blob: d0d74ee2ffda90b813b2ade21102668c57f86208 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/flow/layers/layer_tree.h"
#include "flutter/display_list/skia/dl_sk_canvas.h"
#include "flutter/flow/embedded_views.h"
#include "flutter/flow/frame_timings.h"
#include "flutter/flow/layer_snapshot_store.h"
#include "flutter/flow/layers/layer.h"
#include "flutter/flow/paint_utils.h"
#include "flutter/flow/raster_cache.h"
#include "flutter/flow/raster_cache_item.h"
#include "flutter/fml/time/time_point.h"
#include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h"
#include "include/core/SkColorSpace.h"
namespace flutter {
LayerTree::LayerTree(const std::shared_ptr<Layer>& root_layer,
const SkISize& frame_size)
: root_layer_(root_layer), frame_size_(frame_size) {}
inline SkColorSpace* GetColorSpace(DlCanvas* canvas) {
return canvas ? canvas->GetImageInfo().colorSpace() : nullptr;
bool LayerTree::Preroll(CompositorContext::ScopedFrame& frame,
bool ignore_raster_cache,
SkRect cull_rect) {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "LayerTree::Preroll");
if (!root_layer_) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "The scene did not specify any layers.";
return false;
SkColorSpace* color_space = GetColorSpace(frame.canvas());
LayerStateStack state_stack;
PrerollContext context = {
.raster_cache =
ignore_raster_cache ? nullptr : &frame.context().raster_cache(),
#endif // !SLIMPELLER
.gr_context = frame.gr_context(),
.view_embedder = frame.view_embedder(),
.state_stack = state_stack,
.dst_color_space = sk_ref_sp<SkColorSpace>(color_space),
.surface_needs_readback = false,
.raster_time = frame.context().raster_time(),
.ui_time = frame.context().ui_time(),
.texture_registry = frame.context().texture_registry(),
.raster_cached_entries = &raster_cache_items_,
return context.surface_needs_readback;
void LayerTree::TryToRasterCache(
const std::vector<RasterCacheItem*>& raster_cached_items,
const PaintContext* paint_context,
bool ignore_raster_cache) {
unsigned i = 0;
const auto item_size = raster_cached_items.size();
while (i < item_size) {
auto* item = raster_cached_items[i];
if (item->need_caching()) {
// try to cache current layer
// If parent failed to cache, just proceed to the next entry
// cache current entry, this entry's parent must not cache
if (item->TryToPrepareRasterCache(*paint_context, false)) {
// if parent cached, then foreach child layer to touch them.
for (unsigned j = 0; j < item->child_items(); j++) {
auto* child_item = raster_cached_items[i + j + 1];
if (child_item->need_caching()) {
child_item->TryToPrepareRasterCache(*paint_context, true);
i += item->child_items() + 1;
#endif // !SLIMPELLER
void LayerTree::Paint(CompositorContext::ScopedFrame& frame,
bool ignore_raster_cache) const {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "LayerTree::Paint");
if (!root_layer_) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << "The scene did not specify any layers to paint.";
LayerStateStack state_stack;
DlCanvas* canvas = frame.canvas();
// clear the previous snapshots.
LayerSnapshotStore* snapshot_store = nullptr;
if (enable_leaf_layer_tracing_) {
snapshot_store = &frame.context().snapshot_store();
SkColorSpace* color_space = GetColorSpace(frame.canvas());
RasterCache* cache =
ignore_raster_cache ? nullptr : &frame.context().raster_cache();
#endif // !SLIMPELLER
PaintContext context = {
// clang-format off
.state_stack = state_stack,
.canvas = canvas,
.gr_context = frame.gr_context(),
.dst_color_space = sk_ref_sp(color_space),
.view_embedder = frame.view_embedder(),
.raster_time = frame.context().raster_time(),
.ui_time = frame.context().ui_time(),
.texture_registry = frame.context().texture_registry(),
.raster_cache = cache,
#endif // !SLIMPELLER
.layer_snapshot_store = snapshot_store,
.enable_leaf_layer_tracing = enable_leaf_layer_tracing_,
.impeller_enabled = !!frame.aiks_context(),
.aiks_context = frame.aiks_context(),
// clang-format on
if (cache) {
TryToRasterCache(raster_cache_items_, &context, ignore_raster_cache);
#endif // !SLIMPELLER
if (root_layer_->needs_painting(context)) {
sk_sp<DisplayList> LayerTree::Flatten(
const SkRect& bounds,
const std::shared_ptr<TextureRegistry>& texture_registry,
GrDirectContext* gr_context) {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "LayerTree::Flatten");
DisplayListBuilder builder(bounds);
const FixedRefreshRateStopwatch unused_stopwatch;
LayerStateStack preroll_state_stack;
// No root surface transformation. So assume identity.
PrerollContext preroll_context{
// clang-format off
.raster_cache = nullptr,
#endif // !SLIMPELLER
.gr_context = gr_context,
.view_embedder = nullptr,
.state_stack = preroll_state_stack,
.dst_color_space = nullptr,
.surface_needs_readback = false,
.raster_time = unused_stopwatch,
.ui_time = unused_stopwatch,
.texture_registry = texture_registry,
// clang-format on
LayerStateStack paint_state_stack;
PaintContext paint_context = {
// clang-format off
.state_stack = paint_state_stack,
.canvas = &builder,
.gr_context = gr_context,
.dst_color_space = nullptr,
.view_embedder = nullptr,
.raster_time = unused_stopwatch,
.ui_time = unused_stopwatch,
.texture_registry = texture_registry,
.raster_cache = nullptr,
#endif // !SLIMPELLER
.layer_snapshot_store = nullptr,
.enable_leaf_layer_tracing = false,
// clang-format on
// Even if we don't have a root layer, we still need to create an empty
// picture.
if (root_layer_) {
// The needs painting flag may be set after the preroll. So check it after.
if (root_layer_->needs_painting(paint_context)) {
return builder.Build();
} // namespace flutter