blob: 9e827b83b0ee0e860623b03d655d2017daf85bdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unordered_map>
#include "flutter/flow/embedded_views.h"
#include "flutter/flow/rtree.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/android/context/android_context.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/android/external_view_embedder/surface_pool.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/android/jni/platform_view_android_jni.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPictureRecorder.h"
namespace flutter {
/// Allows to embed Android views into a Flutter application.
/// This class calls Java methods via |PlatformViewAndroidJNI| to manage the
/// lifecycle of the Android view corresponding to |flutter::PlatformViewLayer|.
/// It also orchestrates overlay surfaces. These are Android views
/// that render above (by Z order) the Android view corresponding to
/// |flutter::PlatformViewLayer|.
class AndroidExternalViewEmbedder final : public ExternalViewEmbedder {
std::shared_ptr<AndroidContext> android_context,
std::shared_ptr<PlatformViewAndroidJNI> jni_facade,
const AndroidSurface::Factory& surface_factory);
// |ExternalViewEmbedder|
void PrerollCompositeEmbeddedView(
int view_id,
std::unique_ptr<flutter::EmbeddedViewParams> params) override;
// |ExternalViewEmbedder|
SkCanvas* CompositeEmbeddedView(int view_id) override;
// |ExternalViewEmbedder|
std::vector<SkCanvas*> GetCurrentCanvases() override;
// |ExternalViewEmbedder|
void SubmitFrame(GrDirectContext* context,
std::unique_ptr<SurfaceFrame> frame) override;
// |ExternalViewEmbedder|
PostPrerollResult PostPrerollAction(
fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> raster_thread_merger) override;
// |ExternalViewEmbedder|
SkCanvas* GetRootCanvas() override;
// |ExternalViewEmbedder|
void BeginFrame(
SkISize frame_size,
GrDirectContext* context,
double device_pixel_ratio,
fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> raster_thread_merger) override;
// |ExternalViewEmbedder|
void CancelFrame() override;
// |ExternalViewEmbedder|
void EndFrame(
bool should_resubmit_frame,
fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> raster_thread_merger) override;
// Gets the rect based on the device pixel ratio of a platform view displayed
// on the screen.
SkRect GetViewRect(int view_id) const;
static const int kMaxLayerAllocations = 2;
// The number of frames the rasterizer task runner will continue
// to run on the platform thread after no platform view is rendered.
// Note: this is an arbitrary number that attempts to account for cases
// where the platform view might be momentarily off the screen.
static const int kDefaultMergedLeaseDuration = 10;
// Provides metadata to the Android surfaces.
const std::shared_ptr<AndroidContext> android_context_;
// Allows to call methods in Java.
const std::shared_ptr<PlatformViewAndroidJNI> jni_facade_;
// Allows to create surfaces.
const AndroidSurface::Factory surface_factory_;
// Holds surfaces. Allows to recycle surfaces or allocate new ones.
const std::unique_ptr<SurfacePool> surface_pool_;
// Whether the rasterizer task runner should run on the platform thread.
// When this is true, the current frame is cancelled and resubmitted.
bool should_run_rasterizer_on_platform_thread_ = false;
// The size of the root canvas.
SkISize frame_size_;
// The pixel ratio used to determinate the size of a platform view layer
// relative to the device layout system.
double device_pixel_ratio_;
// The order of composition. Each entry contains a unique id for the platform
// view.
std::vector<int64_t> composition_order_;
// The platform view's picture recorder keyed off the platform view id, which
// contains any subsequent operation until the next platform view or the end
// of the last leaf node in the layer tree.
std::unordered_map<int64_t, std::unique_ptr<SkPictureRecorder>>
// The params for a platform view, which contains the size, position and
// mutation stack.
std::unordered_map<int64_t, EmbeddedViewParams> view_params_;
// The r-tree that captures the operations for the picture recorders.
std::unordered_map<int64_t, sk_sp<RTree>> view_rtrees_;
// The number of platform views in the previous frame.
int64_t previous_frame_view_count_;
// Resets the state.
void Reset();
// Creates a Surface when needed or recycles an existing one.
// Finally, draws the picture on the frame's canvas.
std::unique_ptr<SurfaceFrame> CreateSurfaceIfNeeded(GrDirectContext* context,
int64_t view_id,
sk_sp<SkPicture> picture,
const SkRect& rect);
} // namespace flutter