blob: 4118621a6ec6aba2bbe183290b03f0f7a3836ebb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' hide window;
import 'helper.dart';
import 'text_scuba.dart';
typedef CanvasTest = FutureOr<void> Function(EngineCanvas canvas);
const Rect bounds = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 800, 600);
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
Future<void> testMain() async {
test('draws paragraphs with placeholders', () {
final BitmapCanvas canvas = BitmapCanvas(bounds, RenderStrategy());
Offset offset =;
for (final PlaceholderAlignment placeholderAlignment in PlaceholderAlignment.values) {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(
EngineParagraphStyle(fontFamily: 'Roboto', fontSize: 14.0),
(CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.pushStyle(TextStyle(color: black));
builder.addText('Lorem ipsum');
baselineOffset: 40.0,
baseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic,
builder.pushStyle(TextStyle(color: blue));
builder.addText('dolor sit amet, consecteur.');
// Draw the paragraph.
canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph, offset);
// Then fill the placeholders.
fillPlaceholder(canvas, offset, paragraph);
offset = offset.translate(0.0, paragraph.height + 30.0);
return takeScreenshot(canvas, bounds, 'canvas_paragraph_placeholders');
test('draws paragraphs with placeholders and text align', () {
final BitmapCanvas canvas = BitmapCanvas(bounds, RenderStrategy());
const List<TextAlign> aligns = <TextAlign>[
Offset offset =;
for (final TextAlign align in aligns) {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(
EngineParagraphStyle(fontFamily: 'Roboto', fontSize: 14.0, textAlign: align),
(CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.pushStyle(TextStyle(color: black));
builder.addPlaceholder(80.0, 50.0, PlaceholderAlignment.bottom);
builder.pushStyle(TextStyle(color: blue));
// Draw the paragraph.
canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph, offset);
// Then fill the placeholders.
fillPlaceholder(canvas, offset, paragraph);
offset = offset.translate(0.0, paragraph.height + 30.0);
return takeScreenshot(canvas, bounds, 'canvas_paragraph_placeholders_align');
test('draws paragraphs with placeholders and text align in DOM mode', () {
final DomCanvas canvas = DomCanvas(html.document.createElement('flt-picture'));
const List<TextAlign> aligns = <TextAlign>[
Offset offset =;
for (final TextAlign align in aligns) {
final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich(
EngineParagraphStyle(fontFamily: 'Roboto', fontSize: 14.0, textAlign: align),
(CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.pushStyle(TextStyle(color: black));
builder.addPlaceholder(80.0, 50.0, PlaceholderAlignment.bottom);
builder.pushStyle(TextStyle(color: blue));
// Draw the paragraph.
canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph, offset);
// Then fill the placeholders.
fillPlaceholder(canvas, offset, paragraph);
offset = offset.translate(0.0, paragraph.height + 30.0);
return takeScreenshot(canvas, bounds, 'canvas_paragraph_placeholders_align_dom');
test('draws paragraphs starting or ending with a placeholder', () {
const Rect bounds = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 420, 300);
final BitmapCanvas canvas = BitmapCanvas(bounds, RenderStrategy());
Offset offset = const Offset(10, 10);
// First paragraph with a placeholder at the beginning.
final CanvasParagraph paragraph1 = rich(
EngineParagraphStyle(fontFamily: 'Roboto', fontSize: 24.0, textAlign:,
(CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.addPlaceholder(80.0, 50.0, PlaceholderAlignment.baseline, baseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic);
builder.pushStyle(TextStyle(color: black));
builder.addText(' Lorem ipsum.');
// Draw the paragraph.
canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph1, offset);
fillPlaceholder(canvas, offset, paragraph1);
surroundParagraph(canvas, offset, paragraph1);
offset = offset.translate(0.0, paragraph1.height + 30.0);
// Second paragraph with a placeholder at the end.
final CanvasParagraph paragraph2 = rich(
EngineParagraphStyle(fontFamily: 'Roboto', fontSize: 24.0, textAlign:,
(CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.pushStyle(TextStyle(color: black));
builder.addText('Lorem ipsum ');
builder.addPlaceholder(80.0, 50.0, PlaceholderAlignment.baseline, baseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic);
// Draw the paragraph.
canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph2, offset);
fillPlaceholder(canvas, offset, paragraph2);
surroundParagraph(canvas, offset, paragraph2);
offset = offset.translate(0.0, paragraph2.height + 30.0);
// Third paragraph with a placeholder alone in the second line.
final CanvasParagraph paragraph3 = rich(
EngineParagraphStyle(fontFamily: 'Roboto', fontSize: 24.0, textAlign:,
(CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {
builder.pushStyle(TextStyle(color: black));
builder.addText('Lorem ipsum ');
builder.addPlaceholder(80.0, 50.0, PlaceholderAlignment.baseline, baseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic);
// Draw the paragraph.
canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph3, offset);
fillPlaceholder(canvas, offset, paragraph3);
surroundParagraph(canvas, offset, paragraph3);
return takeScreenshot(canvas, bounds, 'canvas_paragraph_placeholders_start_and_end');
void surroundParagraph(
EngineCanvas canvas,
Offset offset,
CanvasParagraph paragraph,
) {
final Rect rect = offset & Size(paragraph.width, paragraph.height);
final SurfacePaint paint = SurfacePaint()..color = = PaintingStyle.stroke;
canvas.drawRect(rect, paint.paintData);
void fillPlaceholder(
EngineCanvas canvas,
Offset offset,
CanvasParagraph paragraph,
) {
final TextBox placeholderBox = paragraph.getBoxesForPlaceholders().single;
final SurfacePaint paint = SurfacePaint()..color = red;
canvas.drawRect(placeholderBox.toRect().shift(offset), paint.paintData);