blob: 23e2f07b61f750897b366dad780f837e2d7cbfdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Utilities for temporarily instrumenting code to dig into issues that were
// found using profiler data.
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/profiler/scoped_profile.h"
namespace tracked_objects {
// ScopedTracker instruments a region within the code if the instrumentation is
// enabled. It can be used, for example, to find out if a source of jankiness is
// inside the instrumented code region.
// Details:
// 1. This class creates a task (like ones created by PostTask calls or IPC
// message handlers). This task can be seen in chrome://profiler and is sent as
// a part of profiler data to the UMA server. See profiler_event.proto.
// 2. That task's lifetime is same as the lifetime of the ScopedTracker
// instance.
// 3. The execution time associated with the task is the wallclock time between
// its constructor and destructor, minus wallclock times of directly nested
// tasks.
// 4. Task creation that this class utilizes is highly optimized.
// 5. The class doesn't create a task unless this was enabled for the current
// process. Search for ScopedTracker::Enable for the current list of processes
// and channels where it's activated.
// 6. The class is designed for temporarily instrumenting code to find
// performance problems, after which the instrumentation must be removed.
class BASE_EXPORT ScopedTracker {
ScopedTracker(const Location& location);
// Enables instrumentation for the remainder of the current process' life. If
// this function is not called, all profiler instrumentations are no-ops.
static void Enable();
// Augments a |callback| with provided |location|. This is useful for
// instrumenting cases when we know that a jank is in a callback and there are
// many possible callbacks, but they come from a relatively small number of
// places. We can instrument these few places and at least know which one
// passes the janky callback.
template <typename P1>
static base::Callback<void(P1)> TrackCallback(
const Location& location,
const base::Callback<void(P1)>& callback) {
return base::Bind(&ScopedTracker::ExecuteAndTrackCallback<P1>, location,
// Executes |callback|, augmenting it with provided |location|.
template <typename P1>
static void ExecuteAndTrackCallback(const Location& location,
const base::Callback<void(P1)>& callback,
P1 p1) {
ScopedTracker tracking_profile(location);
const ScopedProfile scoped_profile_;
} // namespace tracked_objects