blob: d5c95a8cbf6f613561c34e7df0df14b78635f680 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/entity/contents/contents.h"
#include <optional>
#include "impeller/entity/contents/content_context.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/command_buffer.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/render_pass.h"
namespace impeller {
ContentContextOptions OptionsFromPass(const RenderPass& pass) {
ContentContextOptions opts;
opts.sample_count = pass.GetRenderTarget().GetSampleCount();
return opts;
ContentContextOptions OptionsFromPassAndEntity(const RenderPass& pass,
const Entity& entity) {
ContentContextOptions opts;
opts.sample_count = pass.GetRenderTarget().GetSampleCount();
opts.blend_mode = entity.GetBlendMode();
return opts;
Contents::Contents() = default;
Contents::~Contents() = default;
std::optional<Snapshot> Contents::RenderToSnapshot(
const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity) const {
auto bounds = GetCoverage(entity);
if (!bounds.has_value()) {
return std::nullopt;
auto texture = renderer.MakeSubpass(
[&contents = *this, &entity, &bounds](const ContentContext& renderer,
RenderPass& pass) -> bool {
Entity sub_entity;
Matrix::MakeTranslation(Vector3(-bounds->origin)) *
return contents.Render(renderer, sub_entity, pass);
if (!texture) {
return std::nullopt;
return Snapshot{.texture = texture,
.transform = Matrix::MakeTranslation(bounds->origin)};
} // namespace impeller