blob: 859d9554d3dcf765d816a53696a03893619b17c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "flutter/common/graphics/texture.h"
#include "flutter/flow/compositor_context.h"
#include "flutter/flow/layers/layer.h"
#include "flutter/flow/raster_cache.h"
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "flutter/fml/time/time_delta.h"
class GrDirectContext;
namespace flutter {
class LayerTree {
LayerTree(const std::shared_ptr<Layer>& root_layer,
const SkISize& frame_size);
// Perform a preroll pass on the tree and return information about
// the tree that affects rendering this frame.
// Returns:
// - a boolean indicating whether or not the top level of the
// layer tree performs any operations that require readback
// from the root surface.
bool Preroll(CompositorContext::ScopedFrame& frame,
bool ignore_raster_cache = false,
SkRect cull_rect = kGiantRect);
static void TryToRasterCache(
const std::vector<RasterCacheItem*>& raster_cached_entries,
const PaintContext* paint_context,
bool ignore_raster_cache = false);
#endif // !SLIMPELLER
void Paint(CompositorContext::ScopedFrame& frame,
bool ignore_raster_cache = false) const;
sk_sp<DisplayList> Flatten(
const SkRect& bounds,
const std::shared_ptr<TextureRegistry>& texture_registry = nullptr,
GrDirectContext* gr_context = nullptr);
Layer* root_layer() const { return root_layer_.get(); }
const SkISize& frame_size() const { return frame_size_; }
const PaintRegionMap& paint_region_map() const { return paint_region_map_; }
PaintRegionMap& paint_region_map() { return paint_region_map_; }
/// When `Paint` is called, if leaf layer tracing is enabled, additional
/// metadata around rasterization of leaf layers is collected.
/// This is not supported in the Impeller backend.
/// See: `LayerSnapshotStore`
void enable_leaf_layer_tracing(bool enable) {
enable_leaf_layer_tracing_ = enable;
bool is_leaf_layer_tracing_enabled() const {
return enable_leaf_layer_tracing_;
std::shared_ptr<Layer> root_layer_;
SkISize frame_size_ = SkISize::MakeEmpty(); // Physical pixels.
bool enable_leaf_layer_tracing_ = false;
PaintRegionMap paint_region_map_;
std::vector<RasterCacheItem*> raster_cache_items_;
// The information to draw a layer tree to a specified view.
struct LayerTreeTask {
LayerTreeTask(int64_t view_id,
std::unique_ptr<LayerTree> layer_tree,
float device_pixel_ratio)
: view_id(view_id),
device_pixel_ratio(device_pixel_ratio) {}
/// The target view to draw to.
int64_t view_id;
/// The target layer tree to be drawn.
std::unique_ptr<LayerTree> layer_tree;
/// The pixel ratio of the target view.
float device_pixel_ratio;
} // namespace flutter