blob: 36ea6ac883efa255b7dbddd3371d446dc5e2644c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/flow/layers/container_layer.h"
#include <optional>
namespace flutter {
ContainerLayer::ContainerLayer() : child_paint_bounds_(SkRect::MakeEmpty()) {}
void ContainerLayer::Diff(DiffContext* context, const Layer* old_layer) {
auto old_container = static_cast<const ContainerLayer*>(old_layer);
DiffContext::AutoSubtreeRestore subtree(context);
DiffChildren(context, old_container);
context->SetLayerPaintRegion(this, context->CurrentSubtreeRegion());
void ContainerLayer::PreservePaintRegion(DiffContext* context) {
for (auto& layer : layers_) {
void ContainerLayer::DiffChildren(DiffContext* context,
const ContainerLayer* old_layer) {
if (context->IsSubtreeDirty()) {
for (auto& layer : layers_) {
layer->Diff(context, nullptr);
const auto& prev_layers = old_layer->layers_;
// first mismatched element
int new_children_top = 0;
int old_children_top = 0;
// last mismatched element
int new_children_bottom = layers_.size() - 1;
int old_children_bottom = prev_layers.size() - 1;
while ((old_children_top <= old_children_bottom) &&
(new_children_top <= new_children_bottom)) {
if (!layers_[new_children_top]->IsReplacing(
context, prev_layers[old_children_top].get())) {
while ((old_children_top <= old_children_bottom) &&
(new_children_top <= new_children_bottom)) {
if (!layers_[new_children_bottom]->IsReplacing(
context, prev_layers[old_children_bottom].get())) {
// old layers that don't match
for (int i = old_children_top; i <= old_children_bottom; ++i) {
auto layer = prev_layers[i];
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(layers_.size()); ++i) {
if (i < new_children_top || i > new_children_bottom) {
int i_prev =
i < new_children_top ? i : prev_layers.size() - (layers_.size() - i);
auto layer = layers_[i];
auto prev_layer = prev_layers[i_prev];
auto paint_region = context->GetOldLayerPaintRegion(prev_layer.get());
if (layer == prev_layer && !paint_region.has_readback() &&
!paint_region.has_texture()) {
// for retained layers, stop processing the subtree and add existing
// region; We know current subtree is not dirty (every ancestor up to
// here matches) so the retained subtree will render identically to
// previous frame; We can only do this if there is no readback in the
// subtree. Layers that do readback must be able to register readback
// inside Diff
// While we don't need to diff retained layers, we still need to
// associate their paint region with current layer tree so that we can
// retrieve it in next frame diff
} else {
layer->Diff(context, prev_layer.get());
} else {
DiffContext::AutoSubtreeRestore subtree(context);
auto layer = layers_[i];
layer->Diff(context, nullptr);
void ContainerLayer::Add(std::shared_ptr<Layer> layer) {
void ContainerLayer::Preroll(PrerollContext* context, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "ContainerLayer::Preroll");
SkRect child_paint_bounds = SkRect::MakeEmpty();
PrerollChildren(context, matrix, &child_paint_bounds);
void ContainerLayer::Paint(PaintContext& context) const {
static bool safe_intersection_test(const SkRect* rect1, const SkRect& rect2) {
if (rect1->isEmpty() || rect2.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return rect1->intersects(rect2);
void ContainerLayer::PrerollChildren(PrerollContext* context,
const SkMatrix& child_matrix,
SkRect* child_paint_bounds) {
// Platform views have no children, so context->has_platform_view should
// always be false.
bool child_has_platform_view = false;
bool child_has_texture_layer = false;
bool subtree_can_inherit_opacity = layer_can_inherit_opacity();
for (auto& layer : layers_) {
// Reset context->has_platform_view to false so that layers aren't treated
// as if they have a platform view based on one being previously found in a
// sibling tree.
context->has_platform_view = false;
// Initialize the "inherit opacity" flag to the value recorded in the layer
// and allow it to override the answer during its |Preroll|
context->subtree_can_inherit_opacity = layer->layer_can_inherit_opacity();
layer->Preroll(context, child_matrix);
subtree_can_inherit_opacity =
subtree_can_inherit_opacity && context->subtree_can_inherit_opacity;
if (subtree_can_inherit_opacity &&
safe_intersection_test(child_paint_bounds, layer->paint_bounds())) {
// This will allow inheritance by a linear sequence of non-overlapping
// children, but will fail with a grid or other arbitrary 2D layout.
// See
subtree_can_inherit_opacity = false;
child_has_platform_view =
child_has_platform_view || context->has_platform_view;
child_has_texture_layer =
child_has_texture_layer || context->has_texture_layer;
context->has_platform_view = child_has_platform_view;
context->has_texture_layer = child_has_texture_layer;
context->subtree_can_inherit_opacity = subtree_can_inherit_opacity;
child_paint_bounds_ = *child_paint_bounds;
void ContainerLayer::PaintChildren(PaintContext& context) const {
// We can no longer call FML_DCHECK here on the needs_painting(context)
// condition as that test is only valid for the PaintContext that
// is initially handed to a layer's Paint() method. By the time the
// layer calls PaintChildren(), though, it may have modified the
// PaintContext so the test doesn't work in this "context".
// Intentionally not tracing here as there should be no self-time
// and the trace event on this common function has a small overhead.
for (auto& layer : layers_) {
if (layer->needs_painting(context)) {
void ContainerLayer::TryToPrepareRasterCache(
PrerollContext* context,
Layer* layer,
const SkMatrix& matrix,
RasterCacheLayerStrategy strategy) {
if (!context->has_platform_view && !context->has_texture_layer &&
context->raster_cache &&
SkRect::Intersects(context->cull_rect, layer->paint_bounds())) {
context->raster_cache->Prepare(context, layer, matrix, strategy);
} else if (context->raster_cache) {
// Don't evict raster cache entry during partial repaint
context->raster_cache->Touch(layer, matrix, strategy);
} // namespace flutter