Add postsubmit overrides for mac builders. (#51385)

Mac builds on postsubmit will be built without goma/rbe. This is landing the configurations required to build without RBE once the migration to RBE is complete.


[C++, Objective-C, Java style guides]:
diff --git a/ci/builders/ b/ci/builders/
index a1c532f..2b4ab97 100644
--- a/ci/builders/
+++ b/ci/builders/
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
 Recipes V2 and the generation of artifacts using GN+Ninja set the groundwork
 for efficient builds with dependency reusability.
-**Author: Godofredo Contreras (godofredoc)**\
-**Go Link:**\
-**Created:** 01/2023   /  **Last updated:** 04/2023
 ## Glossary
 * **[recipes](** - domain specific
@@ -143,13 +139,14 @@
            "generators": [],
            "ninja": {},
            "tests": []
+           "postsubmit_overrides": {}
 Each build element will be translated to an independent sub-build and its
 entire out directory will be uploaded to CAS.
-`gn`, `ninja`, `generators` and `tests` properties are optional. Gn and
+`gn`, `ninja`, `generators`, `tests` and `postsubmit_overrides` properties are optional. Gn and
 ninja properties can be used without generators or tests. Generators with
 no gn and ninja properties is also supported.
@@ -346,6 +343,33 @@
 the test script is doing and it is the responsibility of the test script to
 copy the relevant files to the FLUTTER\_LOGS\_DIR directory.
+#### postsubmit_overrides
+Used to override top level build properties for postsubmit environments. An example is when we need to run different gn commands for presubmit and postsubmit
+environments. Currently only `gn` override is supported.
+   "name": "host_debug",
+   "gn": [
+      "--runtime-mode",
+      "debug",
+      "--prebuilt-dart-sdk",
+      "--build-embedder-examples"
+   ],
+   "ninja": {},
+   "postsubmit_overrides": {
+     "gn": [
+        "--runtime-mode",
+        "release"
+     ],
+   }
+The example above shows how to override the gn command for postsubmit builds of host_debug.
 #### Generators
 Generators are scripts used to generate artifacts combining the output of two