
// TODO(nweiz): Don't special-case this when issue 19566 is fixed.
return Zone.current.handleUncaughtError(error, stackTrace);
}, zoneSpecification: spec.toSpec(), zoneValues: {
#stack_trace.stack_zone.spec: spec
/// Returns [futureOrStream] unmodified.
/// Prior to Dart 1.7, this was necessary to ensure that stack traces for
/// exceptions reported with [Completer.completeError] and
/// [StreamController.addError] were tracked correctly.
@Deprecated("Chain.track is not necessary in Dart 1.7+.")
static track(futureOrStream) => futureOrStream;
/// Returns the current stack chain.
/// By default, the first frame of the first trace will be the line where
/// [Chain.current] is called. If [level] is passed, the first trace will
/// start that many frames up instead.
/// If this is called outside of a [capture] zone, it just returns a
/// single-trace chain.
factory Chain.current([int level=0]) {
if (_currentSpec != null) return _currentSpec.currentChain(level + 1);
return new Chain([new Trace.current(level + 1)]);
/// Returns the stack chain associated with [trace].
/// The first stack trace in the returned chain will always be [trace]
/// (converted to a [Trace] if necessary). If there is no chain associated
/// with [trace] or if this is called outside of a [capture] zone, this just
/// returns a single-trace chain containing [trace].
/// If [trace] is already a [Chain], it will be returned as-is.
factory Chain.forTrace(StackTrace trace) {
if (trace is Chain) return trace;
if (_currentSpec == null) return new Chain([new Trace.from(trace)]);
return _currentSpec.chainFor(trace);
/// Parses a string representation of a stack chain.
/// Specifically, this parses the output of [Chain.toString].
factory Chain.parse(String chain) =>
new Chain(chain.split(_GAP).map((trace) => new Trace.parseFriendly(trace)));
/// Returns a new [Chain] comprised of [traces].
Chain(Iterable<Trace> traces)
: traces = new UnmodifiableListView<Trace>(traces.toList());
/// Returns a terser version of [this].
/// This calls [Trace.terse] on every trace in [traces], and discards any
/// trace that contain only internal frames.
Chain get terse {
var terseTraces = => trace.terse);
var nonEmptyTraces = terseTraces.where((trace) {
// Ignore traces that contain only internal processing.
return trace.frames.length > 1;
// If all the traces contain only internal processing, preserve the last
// (top-most) one so that the chain isn't empty.
if (nonEmptyTraces.isEmpty && terseTraces.isNotEmpty) {
return new Chain([terseTraces.last]);
return new Chain(nonEmptyTraces);
/// Returns a new [Chain] based on [this] where multiple stack frames matching
/// [predicate] are folded together.
/// This means that whenever there are multiple frames in a row that match
/// [predicate], only the last one is kept. In addition, traces that are
/// composed entirely of frames matching [predicate] are omitted.
/// This is useful for limiting the amount of library code that appears in a
/// stack trace by only showing user code and code that's called by user code.
Chain foldFrames(bool predicate(Frame frame)) {
var foldedTraces = => trace.foldFrames(predicate));
var nonEmptyTraces = foldedTraces.where((trace) {
// Ignore traces that contain only folded frames. These traces will be
// folded into a single frame each.
return trace.frames.length > 1;
// If all the traces contain only internal processing, preserve the last
// (top-most) one so that the chain isn't empty.
if (nonEmptyTraces.isEmpty && foldedTraces.isNotEmpty) {
return new Chain([foldedTraces.last]);
return new Chain(nonEmptyTraces);
/// Converts [this] to a [Trace].
/// The trace version of a chain is just the concatenation of all the traces
/// in the chain.
Trace toTrace() => new Trace(flatten( => trace.frames)));
String toString() => traces.join(_GAP);