blob: 4aeeaffd0bed4bb770a458fe63b0738240c5ae85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of internal;
// The MojoHandleWatcher sends a stream of events to application isolates that
// register Mojo handles with it. Application isolates make the following calls:
// add(handle, port, signals) - Instructs the MojoHandleWatcher isolate to add
// 'handle' to the set of handles it watches, and to notify the calling
// isolate only for the events specified by 'signals' using the send port
// 'port'
// remove(handle) - Instructs the MojoHandleWatcher isolate to remove 'handle'
// from the set of handles it watches. This allows the application isolate
// to, e.g., pause the stream of events.
// close(handle) - Notifies the HandleWatcherIsolate that a handle it is
// watching should be removed from its set and closed.
class MojoHandleWatcher {
// Control commands.
static const int ADD = 0;
static const int REMOVE = 1;
static const int CLOSE = 2;
static const int TIMER = 3;
static const int SHUTDOWN = 4;
static const int kMojoHandleInvalid = 0;
static const int kDeadlineIndefinite = -1;
static const int kMojoResultOk = 0;
static const int kMojoResultDeadlineExceeded = 4;
static const int kMojoResultFailedPrecondition = 9;
static const int kMojoSignalsReadable = (1 << 0);
static const int kMojoSignalsWritable = (1 << 1);
static const int kMojoSignalsPeerClosed = (1 << 2);
static const int kMojoSignalsAll =
kMojoSignalsReadable | kMojoSignalsWritable | kMojoSignalsPeerClosed;
static int _encodeCommand(int cmd, [int signals = 0]) =>
(cmd << 3) | (signals & kMojoSignalsAll);
static int _decodeCommand(int cmd) {
assert(kMojoSignalsAll < 1 << 3);
return cmd >> 3;
static int _decodeSignals(int cmd) {
return cmd & kMojoSignalsAll;
// The Mojo handle over which control messages are sent.
int _controlHandle;
// Whether the handle watcher should shut down.
bool _shutdown;
// The list of handles being watched.
List<int> _handles;
int _handleCount;
// A port for each handle on which to send events back to the isolate that
// owns the handle.
List<SendPort> _ports;
// The signals that we care about for each handle.
List<int> _signals;
// A mapping from Mojo handles to their indices in _handles.
Map<int, int> _handleIndices;
// Priority queue of timers registered with the watcher.
TimerQueue _timerQueue;
: _shutdown = false,
_handles = new List<int>(),
_ports = new List<SendPort>(),
_signals = new List<int>(),
_handleIndices = new Map<int, int>(),
_handleCount = 1,
_timerQueue = new TimerQueue() {
// Setup control handle.
_ports.add(null); // There is no port for the control handle.
_handleIndices[_controlHandle] = 0;
static void _handleWatcherIsolate(int consumerHandle) {
MojoHandleWatcher watcher = new MojoHandleWatcher(consumerHandle);
while (!watcher._shutdown) {
int deadline = watcher._processTimerDeadlines();
// mwmr[0]: result, mwmr[1]: index, mwmr[2]: list of signal states.
List mwmr = MojoHandleNatives.waitMany(
watcher._handles, watcher._signals, deadline);
if ((mwmr[0] == kMojoResultOk) && (mwmr[1] == 0)) {
} else if ((mwmr[0] == kMojoResultOk) && (mwmr[1] > 0)) {
int handle = watcher._handles[mwmr[1]];
// Route event.
watcher._routeEvent(mwmr[2][mwmr[1]][0], mwmr[1]);
// Remove the handle from the list.
} else if (mwmr[0] != kMojoResultDeadlineExceeded) {
// Some handle was closed, but not by us.
// Find it and close it on our side.
void _routeEvent(int satisfiedSignals, int idx) {
_ports[idx].send([_signals[idx], satisfiedSignals & _signals[idx]]);
void _handleControlMessage() {
List result = MojoHandleWatcherNatives.recvControlData(_controlHandle);
// result[0] = mojo handle if any, or a timer deadline in milliseconds.
// result[1] = SendPort if any.
// result[2] = command << 2 | WRITABLE | READABLE
var signals = _decodeSignals(result[2]);
int command = _decodeCommand(result[2]);
switch (command) {
case ADD:
_addHandle(result[0], result[1], signals);
case REMOVE:
case CLOSE:
_close(result[0], result[1]);
case TIMER:
_timer(result[1], result[0]);
throw "Invalid Command: $command";
void _addHandle(int mojoHandle, SendPort port, int signals) {
int idx = _handleIndices[mojoHandle];
if (idx == null) {
_handleIndices[mojoHandle] = _handleCount;
} else {
assert(_ports[idx] == port);
assert(_handles[idx] == mojoHandle);
_signals[idx] |= signals;
void _removeHandle(int mojoHandle) {
int idx = _handleIndices[mojoHandle];
if (idx == null) {
throw "Remove on a non-existent handle: idx = $idx.";
if (idx == 0) {
throw "The control handle (idx = 0) cannot be removed.";
// We don't use List.removeAt so that we know how to fix-up _handleIndices.
if (idx == _handleCount - 1) {
int handle = _handles[idx];
_handleIndices[handle] = null;
} else {
int last = _handleCount - 1;
_handleIndices[_handles[idx]] = null;
_handles[idx] = _handles[last];
_signals[idx] = _signals[last];
_ports[idx] = _ports[last];
_handleIndices[_handles[idx]] = idx;
void _close(int mojoHandle, SendPort port, {bool pruning: false}) {
assert(!pruning || (port == null));
int idx = _handleIndices[mojoHandle];
if (idx == null) {
// An app isolate may request that the handle watcher close a handle that
// has already been pruned. This happens when the app isolate has not yet
// received the PEER_CLOSED event. The app isolate will not close the
// handle, so we must do so here.
if (port != null) port.send(null); // Notify that close is done.
if (idx == 0) {
throw "The control handle (idx = 0) cannot be closed.";
if (port != null) port.send(null); // Notify that close is done.
if (pruning) {
// If this handle is being pruned, notify the application isolate
// by sending MojoHandleSignals.PEER_CLOSED.
_ports[idx].send([_signals[idx], kMojoSignalsPeerClosed]);
// Returns the next timer deadline in units of microseconds from 'now'.
int _processTimerDeadlines() {
int now = (new;
while (_timerQueue.hasTimer && (now >= _timerQueue.currentTimeout)) {
now = (new;
return _timerQueue.hasTimer
? (_timerQueue.currentTimeout - now) * 1000
: kDeadlineIndefinite;
void _timer(SendPort port, int deadline) {
_timerQueue.updateTimer(port, deadline);
void _pruneClosedHandles(List<List<int>> states) {
List<int> closed = new List();
for (var i = 0; i < _handles.length; i++) {
if (states != null) {
int signals = states[i][0];
if ((signals & kMojoSignalsPeerClosed) != 0) {
} else {
List mwr = MojoHandleNatives.wait(_handles[i], kMojoSignalsAll, 0);
if ((mwr[0] != kMojoResultOk) &&
(mwr[0] != kMojoResultDeadlineExceeded)) {
for (var h in closed) {
_close(h, null, pruning: true);
// '_close' updated the '_handles' array, so at this point the '_handles'
// array and the caller's 'states' array are mismatched.
void _shutdownHandleWatcher(SendPort shutdownSendPort) {
_shutdown = true;
static int _sendControlData(int rawHandle, SendPort port, int data) {
int controlHandle = MojoHandleWatcherNatives.getControlHandle();
if (controlHandle == kMojoHandleInvalid) {
return kMojoResultFailedPrecondition;
var result = MojoHandleWatcherNatives.sendControlData(
controlHandle, rawHandle, port, data);
return result;
// Starts up the MojoHandleWatcher isolate. Should be called only once
// per VM process.
static Future<Isolate> _start() {
// Make a control message pipe,
List pipeEndpoints = MojoMessagePipeNatives.MojoCreateMessagePipe(0);
assert(pipeEndpoints != null);
assert((pipeEndpoints is List) && (pipeEndpoints.length == 3));
assert(pipeEndpoints[0] == kMojoResultOk);
int consumerHandle = pipeEndpoints[1];
int producerHandle = pipeEndpoints[2];
// Call setControlHandle with the other end.
assert(producerHandle != kMojoHandleInvalid);
// Spawn the handle watcher isolate with the MojoHandleWatcher,
return Isolate.spawn(_handleWatcherIsolate, consumerHandle);
// Causes the MojoHandleWatcher isolate to exit. Should be called only
// once per VM process.
static void _stop() {
// Create a port for notification that the handle watcher has shutdown.
var shutdownReceivePort = new ReceivePort();
var shutdownSendPort = shutdownReceivePort.sendPort;
// Send the shutdown command.
kMojoHandleInvalid, shutdownSendPort, _encodeCommand(SHUTDOWN));
// Close the control handle.
int controlHandle = MojoHandleWatcherNatives.getControlHandle();
// Invalidate the control handle.
// Wait for the handle watcher isolate to exit.
shutdownReceivePort.first.then((_) {
// If wait is true, returns a future that resolves only after the handle
// has actually been closed by the handle watcher. Otherwise, returns a
// future that resolves immediately.
static Future<int> close(int mojoHandle, {bool wait: false}) {
if (!wait) {
return new Future.value(
_sendControlData(mojoHandle, null, _encodeCommand(CLOSE)));
int result;
var completer = new Completer();
var rawPort = new RawReceivePort((_) {
result =
_sendControlData(mojoHandle, rawPort.sendPort, _encodeCommand(CLOSE));
return completer.future.then((r) {
return r;
static int add(int mojoHandle, SendPort port, int signals) {
return _sendControlData(mojoHandle, port, _encodeCommand(ADD, signals));
static int remove(int mojoHandle) {
return _sendControlData(mojoHandle, null, _encodeCommand(REMOVE));
static int timer(Object ignored, SendPort port, int deadline) {
// The deadline will be unwrapped before sending to the handle watcher.
return _sendControlData(deadline, port, _encodeCommand(TIMER));