blob: 8d60a25b358a764a66739e6412c019882e3f878a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:js/js_util.dart' as js_util;
/// This file contains static interop classes for interacting with the DOM and
/// some helpers. All of the classes in this file are named after their
/// counterparts in the DOM. To extend any of these classes, simply add an
/// external method to the appropriate class's extension. To add a new class,
/// simply name the class after it's counterpart in the DOM and prefix the
/// class name with `Dom`.
/// NOTE: After the new static interop DOM API is released in the Dart SDK,
/// these classes will be replaced by typedefs.
/// NOTE: Currently, optional parameters do not behave as expected.
/// For the time being, avoid passing optional parameters directly to JS.
/// NOTE: Please avoid typing external JS functions with `int`, as passing ints
/// to and from JS is not supported on all web backends.
class DomWindow extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomWindowExtension on DomWindow {
external DomConsole get console;
external double get devicePixelRatio;
external DomDocument get document;
external DomHistory get history;
external double? get innerHeight;
external double? get innerWidth;
external DomLocation get location;
external DomNavigator get navigator;
external DomVisualViewport? get visualViewport;
external DomPerformance get performance;
Future<Object?> fetch(String url) =>
js_util.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'fetch', <String>[url]));
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
external DomURL get URL;
external bool dispatchEvent(DomEvent event);
external DomMediaQueryList matchMedia(String? query);
DomCSSStyleDeclaration getComputedStyle(DomElement elt,
[String? pseudoElt]) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'getComputedStyle', <Object>[
if (pseudoElt != null) pseudoElt
]) as DomCSSStyleDeclaration;
external DomScreen? get screen;
external double requestAnimationFrame(DomRequestAnimationFrameCallback callback);
void postMessage(Object message, String targetOrigin,
[List<DomMessagePort>? messagePorts]) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'postMessage', <Object?>[
if (messagePorts != null) js_util.jsify(messagePorts)
/// The Trusted Types API (when available).
/// See:
external DomTrustedTypePolicyFactory? get trustedTypes;
// ignore: non_constant_identifier_names
external DomIntl get Intl;
typedef DomRequestAnimationFrameCallback = void Function(num highResTime);
class DomConsole {}
extension DomConsoleExtension on DomConsole {
external void warn(Object? arg);
external void error(Object? arg);
external void debug(Object? arg);
external DomWindow get domWindow;
class DomNavigator {}
extension DomNavigatorExtension on DomNavigator {
external DomClipboard? get clipboard;
external double? get maxTouchPoints;
external String get vendor;
external String get language;
external String? get platform;
external String get userAgent;
List<String>? get languages =>
js_util.getProperty<List<Object?>?>(this, 'languages')?.cast<String>();
class DomDocument extends DomNode {}
extension DomDocumentExtension on DomDocument {
external DomElement? get documentElement;
external DomElement? querySelector(String selectors);
Iterable<DomElement> querySelectorAll(String selectors) =>
.callMethod<_DomList>(this, 'querySelectorAll', <Object>[selectors]));
DomElement createElement(String name, [Object? options]) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'createElement',
<Object>[name, if (options != null) options]) as DomElement;
external bool execCommand(String commandId);
external DomHTMLScriptElement? get currentScript;
external DomElement createElementNS(
String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName);
external DomText createTextNode(String data);
external DomEvent createEvent(String eventType);
external DomElement? get activeElement;
DomElement? elementFromPoint(int x, int y) =>
js_util.callMethod<DomElement?>(this, 'elementFromPoint',
<Object>[x.toDouble(), y.toDouble()]);
class DomHTMLDocument extends DomDocument {}
extension DomHTMLDocumentExtension on DomHTMLDocument {
external DomFontFaceSet? get fonts;
external DomHTMLHeadElement? get head;
external DomHTMLBodyElement? get body;
external set title(String? value);
external String? get title;
Iterable<DomElement> getElementsByTagName(String tag) =>
.callMethod<_DomList>(this, 'getElementsByTagName', <Object>[tag]));
external DomElement? get activeElement;
external DomElement? getElementById(String id);
external DomHTMLDocument get domDocument;
class DomEventTarget {}
extension DomEventTargetExtension on DomEventTarget {
void addEventListener(String type, DomEventListener? listener,
[bool? useCapture]) {
if (listener != null) {
js_util.callMethod(this, 'addEventListener',
<Object>[type, listener, if (useCapture != null) useCapture]);
void removeEventListener(String type, DomEventListener? listener,
[bool? useCapture]) {
if (listener != null) {
js_util.callMethod(this, 'removeEventListener',
<Object>[type, listener, if (useCapture != null) useCapture]);
external bool dispatchEvent(DomEvent event);
typedef DomEventListener = void Function(DomEvent event);
class DomEvent {}
extension DomEventExtension on DomEvent {
external DomEventTarget? get target;
external double? get timeStamp;
external String get type;
external void preventDefault();
external void stopPropagation();
void initEvent(String type, [bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable]) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'initEvent', <Object>[
if (bubbles != null) bubbles,
if (cancelable != null) cancelable
external bool get defaultPrevented;
DomEvent createDomEvent(String type, String name) {
final DomEvent event = domDocument.createEvent(type);
event.initEvent(name, true, true);
return event;
class DomProgressEvent extends DomEvent {}
extension DomProgressEventExtension on DomProgressEvent {
external double? get loaded;
external double? get total;
class DomNode extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomNodeExtension on DomNode {
external String? get baseUri;
external DomNode? get firstChild;
external String get innerText;
external DomNode? get lastChild;
external DomNode appendChild(DomNode node);
DomElement? get parent => js_util.getProperty(this, 'parentElement');
String? get text => js_util.getProperty(this, 'textContent');
external DomNode? get parentNode;
external DomNode? get nextSibling;
external DomNode insertBefore(DomNode newNode, DomNode? referenceNode);
void remove() {
if (parentNode != null) {
final DomNode parent = parentNode!;
external DomNode removeChild(DomNode child);
external bool? get isConnected;
set text(String? value) =>
js_util.setProperty<String?>(this, 'textContent', value);
external DomNode cloneNode(bool? deep);
external bool contains(DomNode? other);
external void append(DomNode node);
Iterable<DomNode> get childNodes => createDomListWrapper<DomElement>(
js_util.getProperty<_DomList>(this, 'childNodes'));
external DomDocument? get ownerDocument;
void clearChildren() {
while (firstChild != null) {
class DomElement extends DomNode {}
DomElement createDomElement(String tag) => domDocument.createElement(tag);
extension DomElementExtension on DomElement {
Iterable<DomElement> get children => createDomListWrapper<DomElement>(
js_util.getProperty<_DomList>(this, 'children'));
external double get clientHeight;
external double get clientWidth;
external String get id;
external set id(String id);
external set innerHtml(String? html);
external String? get outerHTML;
external set spellcheck(bool? value);
external String get tagName;
external DomCSSStyleDeclaration get style;
external void append(DomNode node);
external String? getAttribute(String attributeName);
external DomRect getBoundingClientRect();
external void prepend(DomNode node);
external DomElement? querySelector(String selectors);
Iterable<DomElement> querySelectorAll(String selectors) =>
.callMethod<_DomList>(this, 'querySelectorAll', <Object>[selectors]));
external void remove();
external void setAttribute(String name, Object value);
void appendText(String text) => append(createDomText(text));
external void removeAttribute(String name);
external set tabIndex(double? value);
external double? get tabIndex;
external void focus();
external double get scrollTop;
external set scrollTop(double value);
external double get scrollLeft;
external set scrollLeft(double value);
external DomTokenList get classList;
external set className(String value);
external String get className;
external void blur();
List<DomNode> getElementsByTagName(String tag) =>
this, 'getElementsByTagName', <Object>[tag]).cast<DomNode>();
List<DomNode> getElementsByClassName(String className) =>
this, 'getElementsByClassName', <Object>[className]).cast<DomNode>();
external void click();
external bool hasAttribute(String name);
Iterable<DomNode> get childNodes => createDomListWrapper<DomElement>(
js_util.getProperty<_DomList>(this, 'childNodes'));
DomShadowRoot attachShadow(Map<Object?, Object?> initDict) => js_util
.callMethod(this, 'attachShadow', <Object?>[js_util.jsify(initDict)])
as DomShadowRoot;
external DomShadowRoot? get shadowRoot;
void clearChildren() {
while (firstChild != null) {
class DomCSSStyleDeclaration {}
extension DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension on DomCSSStyleDeclaration {
set width(String value) => setProperty('width', value);
set height(String value) => setProperty('height', value);
set position(String value) => setProperty('position', value);
set clip(String value) => setProperty('clip', value);
set clipPath(String value) => setProperty('clip-path', value);
set transform(String value) => setProperty('transform', value);
set transformOrigin(String value) => setProperty('transform-origin', value);
set opacity(String value) => setProperty('opacity', value);
set color(String value) => setProperty('color', value);
set top(String value) => setProperty('top', value);
set left(String value) => setProperty('left', value);
set right(String value) => setProperty('right', value);
set bottom(String value) => setProperty('bottom', value);
set backgroundColor(String value) => setProperty('background-color', value);
set caretColor(String value) => setProperty('caret-color', value);
set pointerEvents(String value) => setProperty('pointer-events', value);
set filter(String value) => setProperty('filter', value);
set zIndex(String value) => setProperty('z-index', value);
set whiteSpace(String value) => setProperty('white-space', value);
set lineHeight(String value) => setProperty('line-height', value);
set textStroke(String value) => setProperty('-webkit-text-stroke', value);
set fontSize(String value) => setProperty('font-size', value);
set fontWeight(String value) => setProperty('font-weight', value);
set fontStyle(String value) => setProperty('font-style', value);
set fontFamily(String value) => setProperty('font-family', value);
set letterSpacing(String value) => setProperty('letter-spacing', value);
set wordSpacing(String value) => setProperty('word-spacing', value);
set textShadow(String value) => setProperty('text-shadow', value);
set textDecoration(String value) => setProperty('text-decoration', value);
set textDecorationColor(String value) =>
setProperty('text-decoration-color', value);
set fontFeatureSettings(String value) =>
setProperty('font-feature-settings', value);
set fontVariationSettings(String value) =>
setProperty('font-variation-settings', value);
set visibility(String value) => setProperty('visibility', value);
set overflow(String value) => setProperty('overflow', value);
set boxShadow(String value) => setProperty('box-shadow', value);
set borderTopLeftRadius(String value) =>
setProperty('border-top-left-radius', value);
set borderTopRightRadius(String value) =>
setProperty('border-top-right-radius', value);
set borderBottomLeftRadius(String value) =>
setProperty('border-bottom-left-radius', value);
set borderBottomRightRadius(String value) =>
setProperty('border-bottom-right-radius', value);
set borderRadius(String value) => setProperty('border-radius', value);
set perspective(String value) => setProperty('perspective', value);
set padding(String value) => setProperty('padding', value);
set backgroundImage(String value) => setProperty('background-image', value);
set border(String value) => setProperty('border', value);
set mixBlendMode(String value) => setProperty('mix-blend-mode', value);
set backgroundSize(String value) => setProperty('background-size', value);
set backgroundBlendMode(String value) =>
setProperty('background-blend-mode', value);
set transformStyle(String value) => setProperty('transform-style', value);
set display(String value) => setProperty('display', value);
set flexDirection(String value) => setProperty('flex-direction', value);
set alignItems(String value) => setProperty('align-items', value);
set margin(String value) => setProperty('margin', value);
set background(String value) => setProperty('background', value);
set touchAction(String value) => setProperty('touch-action', value);
set overflowY(String value) => setProperty('overflow-y', value);
set overflowX(String value) => setProperty('overflow-x', value);
set outline(String value) => setProperty('outline', value);
set resize(String value) => setProperty('resize', value);
set alignContent(String value) => setProperty('align-content', value);
set textAlign(String value) => setProperty('text-align', value);
set font(String value) => setProperty('font', value);
String get width => getPropertyValue('width');
String get height => getPropertyValue('height');
String get position => getPropertyValue('position');
String get clip => getPropertyValue('clip');
String get clipPath => getPropertyValue('clip-path');
String get transform => getPropertyValue('transform');
String get transformOrigin => getPropertyValue('transform-origin');
String get opacity => getPropertyValue('opacity');
String get color => getPropertyValue('color');
String get top => getPropertyValue('top');
String get left => getPropertyValue('left');
String get right => getPropertyValue('right');
String get bottom => getPropertyValue('bottom');
String get backgroundColor => getPropertyValue('background-color');
String get caretColor => getPropertyValue('caret-color');
String get pointerEvents => getPropertyValue('pointer-events');
String get filter => getPropertyValue('filter');
String get zIndex => getPropertyValue('z-index');
String get whiteSpace => getPropertyValue('white-space');
String get lineHeight => getPropertyValue('line-height');
String get textStroke => getPropertyValue('-webkit-text-stroke');
String get fontSize => getPropertyValue('font-size');
String get fontWeight => getPropertyValue('font-weight');
String get fontStyle => getPropertyValue('font-style');
String get fontFamily => getPropertyValue('font-family');
String get letterSpacing => getPropertyValue('letter-spacing');
String get wordSpacing => getPropertyValue('word-spacing');
String get textShadow => getPropertyValue('text-shadow');
String get textDecorationColor => getPropertyValue('text-decoration-color');
String get fontFeatureSettings => getPropertyValue('font-feature-settings');
String get fontVariationSettings =>
String get visibility => getPropertyValue('visibility');
String get overflow => getPropertyValue('overflow');
String get boxShadow => getPropertyValue('box-shadow');
String get borderTopLeftRadius => getPropertyValue('border-top-left-radius');
String get borderTopRightRadius =>
String get borderBottomLeftRadius =>
String get borderBottomRightRadius =>
String get borderRadius => getPropertyValue('border-radius');
String get perspective => getPropertyValue('perspective');
String get padding => getPropertyValue('padding');
String get backgroundImage => getPropertyValue('background-image');
String get border => getPropertyValue('border');
String get mixBlendMode => getPropertyValue('mix-blend-mode');
String get backgroundSize => getPropertyValue('background-size');
String get backgroundBlendMode => getPropertyValue('background-blend-mode');
String get transformStyle => getPropertyValue('transform-style');
String get display => getPropertyValue('display');
String get flexDirection => getPropertyValue('flex-direction');
String get alignItems => getPropertyValue('align-items');
String get margin => getPropertyValue('margin');
String get background => getPropertyValue('background');
String get touchAction => getPropertyValue('touch-action');
String get overflowY => getPropertyValue('overflow-y');
String get overflowX => getPropertyValue('overflow-x');
String get outline => getPropertyValue('outline');
String get resize => getPropertyValue('resize');
String get alignContent => getPropertyValue('align-content');
String get textAlign => getPropertyValue('text-align');
String get font => getPropertyValue('font');
external String getPropertyValue(String property);
void setProperty(String propertyName, String value, [String? priority]) {
priority ??= '';
this, 'setProperty', <Object>[propertyName, value, priority]);
external String removeProperty(String property);
class DomHTMLElement extends DomElement {}
extension DomHTMLElementExtension on DomHTMLElement {
external double get offsetWidth;
class DomHTMLMetaElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
extension DomHTMLMetaElementExtension on DomHTMLMetaElement {
external String get name;
external set name(String value);
external String get content;
external set content(String value);
DomHTMLMetaElement createDomHTMLMetaElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('meta') as DomHTMLMetaElement;
class DomHTMLHeadElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
class DomHTMLBodyElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
class DomHTMLImageElement extends DomHTMLElement
implements DomCanvasImageSource {}
DomHTMLImageElement createDomHTMLImageElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('img') as DomHTMLImageElement;
extension DomHTMLImageElementExtension on DomHTMLImageElement {
external String? get alt;
external set alt(String? value);
external String? get src;
external set src(String? value);
external double get naturalWidth;
external double get naturalHeight;
external set width(double? value);
external set height(double? value);
Future<dynamic> decode() =>
js_util.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'decode', <Object>[]));
class DomHTMLScriptElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
extension DomHTMLScriptElementExtension on DomHTMLScriptElement {
external set src(Object /* String|TrustedScriptURL */ value);
DomHTMLScriptElement createDomHTMLScriptElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('script') as DomHTMLScriptElement;
class DomHTMLDivElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
DomHTMLDivElement createDomHTMLDivElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('div') as DomHTMLDivElement;
class DomHTMLSpanElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
DomHTMLSpanElement createDomHTMLSpanElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('span') as DomHTMLSpanElement;
class DomHTMLButtonElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
DomHTMLButtonElement createDomHTMLButtonElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('button') as DomHTMLButtonElement;
class DomHTMLParagraphElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
DomHTMLParagraphElement createDomHTMLParagraphElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('p') as DomHTMLParagraphElement;
class DomHTMLStyleElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
extension DomHTMLStyleElementExtension on DomHTMLStyleElement {
external set type(String? value);
external DomStyleSheet? get sheet;
DomHTMLStyleElement createDomHTMLStyleElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('style') as DomHTMLStyleElement;
class DomPerformance extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomPerformanceExtension on DomPerformance {
external DomPerformanceEntry? mark(String markName);
external DomPerformanceMeasure? measure(
String measureName, String? startMark, String? endMark);
external double now();
class DomPerformanceEntry {}
class DomPerformanceMeasure extends DomPerformanceEntry {}
class DomCanvasElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
DomCanvasElement createDomCanvasElement({int? width, int? height}) {
final DomCanvasElement canvas =
domWindow.document.createElement('canvas') as DomCanvasElement;
if (width != null) {
canvas.width = width.toDouble();
if (height != null) {
canvas.height = height.toDouble();
return canvas;
extension DomCanvasElementExtension on DomCanvasElement {
external double? get width;
external set width(double? value);
external double? get height;
external set height(double? value);
external bool? get isConnected;
String toDataURL([String type = 'image/png']) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'toDataURL', <Object>[type]);
Object? getContext(String contextType, [Map<dynamic, dynamic>? attributes]) {
return js_util.callMethod(this, 'getContext', <Object?>[
if (attributes != null) js_util.jsify(attributes)
DomCanvasRenderingContext2D get context2D =>
getContext('2d')! as DomCanvasRenderingContext2D;
abstract class DomCanvasImageSource {}
class DomCanvasRenderingContext2D {}
extension DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension on DomCanvasRenderingContext2D {
external Object? get fillStyle;
external set fillStyle(Object? style);
external String get font;
external set font(String value);
external String get direction;
external set direction(String value);
external set lineWidth(num? value);
external set strokeStyle(Object? value);
external Object? get strokeStyle;
external void beginPath();
external void closePath();
external DomCanvasGradient createLinearGradient(
num x0, num y0, num x1, num y1);
external DomCanvasPattern? createPattern(Object image, String reptitionType);
external DomCanvasGradient createRadialGradient(
num x0, num y0, num r0, num x1, num y1, num r1);
external void drawImage(DomCanvasImageSource source, num destX, num destY);
void fill([Object? pathOrWinding]) => js_util.callMethod(
this, 'fill', <Object?>[if (pathOrWinding != null) pathOrWinding]);
external void fillRect(num x, num y, num width, num height);
void fillText(String text, num x, num y, [num? maxWidth]) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'fillText',
<Object>[text, x, y, if (maxWidth != null) maxWidth]);
DomImageData getImageData(int x, int y, int sw, int sh) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'getImageData',
<Object>[x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(), sw.toDouble(), sh.toDouble()]);
external void lineTo(num x, num y);
external DomTextMetrics measureText(String text);
external void moveTo(num x, num y);
external void save();
external void stroke();
external void rect(num x, num y, num width, num height);
external void resetTransform();
external void restore();
external void setTransform(num a, num b, num c, num d, num e, num f);
external void transform(num a, num b, num c, num d, num e, num f);
void clip([Object? pathOrWinding]) => js_util.callMethod(
this, 'clip', <Object?>[if (pathOrWinding != null) pathOrWinding]);
external void scale(num x, num y);
external void clearRect(num x, num y, num width, num height);
external void translate(num x, num y);
external void rotate(num angle);
external void bezierCurveTo(
num cp1x, num cp1y, num numcp2x, num cp2y, num x, num y);
external void quadraticCurveTo(num cpx, num cpy, num x, num y);
external set globalCompositeOperation(String value);
external set lineCap(String value);
external set lineJoin(String value);
external set shadowBlur(num value);
void arc(num x, num y, num radius, num startAngle, num endAngle,
[bool antiClockwise = false]) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'arc',
<Object>[x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise]);
external set filter(String? value);
external set shadowOffsetX(num? x);
external set shadowOffsetY(num? y);
external set shadowColor(String? value);
external void ellipse(num x, num y, num radiusX, num radiusY, num rotation,
num startAngle, num endAngle, bool? antiClockwise);
external void strokeText(String text, num x, num y);
external set globalAlpha(num? value);
class DomCanvasRenderingContextWebGl {}
extension DomCanvasRenderingContextWebGlExtension on DomCanvasRenderingContextWebGl {
external bool isContextLost();
class DomImageData {}
DomImageData createDomImageData(Object? data, int sw, int sh) => js_util
.callConstructor(domGetConstructor('ImageData')!, <Object?>[data,
sw.toDouble(), sh.toDouble()]);
extension DomImageDataExtension on DomImageData {
external Uint8ClampedList get data;
class DomCanvasPattern {}
class DomCanvasGradient {}
extension DomCanvasGradientExtension on DomCanvasGradient {
external void addColorStop(num offset, String color);
class DomXMLHttpRequestEventTarget extends DomEventTarget {}
class DomXMLHttpRequest extends DomXMLHttpRequestEventTarget {}
DomXMLHttpRequest createDomXMLHttpRequest() =>
domCallConstructorString('XMLHttpRequest', <Object?>[])!
as DomXMLHttpRequest;
extension DomXMLHttpRequestExtension on DomXMLHttpRequest {
external dynamic get response;
external String? get responseText;
external String get responseType;
external double? get status;
external set responseType(String value);
void open(String method, String url, [bool? async]) => js_util.callMethod(
this, 'open', <Object>[method, url, if (async != null) async]);
void send([Object? bodyOrData]) => js_util
.callMethod(this, 'send', <Object>[if (bodyOrData != null) bodyOrData]);
Future<DomXMLHttpRequest> domHttpRequest(String url,
{String? responseType, String method = 'GET', dynamic sendData}) {
final Completer<DomXMLHttpRequest> completer = Completer<DomXMLHttpRequest>();
final DomXMLHttpRequest xhr = createDomXMLHttpRequest();, url, /* async */ true);
if (responseType != null) {
xhr.responseType = responseType;
xhr.addEventListener('load', allowInterop((DomEvent e) {
final int status = xhr.status!.toInt();
final bool accepted = status >= 200 && status < 300;
final bool fileUri = status == 0;
final bool notModified = status == 304;
final bool unknownRedirect = status > 307 && status < 400;
if (accepted || fileUri || notModified || unknownRedirect) {
} else {
xhr.addEventListener('error', allowInterop((DomEvent event) => completer.completeError(event)));
return completer.future;
class DomResponse {}
class DomCharacterData extends DomNode {}
class DomText extends DomCharacterData {}
DomText createDomText(String data) => domDocument.createTextNode(data);
class DomTextMetrics {}
extension DomTextMetricsExtension on DomTextMetrics {
external double? get width;
class DomException {
static const String notSupported = 'NotSupportedError';
extension DomExceptionExtension on DomException {
external String get name;
class DomRectReadOnly {}
extension DomRectReadOnlyExtension on DomRectReadOnly {
external double get x;
external double get y;
external double get width;
external double get height;
external double get top;
external double get right;
external double get bottom;
external double get left;
DomRect createDomRectFromPoints(DomPoint a, DomPoint b) {
final num left = math.min(a.x, b.x);
final num width = math.max(a.x, b.x) - left;
final num top = math.min(a.y, b.y);
final num height = math.max(a.y, b.y) - top;
return domCallConstructorString(
'DOMRect', <Object>[left, top, width, height])! as DomRect;
class DomRect extends DomRectReadOnly {}
class DomFontFace {}
DomFontFace createDomFontFace(String family, Object source,
[Map<Object?, Object?>? descriptors]) =>
domCallConstructorString('FontFace', <Object?>[
if (descriptors != null) js_util.jsify(descriptors)
])! as DomFontFace;
extension DomFontFaceExtension on DomFontFace {
Future<DomFontFace> load() =>
js_util.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'load', <Object>[]));
external String? get family;
class DomFontFaceSet extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomFontFaceSetExtension on DomFontFaceSet {
external DomFontFaceSet? add(DomFontFace font);
external void clear();
external void forEach(DomFontFaceSetForEachCallback callback);
typedef DomFontFaceSetForEachCallback = void Function(
DomFontFace fontFace, DomFontFace fontFaceAgain, DomFontFaceSet set);
class DomVisualViewport extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomVisualViewportExtension on DomVisualViewport {
external double? get height;
external double? get width;
class DomHTMLTextAreaElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
DomHTMLTextAreaElement createDomHTMLTextAreaElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('textarea') as DomHTMLTextAreaElement;
extension DomHTMLTextAreaElementExtension on DomHTMLTextAreaElement {
external set value(String? value);
external void select();
external set placeholder(String? value);
external set name(String value);
external double? get selectionStart;
external double? get selectionEnd;
external set selectionStart(double? value);
external set selectionEnd(double? value);
external String? get value;
void setSelectionRange(int start, int end, [String? direction]) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'setSelectionRange',
<Object>[start.toDouble(), end.toDouble(),
if (direction != null) direction]);
external String get name;
external String get placeholder;
class DomClipboard extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomClipboardExtension on DomClipboard {
Future<String> readText() => js_util.promiseToFuture<String>(
js_util.callMethod(this, 'readText', <Object>[]));
Future<dynamic> writeText(String data) => js_util
.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'writeText', <Object>[data]));
extension DomResponseExtension on DomResponse {
Future<dynamic> arrayBuffer() => js_util
.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'arrayBuffer', <Object>[]));
Future<dynamic> json() =>
js_util.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'json', <Object>[]));
Future<String> text() =>
js_util.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'text', <Object>[]));
class DomUIEvent extends DomEvent {}
class DomKeyboardEvent extends DomUIEvent {}
extension DomKeyboardEventExtension on DomKeyboardEvent {
external bool get altKey;
external String? get code;
external bool get ctrlKey;
external String? get key;
external double get keyCode;
external double get location;
external bool get metaKey;
external bool? get repeat;
external bool get shiftKey;
external bool getModifierState(String keyArg);
class DomHistory {}
extension DomHistoryExtension on DomHistory {
dynamic get state => js_util.dartify(js_util.getProperty(this, 'state'));
void go([int? delta]) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'go',
<Object>[if (delta != null) delta.toDouble()]);
void pushState(dynamic data, String title, String? url) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'pushState', <Object?>[
if (data is Map || data is Iterable) js_util.jsify(data as Object) else data,
void replaceState(dynamic data, String title, String? url) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'replaceState', <Object?>[
if (data is Map || data is Iterable) js_util.jsify(data as Object) else data,
class DomLocation {}
extension DomLocationExtension on DomLocation {
external String? get pathname;
external String? get search;
// We have to change the name here because 'hash' is inherited from [Object].
String get locationHash => js_util.getProperty(this, 'hash');
external String get origin;
external String get href;
class DomPopStateEvent extends DomEvent {}
DomPopStateEvent createDomPopStateEvent(
String type, Map<Object?, Object?>? eventInitDict) =>
domCallConstructorString('PopStateEvent', <Object?>[
if (eventInitDict != null) js_util.jsify(eventInitDict)
])! as DomPopStateEvent;
extension DomPopStateEventExtension on DomPopStateEvent {
dynamic get state => js_util.dartify(js_util.getProperty(this, 'state'));
class DomURL {}
extension DomURLExtension on DomURL {
external String createObjectURL(Object object);
external void revokeObjectURL(String url);
class DomBlob {}
DomBlob createDomBlob(List<Object?> parts) =>
domCallConstructorString('Blob', <Object>[parts])! as DomBlob;
typedef DomMutationCallback = void Function(
List<dynamic> mutation, DomMutationObserver observer);
class DomMutationObserver {}
DomMutationObserver createDomMutationObserver(DomMutationCallback callback) =>
domCallConstructorString('MutationObserver', <Object>[callback])!
as DomMutationObserver;
extension DomMutationObserverExtension on DomMutationObserver {
external void disconnect();
void observe(DomNode target,
{bool? childList, bool? attributes, List<String>? attributeFilter}) {
final Map<String, dynamic> options = <String, dynamic>{
if (childList != null) 'childList': childList,
if (attributes != null) 'attributes': attributes,
if (attributeFilter != null) 'attributeFilter': attributeFilter
return js_util
.callMethod(this, 'observe', <Object?>[target, js_util.jsify(options)]);
class DomMutationRecord {}
extension DomMutationRecordExtension on DomMutationRecord {
Iterable<DomNode>? get addedNodes {
final _DomList? list = js_util.getProperty<_DomList?>(this, 'addedNodes');
if (list == null) {
return null;
return createDomListWrapper<DomNode>(list);
Iterable<DomNode>? get removedNodes {
final _DomList? list = js_util.getProperty<_DomList?>(this, 'removedNodes');
if (list == null) {
return null;
return createDomListWrapper<DomNode>(list);
external String? get attributeName;
external String? get type;
class DomMediaQueryList extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomMediaQueryListExtension on DomMediaQueryList {
external bool get matches;
external void addListener(DomEventListener? listener);
external void removeListener(DomEventListener? listener);
class DomMediaQueryListEvent extends DomEvent {}
extension DomMediaQueryListEventExtension on DomMediaQueryListEvent {
external bool? get matches;
class DomPath2D {}
DomPath2D createDomPath2D([Object? path]) =>
domCallConstructorString('Path2D', <Object>[if (path != null) path])!
as DomPath2D;
class DomMouseEvent extends DomUIEvent {}
extension DomMouseEventExtension on DomMouseEvent {
external double get clientX;
external double get clientY;
external double get offsetX;
external double get offsetY;
DomPoint get client => DomPoint(clientX, clientY);
DomPoint get offset => DomPoint(offsetX, offsetY);
external double get button;
external double? get buttons;
external bool getModifierState(String keyArg);
DomMouseEvent createDomMouseEvent(String type, [Map<dynamic, dynamic>? init]) =>
<Object?>[type, if (init != null) js_util.jsify(init)]);
class DomPointerEvent extends DomMouseEvent {}
extension DomPointerEventExtension on DomPointerEvent {
external double? get pointerId;
external String? get pointerType;
external double? get pressure;
external double? get tiltX;
external double? get tiltY;
List<DomPointerEvent> getCoalescedEvents() =>
this, 'getCoalescedEvents', <Object>[]).cast<DomPointerEvent>();
DomPointerEvent createDomPointerEvent(String type,
[Map<dynamic, dynamic>? init]) =>
<Object?>[type, if (init != null) js_util.jsify(init)]);
class DomWheelEvent extends DomMouseEvent {}
extension DomWheelEventExtension on DomWheelEvent {
external double get deltaX;
external double get deltaY;
external double get deltaMode;
class DomTouchEvent extends DomUIEvent {}
extension DomTouchEventExtension on DomTouchEvent {
external bool get altKey;
external bool get ctrlKey;
external bool get metaKey;
external bool get shiftKey;
List<DomTouch>? get changedTouches => js_util
.getProperty<List<Object?>?>(this, 'changedTouches')
class DomTouch {}
extension DomTouchExtension on DomTouch {
external double? get identifier;
external double get clientX;
external double get clientY;
DomPoint get client => DomPoint(clientX, clientY);
DomTouch createDomTouch([Map<dynamic, dynamic>? init]) =>
<Object?>[if (init != null) js_util.jsify(init)]) as DomTouch;
DomTouchEvent createDomTouchEvent(String type, [Map<dynamic, dynamic>? init]) =>
<Object?>[type, if (init != null) js_util.jsify(init)]);
class DomCompositionEvent extends DomUIEvent {}
extension DomCompositionEventExtension on DomCompositionEvent {
external String? get data;
DomCompositionEvent createDomCompositionEvent(String type,
[Map<dynamic, dynamic>? options]) =>
<Object?>[type, if (options != null) js_util.jsify(options)]);
class DomHTMLInputElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
extension DomHTMLInputElementExtension on DomHTMLInputElement {
external set type(String? value);
external set max(String? value);
external set min(String value);
external set value(String? value);
external String? get value;
external bool? get disabled;
external set disabled(bool? value);
external set placeholder(String? value);
external set name(String? value);
external set autocomplete(String value);
external double? get selectionStart;
external double? get selectionEnd;
external set selectionStart(double? value);
external set selectionEnd(double? value);
void setSelectionRange(int start, int end, [String? direction]) =>
js_util.callMethod(this, 'setSelectionRange',
<Object>[start.toDouble(), end.toDouble(),
if (direction != null) direction]);
external String get autocomplete;
external String? get name;
external String? get type;
external String get placeholder;
DomHTMLInputElement createDomHTMLInputElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('input') as DomHTMLInputElement;
class DomTokenList {}
extension DomTokenListExtension on DomTokenList {
external void add(String value);
external void remove(String value);
external bool contains(String token);
class DomHTMLFormElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
extension DomHTMLFormElementExtension on DomHTMLFormElement {
external set noValidate(bool? value);
external set method(String? value);
external set action(String? value);
DomHTMLFormElement createDomHTMLFormElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('form') as DomHTMLFormElement;
class DomHTMLLabelElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
DomHTMLLabelElement createDomHTMLLabelElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('label') as DomHTMLLabelElement;
class DomOffscreenCanvas extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomOffscreenCanvasExtension on DomOffscreenCanvas {
external double? get height;
external double? get width;
external set height(double? value);
external set width(double? value);
Object? getContext(String contextType, [Map<dynamic, dynamic>? attributes]) {
return js_util.callMethod(this, 'getContext', <Object?>[
if (attributes != null) js_util.jsify(attributes)
Future<DomBlob> convertToBlob([Map<Object?, Object?>? options]) =>
js_util.promiseToFuture(js_util.callMethod(this, 'convertToBlob',
<Object?>[if (options != null) js_util.jsify(options)]));
DomOffscreenCanvas createDomOffscreenCanvas(int width, int height) =>
<Object>[width.toDouble(), height.toDouble()]);
class DomFileReader extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomFileReaderExtension on DomFileReader {
external void readAsDataURL(DomBlob blob);
DomFileReader createDomFileReader() =>
js_util.callConstructor(domGetConstructor('FileReader')!, <Object>[])
as DomFileReader;
class DomDocumentFragment extends DomNode {}
extension DomDocumentFragmentExtension on DomDocumentFragment {
external DomElement? querySelector(String selectors);
Iterable<DomElement> querySelectorAll(String selectors) =>
.callMethod<_DomList>(this, 'querySelectorAll', <Object>[selectors]));
class DomShadowRoot extends DomDocumentFragment {}
extension DomShadowRootExtension on DomShadowRoot {
external DomElement? get activeElement;
external DomElement? get host;
external String? get mode;
external bool? get delegatesFocus;
DomElement? elementFromPoint(int x, int y) =>
js_util.callMethod<DomElement?>(this, 'elementFromPoint',
<Object>[x.toDouble(), y.toDouble()]);
class DomStyleSheet {}
class DomCSSStyleSheet extends DomStyleSheet {}
extension DomCSSStyleSheetExtension on DomCSSStyleSheet {
external DomCSSRuleList get cssRules;
double insertRule(String rule, [int? index]) => js_util
this, 'insertRule',
<Object>[rule, if (index != null) index.toDouble()]);
class DomCSSRule {}
class DomScreen {}
extension DomScreenExtension on DomScreen {
external DomScreenOrientation? get orientation;
class DomScreenOrientation extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomScreenOrientationExtension on DomScreenOrientation {
Future<dynamic> lock(String orientation) {
final Object jsResult = js_util.callMethod<Object>(this, 'lock', <String>[orientation]);
return js_util.promiseToFuture(jsResult);
external void unlock();
// A helper class for managing a subscription. On construction it will add an
// event listener of the requested type to the target. Calling [cancel] will
// remove the listener. Caller is still responsible for calling [allowInterop]
// on the listener before creating the subscription.
class DomSubscription {
DomSubscription(, this.type, this.listener) {
target.addEventListener(type, listener);
final String type;
final DomEventTarget target;
final DomEventListener listener;
void cancel() => target.removeEventListener(type, listener);
class DomPoint {
DomPoint(this.x, this.y);
final num x;
final num y;
class DomWebSocket extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomWebSocketExtension on DomWebSocket {
external void send(Object? data);
DomWebSocket createDomWebSocket(String url) =>
domCallConstructorString('WebSocket', <Object>[url])! as DomWebSocket;
class DomMessageEvent extends DomEvent {}
extension DomMessageEventExtension on DomMessageEvent {
dynamic get data => js_util.dartify(js_util.getProperty(this, 'data'));
external String get origin;
class DomHTMLIFrameElement extends DomHTMLElement {}
extension DomHTMLIFrameElementExtension on DomHTMLIFrameElement {
external set src(String? value);
external String? get src;
external set height(String? value);
external set width(String? value);
external DomWindow get contentWindow;
DomHTMLIFrameElement createDomHTMLIFrameElement() =>
domDocument.createElement('iframe') as DomHTMLIFrameElement;
class DomMessagePort extends DomEventTarget {}
extension DomMessagePortExtension on DomMessagePort {
void postMessage(Object? message) => js_util.callMethod(this, 'postMessage',
<Object?>[if (message != null) js_util.jsify(message)]);
external void start();
class DomMessageChannel {}
extension DomMessageChannelExtension on DomMessageChannel {
external DomMessagePort get port1;
external DomMessagePort get port2;
class DomCSSRuleList {}
extension DomCSSRuleListExtension on DomCSSRuleList {
external double get length;
/// A factory to create `TrustedTypePolicy` objects.
/// See:
abstract class DomTrustedTypePolicyFactory {}
/// A subset of TrustedTypePolicyFactory methods.
extension DomTrustedTypePolicyFactoryExtension on DomTrustedTypePolicyFactory {
/// Creates a TrustedTypePolicy object named `policyName` that implements the
/// rules passed as `policyOptions`.
external DomTrustedTypePolicy createPolicy(
String policyName,
DomTrustedTypePolicyOptions? policyOptions,
/// Options to create a trusted type policy.
/// The options are user-defined functions for converting strings into trusted
/// values.
/// See:
abstract class DomTrustedTypePolicyOptions {
/// Constructs a TrustedTypePolicyOptions object in JavaScript.
/// `createScriptURL` is a callback function that contains code to run when
/// creating a TrustedScriptURL object.
/// The following properties need to be manually wrapped in [allowInterop]
/// before being passed to this constructor: [createScriptURL].
external factory DomTrustedTypePolicyOptions({
DomCreateScriptUrlOptionFn? createScriptURL,
/// Type of the function used to configure createScriptURL.
typedef DomCreateScriptUrlOptionFn = String? Function(String input);
/// A TrustedTypePolicy defines a group of functions which create TrustedType
/// objects.
/// TrustedTypePolicy objects are created by `TrustedTypePolicyFactory.createPolicy`,
/// therefore this class has no constructor.
/// See:
abstract class DomTrustedTypePolicy {}
/// A subset of TrustedTypePolicy methods.
extension DomTrustedTypePolicyExtension on DomTrustedTypePolicy {
/// Creates a `TrustedScriptURL` for the given [input].
/// `input` is a string containing the data to be _sanitized_ by the policy.
external DomTrustedScriptURL createScriptURL(String input);
/// Represents a string that a developer can insert into an _injection sink_
/// that will parse it as an external script.
/// These objects are created via `createScriptURL` and therefore have no
/// constructor.
/// See:
abstract class DomTrustedScriptURL {}
/// A subset of TrustedScriptURL methods.
extension DomTrustedScriptUrlExtension on DomTrustedScriptURL {
/// Exposes the `toString` JS method of TrustedScriptURL.
String get url => js_util.callMethod<String>(this, 'toString', <String>[]);
// The expected set of files that the flutter-engine TrustedType policy is going
// to accept as valid.
const Set<String> _expectedFilesForTT = <String>{
// The definition of the `flutter-engine` TrustedType policy.
// Only accessible if the Trusted Types API is available.
final DomTrustedTypePolicy _ttPolicy = domWindow.trustedTypes!.createPolicy(
// Validates the given [url].
createScriptURL: allowInterop(
(String url) {
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
if (_expectedFilesForTT.contains(uri.pathSegments.last)) {
return uri.toString();
.error('URL rejected by TrustedTypes policy flutter-engine: $url'
'(download prevented)');
return null;
/// Converts a String `url` into a [DomTrustedScriptURL] object when the
/// Trusted Types API is available, else returns the unmodified `url`.
Object createTrustedScriptUrl(String url) {
if (domWindow.trustedTypes != null) {
// Pass `url` through Flutter Engine's TrustedType policy.
final DomTrustedScriptURL trustedCanvasKitUrl =
assert(trustedCanvasKitUrl.url != '',
'URL: $url rejected by TrustedTypePolicy');
return trustedCanvasKitUrl;
return url;
DomMessageChannel createDomMessageChannel() =>
domCallConstructorString('MessageChannel', <Object>[])!
as DomMessageChannel;
Object? domGetConstructor(String constructorName) =>
js_util.getProperty(domWindow, constructorName);
Object? domCallConstructorString(String constructorName, List<Object?> args) {
final Object? constructor = domGetConstructor(constructorName);
if (constructor == null) {
return null;
return js_util.callConstructor(constructor, args);
String? domGetConstructorName(Object o) {
final Object? constructor = js_util.getProperty(o, 'constructor');
if (constructor == null) {
return '';
return js_util.getProperty(constructor, 'name')?.toString();
bool domInstanceOfString(Object? element, String objectType) =>
js_util.instanceof(element, domGetConstructor(objectType)!);
/// [_DomElementList] is the shared interface for APIs that return either
/// `NodeList` or `HTMLCollection`. Do *not* add any API to this class that
/// isn't support by both JS objects. Furthermore, this is an internal class and
/// should only be returned as a wrapped object to Dart.
class _DomList {}
extension DomListExtension on _DomList {
external double get length;
DomNode item(int index) =>
js_util.callMethod<DomNode>(this, 'item', <Object>[index.toDouble()]);
class _DomListIterator<T> extends Iterator<T> {
final _DomList list;
int index = -1;
bool moveNext() {
if (index > list.length) {
throw StateError('Iterator out of bounds');
return index < list.length;
T get current => list.item(index) as T;
class _DomListWrapper<T> extends Iterable<T> {
final _DomList list;
Iterator<T> get iterator => _DomListIterator<T>(list);
/// Override the length to avoid iterating through the whole collection.
int get length => list.length.toInt();
/// This is a work around for a `TypeError` which can be triggered by calling
/// `toList` on the `Iterable`.
Iterable<T> createDomListWrapper<T>(_DomList list) =>
class DomIntl {}
extension DomIntlExtension on DomIntl {
/// This is a V8-only API for segmenting text.
/// See:
external Object? get v8BreakIterator;
class DomV8BreakIterator {}
extension DomV8BreakIteratorExtension on DomV8BreakIterator {
external void adoptText(String text);
external double first();
external double next();
external double current();
external String breakType();
DomV8BreakIterator createV8BreakIterator() {
final Object? v8BreakIterator = domWindow.Intl.v8BreakIterator;
if (v8BreakIterator == null) {
throw UnimplementedError('v8BreakIterator is not supported.');
return js_util.callConstructor<DomV8BreakIterator>(
js_util.getProperty(domWindow, 'undefined'),
js_util.jsify(const <String, String>{'type': 'line'}),