blob: 0369db35a14fc2d1a2ce71084462aad4cc4a3beb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <flutter_windows.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "binary_messenger.h"
#include "dart_project.h"
#include "plugin_registrar.h"
#include "plugin_registry.h"
namespace flutter {
// An instance of a Flutter engine.
// In the future, this will be the API surface used for all interactions with
// the engine, rather than having them duplicated on FlutterViewController.
// For now it is only used in the rare case where you need a headless Flutter
// engine.
class FlutterEngine : public PluginRegistry {
// Creates a new engine for running the given project.
explicit FlutterEngine(const DartProject& project);
virtual ~FlutterEngine();
// Prevent copying.
FlutterEngine(FlutterEngine const&) = delete;
FlutterEngine& operator=(FlutterEngine const&) = delete;
// Starts running the engine at the entrypoint function specified in the
// DartProject used to configure the engine, or main() by default.
bool Run();
// Starts running the engine, with an optional entry point.
// If provided, entry_point must be the name of a top-level function from the
// same Dart library that contains the app's main() function, and must be
// decorated with `@pragma(vm:entry-point)` to ensure the method is not
// tree-shaken by the Dart compiler. If not provided, defaults to main().
bool Run(const char* entry_point);
// Terminates the running engine.
void ShutDown();
// Processes any pending events in the Flutter engine, and returns the
// nanosecond delay until the next scheduled event (or max, if none).
// This should be called on every run of the application-level runloop, and
// a wait for native events in the runloop should never be longer than the
// last return value from this function.
std::chrono::nanoseconds ProcessMessages();
// Tells the engine that the system font list has changed. Should be called
// by clients when OS-level font changes happen (e.g., WM_FONTCHANGE in a
// Win32 application).
void ReloadSystemFonts();
// Tells the engine that the platform brightness value has changed. Should be
// called by clients when OS-level theme changes happen (e.g.,
void ReloadPlatformBrightness();
// flutter::PluginRegistry:
FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef GetRegistrarForPlugin(
const std::string& plugin_name) override;
// Returns the messenger to use for creating channels to communicate with the
// Flutter engine.
// This pointer will remain valid for the lifetime of this instance.
BinaryMessenger* messenger() { return messenger_.get(); }
// Schedule a callback to be called after the next frame is drawn.
// This must be called from the platform thread. The callback is executed only
// once on the platform thread.
void SetNextFrameCallback(std::function<void()> callback);
// Called to pass an external window message to the engine for lifecycle
// state updates. Non-Flutter windows must call this method in their WndProc
// in order to be included in the logic for application lifecycle state
// updates. Returns a result if the message should be consumed.
std::optional<LRESULT> ProcessExternalWindowMessage(HWND hwnd,
UINT message,
WPARAM wparam,
LPARAM lparam);
// For access to the engine handle.
friend class FlutterViewController;
// Gives up ownership of |engine_|, but keeps a weak reference to it.
// This is intended to be used by FlutterViewController, since the underlying
// C API for view controllers takes over engine ownership.
FlutterDesktopEngineRef RelinquishEngine();
// Handle for interacting with the C API's engine reference.
FlutterDesktopEngineRef engine_ = nullptr;
// Messenger for communicating with the engine.
std::unique_ptr<BinaryMessenger> messenger_;
// Whether or not this wrapper owns |engine_|.
bool owns_engine_ = true;
// Whether |Run| has been called successfully.
// This is used to improve error messages. This can be false while the engine
// is running if the engine was started by creating a view.
bool run_succeeded_ = false;
// The callback to execute once the next frame is drawn.
std::function<void()> next_frame_callback_ = nullptr;
} // namespace flutter