blob: 93dfc77989b88c0b97a70de8735fbfe65d9b726a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
extern const NSString* kDefaultAssetPath;
// Finds a bundle with the named `flutterFrameworkBundleID` within `searchURL`.
// Returns `nil` if the bundle cannot be found or if errors are encountered.
NSBundle* FLTFrameworkBundleInternal(NSString* flutterFrameworkBundleID, NSURL* searchURL);
// Finds a bundle with the named `flutterFrameworkBundleID`.
// `+[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:]` is slow, and can take in the order of
// tens of milliseconds in a minimal flutter app, and closer to 100 milliseconds
// in a medium sized Flutter app on an iPhone 13. It is likely that the slowness
// comes from having to traverse and load all bundles known to the process.
// Using `+[NSBundle allframeworks]` and filtering also suffers from the same
// problem.
// This implementation is an optimization to first limit the search space to
// `+[NSBundle privateFrameworksURL]` of the main bundle, which is usually where
// frameworks used by this file are placed. If the desired bundle cannot be
// found here, the implementation falls back to
// `+[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:]`.
NSBundle* FLTFrameworkBundleWithIdentifier(NSString* flutterFrameworkBundleID);
// Finds the bundle of the application.
// Returns [NSBundle mainBundle] if the current running process is the application.
NSBundle* FLTGetApplicationBundle();
// Gets the flutter assets path directory from `bundle`.
// Returns `kDefaultAssetPath` if unable to find asset path from info.plist in `bundle`.
NSString* FLTAssetPath(NSBundle* bundle);
// Finds the Flutter asset directory from `bundle`.
// The raw path can be set by the application via info.plist's `FLTAssetsPath` key.
// If the key is not set, `flutter_assets` is used as the raw path value.
// If no valid asset is found under the raw path, returns nil.
NSString* FLTAssetsPathFromBundle(NSBundle* bundle);