blob: e69186f47867c2016ecc29d640b5f42b91da1264 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <impeller/blending.glsl>
#include <impeller/color.glsl>
#include <impeller/texture.glsl>
#include <impeller/types.glsl>
#include "blend_select.glsl"
layout(constant_id = 0) const float blend_type = 0.0;
layout(constant_id = 1) const float supports_decal = 1.0;
uniform BlendInfo {
float16_t dst_input_alpha;
float16_t src_input_alpha;
float16_t color_factor;
f16vec4 color; // This color input is expected to be unpremultiplied.
float supports_decal_sampler_address_mode;
uniform f16sampler2D texture_sampler_dst;
uniform f16sampler2D texture_sampler_src;
in vec2 v_dst_texture_coords;
in vec2 v_src_texture_coords;
out f16vec4 frag_color;
f16vec4 Sample(f16sampler2D texture_sampler, vec2 texture_coords) {
if (supports_decal > 0.0) {
return texture(texture_sampler, texture_coords);
return IPHalfSampleDecal(texture_sampler, texture_coords);
void main() {
f16vec4 dst_sample = Sample(texture_sampler_dst, // sampler
v_dst_texture_coords // texture coordinates
) *
f16vec4 dst = dst_sample;
f16vec4 src = blend_info.color_factor > 0.0hf
? blend_info.color
: Sample(texture_sampler_src, // sampler
v_src_texture_coords // texture coordinates
) *
f16vec3 blend_result = AdvancedBlend(dst.rgb, src.rgb, int(blend_type));
f16vec4 blended = mix(src, f16vec4(blend_result, dst.a), dst.a);
frag_color = mix(dst_sample, blended, src.a);