blob: 4bfa559c5114bae383582c6d67156f8b4835f1fa [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:litetest/litetest.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
void main() {
// Find a path to `dir_contents_diff.dart` from the working directory.
final String pkgPath = io.File.fromUri(io.Platform.script).parent.parent.path;
final String binPath = p.join(
// As a sanity check, ensure that the file exists.
if (!io.File(binPath).existsSync()) {
io.stderr.writeln('Unable to find $binPath');
io.exitCode = 1;
// Runs `../bin/dir_contents_diff.dart` with the given arguments.
(int, String) runSync(String goldenPath, String dirPath) {
final io.ProcessResult result = io.Process.runSync(
<String>[binPath, goldenPath, dirPath],
return (result.exitCode, result.stdout ?? result.stderr);
test('lists files and diffs successfully', () {
final String goldenPath = p.join(pkgPath, 'test', 'file_ok.txt');
final String dirPath = p.join(pkgPath, 'test', 'fixtures');
final (int exitCode, String output) = runSync(goldenPath, dirPath);
if (exitCode != 0) {
io.stderr.writeln('Expected exit code 0, got $exitCode');
expect(exitCode, 0);
test('lists files and diffs successfully, even with an EOF newline', () {
final String goldenPath = p.join(pkgPath, 'test', 'file_ok_eof_newline.txt');
final String dirPath = p.join(pkgPath, 'test', 'fixtures');
final (int exitCode, String output) = runSync(goldenPath, dirPath);
if (exitCode != 0) {
io.stderr.writeln('Expected exit code 0, got $exitCode');
expect(exitCode, 0);
test('diff fails when an expected file is missing', () {
final String goldenPath = p.join(pkgPath, 'test', 'file_bad_missing.txt');
final String dirPath = p.join(pkgPath, 'test', 'fixtures');
final (int exitCode, String output) = runSync(goldenPath, dirPath);
if (exitCode == 0) {
io.stderr.writeln('Expected non-zero exit code, got $exitCode');
expect(exitCode, 1);
expect(output, contains('+a.txt'));
test('diff fails when an unexpected file is present', () {
final String goldenPath = p.join(pkgPath, 'test', 'file_bad_unexpected.txt');
final String dirPath = p.join(pkgPath, 'test', 'fixtures');
final (int exitCode, String output) = runSync(goldenPath, dirPath);
if (exitCode == 0) {
io.stderr.writeln('Expected non-zero exit code, got $exitCode');
expect(exitCode, 1);
expect(output, contains('-c.txt'));