blob: 63a5cd197ab30c83b21ca48a8e67d18f3ad33383 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter-embedder-test2.h"
namespace flutter_embedder_test2 {
// TODO(richkadel): To run the test serving the runner and test packages from
// the flutter/engine package server (via
// `//flutter/tools/fuchsia/devshell/`), change `` to
// `engine`.
constexpr char kParentViewUrl[] =
constexpr scenic::Color kParentBackgroundColor = {0x00, 0x00, 0xFF,
0xFF}; // Blue
constexpr scenic::Color kParentTappedColor = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF}; // Black
constexpr scenic::Color kChildBackgroundColor = {0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
0xFF}; // Pink
constexpr scenic::Color kChildTappedColor = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF}; // Yellow
// TODO(fxb/94000): The new flutter renderer draws overlays as a single, large
// layer. Some parts of this layer are fully transparent, so we want the
// compositor to treat the layer as transparent and blend it with the contents
// below.
// The gfx Scenic API only provides one way to mark this layer as transparent
// which is to set an opacity < 1.0 for the entire layer. In practice, we use
// 0.9961 (254 / 255) as an opacity value to force transparency. Unfortunately
// this causes the overlay to blend very slightly and it looks wrong.
// Flatland allows marking a layer as transparent while still using a 1.0
// opacity value when blending, so migrating flutter to Flatland will fix this
// issue. For now we just hard-code the broken, blended values.
constexpr scenic::Color kOverlayBackgroundColor1 = {
0x00, 0xFF, 0x0E, 0xFF}; // Green, blended with blue (FEMU local)
constexpr scenic::Color kOverlayBackgroundColor2 = {
0x0E, 0xFF, 0x0E, 0xFF}; // Green, blended with pink (FEMU local)
constexpr scenic::Color kOverlayBackgroundColor3 = {
0x00, 0xFF, 0x0D, 0xFF}; // Green, blended with blue (AEMU infra)
constexpr scenic::Color kOverlayBackgroundColor4 = {
0x0D, 0xFF, 0x0D, 0xFF}; // Green, blended with pink (AEMU infra)
constexpr scenic::Color kOverlayBackgroundColor5 = {
0x00, 0xFE, 0x0D, 0xFF}; // Green, blended with blue (NUC)
constexpr scenic::Color kOverlayBackgroundColor6 = {
0x0D, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF}; // Green, blended with pink (NUC)
static size_t OverlayPixelCount(std::map<scenic::Color, size_t>& histogram) {
return histogram[kOverlayBackgroundColor1] +
histogram[kOverlayBackgroundColor2] +
histogram[kOverlayBackgroundColor3] +
histogram[kOverlayBackgroundColor4] +
histogram[kOverlayBackgroundColor5] +
/// Defines a list of services that are injected into the test environment.
/// Unlike the injected-services in CMX which are injected per test package,
/// these are injected per test and result in a more hermetic test environment.
const std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const char*>> GetInjectedServices() {
std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const char*>> injected_services = {{
"fuchsia-pkg://"}, // For
// root_presenter
// TODO( Remove this after migrating to RealmBuilder.
return injected_services;
TEST_F(FlutterScenicEmbedderTests, Embedding) {
// Take screenshot until we see the child-view2's embedded color.
kChildBackgroundColor, [](scenic::Screenshot screenshot,
std::map<scenic::Color, size_t> histogram) {
// Expect parent and child background colors, with parent color > child
// color.
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kParentBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kChildBackgroundColor], 0u);
// Expect all corners to be the parent-view2 background color
EXPECT_EQ(kParentBackgroundColor, screenshot.ColorAtPixelXY(10, 10));
screenshot.ColorAtPixelXY(screenshot.width() - 10, 0));
screenshot.ColorAtPixelXY(0, screenshot.height() - 10));
screenshot.ColorAtPixelXY(screenshot.width() - 10,
screenshot.height() - 10));
TEST_F(FlutterScenicEmbedderTests, HittestEmbedding) {
// Take screenshot until we see the child-view2's embedded color.
// Tap the center of child view2.
// Take screenshot until we see the child-view2's tapped color.
kChildTappedColor, [](scenic::Screenshot screenshot,
std::map<scenic::Color, size_t> histogram) {
// Expect parent and child background colors, with parent color > child
// color.
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kParentBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(histogram[kChildBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kChildTappedColor], 0u);
TEST_F(FlutterScenicEmbedderTests, HittestDisabledEmbedding) {
RunAppWithArgs(kParentViewUrl, {"--no-hitTestable"});
// Take screenshots until we see the child-view2's embedded color.
// Tap the center of child view2. Since it's not hit-testable, the tap should
// go to the parent.
// The parent-view2 should change color.
kParentTappedColor, [](scenic::Screenshot screenshot,
std::map<scenic::Color, size_t> histogram) {
// Expect parent and child background colors, with parent color > child
// color.
EXPECT_EQ(histogram[kParentBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kParentTappedColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kChildBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(histogram[kChildTappedColor], 0u);
TEST_F(FlutterScenicEmbedderTests, EmbeddingWithOverlay) {
RunAppWithArgs(kParentViewUrl, {"--showOverlay"});
// Take screenshot until we see the child-view2's embedded color.
kChildBackgroundColor, [](scenic::Screenshot screenshot,
std::map<scenic::Color, size_t> histogram) {
// Expect parent, overlay and child background colors.
// With parent color > child color and overlay color > child color.
const size_t overlay_pixel_count = OverlayPixelCount(histogram);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kParentBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(overlay_pixel_count, 0u);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kChildBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(overlay_pixel_count, histogram[kChildBackgroundColor]);
TEST_F(FlutterScenicEmbedderTests, HittestEmbeddingWithOverlay) {
RunAppWithArgs(kParentViewUrl, {"--showOverlay"});
// Take screenshot until we see the child-view2's embedded color.
// Tap the center of child view2.
// Take screenshot until we see the child-view2's tapped color.
kChildTappedColor, [](scenic::Screenshot screenshot,
std::map<scenic::Color, size_t> histogram) {
// Expect parent, overlay and child background colors.
// With parent color > child color and overlay color > child color.
const size_t overlay_pixel_count = OverlayPixelCount(histogram);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kParentBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(overlay_pixel_count, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(histogram[kChildBackgroundColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(histogram[kChildTappedColor], 0u);
EXPECT_GT(overlay_pixel_count, histogram[kChildTappedColor]);
} // namespace flutter_embedder_test2