blob: ce831ca247813da8eec7c17c89e3216065eda6a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/testing/display_list_testing.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include "flutter/display_list/display_list.h"
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
// clang-format off
bool DisplayListsEQ_Verbose(const DisplayList* a, const DisplayList* b) {
if (a->Equals(b)) {
return true;
FML_LOG(ERROR) << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< *a << std::endl
<< "not identical to ..." << std::endl
<< std::endl
<< *b;
return false;
bool DisplayListsNE_Verbose(const DisplayList* a, const DisplayList* b) {
if (a->Equals(b)) {
FML_LOG(ERROR) << std::endl
<< "DisplayLists are both the same:" << std::endl
<< *a;
return false;
return true;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter
namespace std {
using DisplayList = flutter::DisplayList;
using DlColor = flutter::DlColor;
using DlPaint = flutter::DlPaint;
using DlCanvas = flutter::DlCanvas;
using DlImage = flutter::DlImage;
using DlDrawStyle = flutter::DlDrawStyle;
using DlBlendMode = flutter::DlBlendMode;
using DlStrokeCap = flutter::DlStrokeCap;
using DlStrokeJoin = flutter::DlStrokeJoin;
using DlBlurStyle = flutter::DlBlurStyle;
using DlFilterMode = flutter::DlFilterMode;
using DlVertexMode = flutter::DlVertexMode;
using DlTileMode = flutter::DlTileMode;
using DlImageSampling = flutter::DlImageSampling;
using SaveLayerOptions = flutter::SaveLayerOptions;
using DisplayListStreamDispatcher = flutter::testing::DisplayListStreamDispatcher;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const DisplayList& display_list) {
DisplayListStreamDispatcher dispatcher(os);
os << std::boolalpha;
os << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<long double>::digits10 + 1);
os << "DisplayList {" << std::endl;
os << "}" << std::endl;
return os;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlPaint& paint) {
os << "DlPaint("
<< "isaa: " << paint.isAntiAlias() << ", "
<< paint.getColor() << ", "
<< paint.getBlendMode() << ", "
<< paint.getDrawStyle();
if (paint.getDrawStyle() != DlDrawStyle::kFill) {
os << ", width: " << paint.getStrokeWidth()
<< ", miter: " << paint.getStrokeMiter()
<< ", " << paint.getStrokeCap()
<< ", " << paint.getStrokeJoin();
if (paint.getColorSource()) {
os << ", " << paint.getColorSource();
if (paint.getColorFilter()) {
os << ", " << paint.getColorFilter();
if (paint.getImageFilter()) {
os << ", " << paint.getImageFilter();
if (paint.getMaskFilter()) {
os << ", " << paint.getMaskFilter();
if (paint.isInvertColors()) {
os << ", invertColors: " << paint.isInvertColors();
return os << ")";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlBlendMode& mode) {
switch (mode) {
case DlBlendMode::kClear: return os << "BlendMode::kClear";
case DlBlendMode::kSrc: return os << "BlendMode::kSrc";
case DlBlendMode::kDst: return os << "BlendMode::kDst";
case DlBlendMode::kSrcOver: return os << "BlendMode::kSrcOver";
case DlBlendMode::kDstOver: return os << "BlendMode::kDstOver";
case DlBlendMode::kSrcIn: return os << "BlendMode::kSrcIn";
case DlBlendMode::kDstIn: return os << "BlendMode::kDstIn";
case DlBlendMode::kSrcOut: return os << "BlendMode::kSrcOut";
case DlBlendMode::kDstOut: return os << "BlendMode::kDstOut";
case DlBlendMode::kSrcATop: return os << "BlendMode::kSrcATop";
case DlBlendMode::kDstATop: return os << "BlendMode::kDstATop";
case DlBlendMode::kXor: return os << "BlendMode::kXor";
case DlBlendMode::kPlus: return os << "BlendMode::kPlus";
case DlBlendMode::kModulate: return os << "BlendMode::kModulate";
case DlBlendMode::kScreen: return os << "BlendMode::kScreen";
case DlBlendMode::kOverlay: return os << "BlendMode::kOverlay";
case DlBlendMode::kDarken: return os << "BlendMode::kDarken";
case DlBlendMode::kLighten: return os << "BlendMode::kLighten";
case DlBlendMode::kColorDodge: return os << "BlendMode::kColorDodge";
case DlBlendMode::kColorBurn: return os << "BlendMode::kColorBurn";
case DlBlendMode::kHardLight: return os << "BlendMode::kHardLight";
case DlBlendMode::kSoftLight: return os << "BlendMode::kSoftLight";
case DlBlendMode::kDifference: return os << "BlendMode::kDifference";
case DlBlendMode::kExclusion: return os << "BlendMode::kExclusion";
case DlBlendMode::kMultiply: return os << "BlendMode::kMultiply";
case DlBlendMode::kHue: return os << "BlendMode::kHue";
case DlBlendMode::kSaturation: return os << "BlendMode::kSaturation";
case DlBlendMode::kColor: return os << "BlendMode::kColor";
case DlBlendMode::kLuminosity: return os << "BlendMode::kLuminosity";
default: return os << "BlendMode::????";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SaveLayerOptions& options) {
return os << "SaveLayerOptions("
<< "renders_with_attributes: " << options.renders_with_attributes()
<< ", "
<< "can_distribute_opacity: " << options.can_distribute_opacity()
<< ", "
<< "contains_backdrop: " << options.contains_backdrop_filter()
<< ")";
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SkPoint& point) {
return os << "SkPoint(" << point.fX << ", " << point.fY << ")";
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SkIRect& rect) {
return os << "SkIRect("
<< "left: " << rect.fLeft << ", "
<< "top: " << rect.fTop << ", "
<< "right: " << rect.fRight << ", "
<< "bottom: " << rect.fBottom
<< ")";
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SkRect& rect) {
return os << "SkRect("
<< "left: " << rect.fLeft << ", "
<< "top: " << rect.fTop << ", "
<< "right: " << rect.fRight << ", "
<< "bottom: " << rect.fBottom
<< ")";
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SkRect* rect) {
return rect ? (os << "&" << *rect) : os << "no rect";
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SkRRect& rrect) {
return os << "SkRRect("
<< rrect.rect() << ", "
<< "ul: (" << rrect.radii(SkRRect::kUpperLeft_Corner).fX << ", "
<< rrect.radii(SkRRect::kUpperLeft_Corner).fY << "), "
<< "ur: (" << rrect.radii(SkRRect::kUpperRight_Corner).fX << ", "
<< rrect.radii(SkRRect::kUpperRight_Corner).fY << "), "
<< "lr: (" << rrect.radii(SkRRect::kLowerRight_Corner).fX << ", "
<< rrect.radii(SkRRect::kLowerRight_Corner).fY << "), "
<< "ll: (" << rrect.radii(SkRRect::kLowerLeft_Corner).fX << ", "
<< rrect.radii(SkRRect::kLowerLeft_Corner).fY << ")"
<< ")";
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SkPath& path) {
return os << "SkPath("
<< "bounds: " << path.getBounds()
// should iterate over verbs and coordinates...
<< ")";
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SkMatrix& matrix) {
return os << "SkMatrix("
<< "[" << matrix[0] << ", " << matrix[1] << ", " << matrix[2] << "], "
<< "[" << matrix[3] << ", " << matrix[4] << ", " << matrix[5] << "], "
<< "[" << matrix[6] << ", " << matrix[7] << ", " << matrix[8] << "]"
<< ")";
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SkMatrix* matrix) {
if (matrix) return os << "&" << *matrix;
return os << "no matrix";
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SkRSXform& xform) {
return os << "SkRSXform("
<< "scos: " << xform.fSCos << ", "
<< "ssin: " << xform.fSSin << ", "
<< "tx: " << xform.fTx << ", "
<< "ty: " << xform.fTy << ")";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlCanvas::ClipOp& op) {
switch (op) {
case DlCanvas::ClipOp::kDifference: return os << "ClipOp::kDifference";
case DlCanvas::ClipOp::kIntersect: return os << "ClipOp::kIntersect";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlCanvas::SrcRectConstraint& constraint) {
switch (constraint) {
case DlCanvas::SrcRectConstraint::kFast:
return os << "SrcRectConstraint::kFast";
case DlCanvas::SrcRectConstraint::kStrict:
return os << "SrcRectConstraint::kStrict";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlStrokeCap& cap) {
switch (cap) {
case DlStrokeCap::kButt: return os << "Cap::kButt";
case DlStrokeCap::kRound: return os << "Cap::kRound";
case DlStrokeCap::kSquare: return os << "Cap::kSquare";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlStrokeJoin& join) {
switch (join) {
case DlStrokeJoin::kMiter: return os << "Join::kMiter";
case DlStrokeJoin::kRound: return os << "Join::kRound";
case DlStrokeJoin::kBevel: return os << "Join::kBevel";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlDrawStyle& style) {
switch (style) {
case DlDrawStyle::kFill: return os << "Style::kFill";
case DlDrawStyle::kStroke: return os << "Style::kStroke";
case DlDrawStyle::kStrokeAndFill: return os << "Style::kStrokeAnFill";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlBlurStyle& style) {
switch (style) {
case DlBlurStyle::kNormal: return os << "BlurStyle::kNormal";
case DlBlurStyle::kSolid: return os << "BlurStyle::kSolid";
case DlBlurStyle::kOuter: return os << "BlurStyle::kOuter";
case DlBlurStyle::kInner: return os << "BlurStyle::kInner";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlCanvas::PointMode& mode) {
switch (mode) {
case DlCanvas::PointMode::kPoints: return os << "PointMode::kPoints";
case DlCanvas::PointMode::kLines: return os << "PointMode::kLines";
case DlCanvas::PointMode::kPolygon: return os << "PointMode::kPolygon";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlFilterMode& mode) {
switch (mode) {
case DlFilterMode::kNearest: return os << "FilterMode::kNearest";
case DlFilterMode::kLinear: return os << "FilterMode::kLinear";
default: return os << "FilterMode::????";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlColor& color) {
return os << "DlColor(" << std::hex << color.argb() << std::dec << ")";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, DlImageSampling sampling) {
switch (sampling) {
case DlImageSampling::kNearestNeighbor: {
return os << "NearestSampling";
case DlImageSampling::kLinear: {
return os << "LinearSampling";
case DlImageSampling::kMipmapLinear: {
return os << "MipmapSampling";
case DlImageSampling::kCubic: {
return os << "CubicSampling";
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SkTextBlob* blob) {
if (blob == nullptr) {
return os << "no text";
return os << "&SkTextBlob(ID: " << blob->uniqueID() << ", " << blob->bounds() << ")";
static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const impeller::TextFrame* frame) {
if (frame == nullptr) {
return os << "no text";
auto bounds = frame->GetBounds();
return os << "&TextFrame("
<< bounds.GetLeft() << ", " << bounds.GetTop() << " => "
<< bounds.GetRight() << ", " << bounds.GetBottom() << ")";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlVertexMode& mode) {
switch (mode) {
case DlVertexMode::kTriangles: return os << "VertexMode::kTriangles";
case DlVertexMode::kTriangleStrip: return os << "VertexMode::kTriangleStrip";
case DlVertexMode::kTriangleFan: return os << "VertexMode::kTriangleFan";
default: return os << "VertexMode::????";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlTileMode& mode) {
switch (mode) {
case DlTileMode::kClamp: return os << "TileMode::kClamp";
case DlTileMode::kRepeat: return os << "TileMode::kRepeat";
case DlTileMode::kMirror: return os << "TileMode::kMirror";
case DlTileMode::kDecal: return os << "TileMode::kDecal";
default: return os << "TileMode::????";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DlImage* image) {
if (image == nullptr) {
return os << "null image";
os << "&DlImage(" << image->width() << " x " << image->height() << ", ";
if (image->skia_image()) {
os << "skia(" << image->skia_image().get() << "), ";
if (image->impeller_texture()) {
os << "impeller(" << image->impeller_texture().get() << "), ";
return os << "isTextureBacked: " << image->isTextureBacked() << ")";
} // namespace std
namespace flutter {
namespace testing {
std::ostream& DisplayListStreamDispatcher::startl() {
for (int i = 0; i < cur_indent_; i++) {
os_ << " ";
return os_;
template <class T>
std::ostream& DisplayListStreamDispatcher::out_array(std::string name, // NOLINT(performance-unnecessary-value-param)
int count,
const T array[]) {
if (array == nullptr || count < 0) {
return os_ << "no " << name;
os_ << name << "[" << count << "] = [" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
startl() << array[i] << "," << std::endl;
startl() << "]";
return os_;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setAntiAlias(bool aa) {
startl() << "setAntiAlias(" << aa << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setDrawStyle(DlDrawStyle style) {
startl() << "setStyle(" << style << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setColor(DlColor color) {
startl() << "setColor(" << color << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setStrokeWidth(SkScalar width) {
startl() << "setStrokeWidth(" << width << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setStrokeMiter(SkScalar limit) {
startl() << "setStrokeMiter(" << limit << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setStrokeCap(DlStrokeCap cap) {
startl() << "setStrokeCap(" << cap << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setStrokeJoin(DlStrokeJoin join) {
startl() << "setStrokeJoin(" << join << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setColorSource(const DlColorSource* source) {
if (source == nullptr) {
startl() << "setColorSource(no ColorSource);" << std::endl;
startl() << "setColorSource(";
switch (source->type()) {
case DlColorSourceType::kColor: {
const DlColorColorSource* color_src = source->asColor();
os_ << "DlColorColorSource(" << color_src->color() << ")";
case DlColorSourceType::kImage: {
const DlImageColorSource* image_src = source->asImage();
os_ << "DlImageColorSource(image: " << image_src->image()
<< ", hMode: " << image_src->horizontal_tile_mode()
<< ", vMode: " << image_src->vertical_tile_mode()
<< ", " << image_src->sampling()
<< ", " << image_src->matrix_ptr()
<< ")";
case DlColorSourceType::kLinearGradient: {
const DlLinearGradientColorSource* linear_src = source->asLinearGradient();
os_ << "DlLinearGradientSource("
<< "start: " << linear_src->start_point()
<< ", end: " << linear_src->end_point() << ", ";
out_array("colors", linear_src->stop_count(), linear_src->colors()) << ", ";
out_array("stops", linear_src->stop_count(), linear_src->stops()) << ", "
<< linear_src->tile_mode() << ", " << linear_src->matrix_ptr() << ")";
case DlColorSourceType::kRadialGradient: {
const DlRadialGradientColorSource* radial_src = source->asRadialGradient();
os_ << "DlRadialGradientSource("
<< "center: " << radial_src->center()
<< ", radius: " << radial_src->radius() << ", ";
out_array("colors", radial_src->stop_count(), radial_src->colors()) << ", ";
out_array("stops", radial_src->stop_count(), radial_src->stops()) << ", "
<< radial_src->tile_mode() << ", " << radial_src->matrix_ptr() << ")";
case DlColorSourceType::kConicalGradient: {
const DlConicalGradientColorSource* conical_src = source->asConicalGradient();
os_ << "DlConicalGradientColorSource("
<< "start center: " << conical_src->start_center()
<< ", start radius: " << conical_src->start_radius()
<< ", end center: " << conical_src->end_center()
<< ", end radius: " << conical_src->end_radius() << ", ";
out_array("colors", conical_src->stop_count(), conical_src->colors()) << ", ";
out_array("stops", conical_src->stop_count(), conical_src->stops()) << ", "
<< conical_src->tile_mode() << ", " << conical_src->matrix_ptr() << ")";
case DlColorSourceType::kSweepGradient: {
const DlSweepGradientColorSource* sweep_src = source->asSweepGradient();
os_ << "DlSweepGradientColorSource("
<< "center: " << sweep_src->center()
<< ", start: " << sweep_src->start() << ", "
<< ", end: " << sweep_src->end() << ", ";
out_array("colors", sweep_src->stop_count(), sweep_src->colors()) << ", ";
out_array("stops", sweep_src->stop_count(), sweep_src->stops()) << ", "
<< sweep_src->tile_mode() << ", " << sweep_src->matrix_ptr() << ")";
os_ << "?DlUnknownColorSource?()";
os_ << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::out(const DlColorFilter& filter) {
switch (filter.type()) {
case DlColorFilterType::kBlend: {
const DlBlendColorFilter* blend = filter.asBlend();
os_ << "DlBlendColorFilter(" << blend->color() << ", "
<< static_cast<int>(blend->mode()) << ")";
case DlColorFilterType::kMatrix: {
const DlMatrixColorFilter* matrix = filter.asMatrix();
float values[20];
os_ << "DlMatrixColorFilter(matrix[20] = [" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i += 5) {
startl() << values[i] << ", "
<< values[i+1] << ", "
<< values[i+2] << ", "
<< values[i+3] << ", "
<< values[i+4] << ","
<< std::endl;
startl() << "]";
case DlColorFilterType::kSrgbToLinearGamma: {
os_ << "DlSrgbToLinearGammaColorFilter()";
case DlColorFilterType::kLinearToSrgbGamma: {
os_ << "DlLinearToSrgbGammaColorFilter()";
os_ << "?DlUnknownColorFilter?()";
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::out(const DlColorFilter* filter) {
if (filter == nullptr) {
os_ << "no ColorFilter";
} else {
os_ << "&";
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setColorFilter(const DlColorFilter* filter) {
startl() << "setColorFilter(";
os_ << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setInvertColors(bool invert) {
startl() << "setInvertColors(" << invert << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setBlendMode(DlBlendMode mode) {
startl() << "setBlendMode(" << mode << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setMaskFilter(const DlMaskFilter* filter) {
if (filter == nullptr) {
startl() << "setMaskFilter(no MaskFilter);" << std::endl;
startl() << "setMaskFilter(";
switch (filter->type()) {
case DlMaskFilterType::kBlur: {
const DlBlurMaskFilter* blur = filter->asBlur();
os_ << "DlMaskFilter(" << blur->style() << ", " << blur->sigma() << ")";
os_ << "?DlUnknownMaskFilter?()";
os_ << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::out(const DlImageFilter& filter) {
switch (filter.type()) {
case DlImageFilterType::kBlur: {
const DlBlurImageFilter* blur = filter.asBlur();
os_ << "DlBlurImageFilter(" << blur->sigma_x() << ", "
<< blur->sigma_y() << ", "
<< blur->tile_mode() << ")";
case DlImageFilterType::kDilate: {
const DlDilateImageFilter* dilate = filter.asDilate();
os_ << "DlDilateImageFilter(" << dilate->radius_x() << ", " << dilate->radius_y() << ")";
case DlImageFilterType::kErode: {
const DlErodeImageFilter* erode = filter.asErode();
os_ << "DlDilateImageFilter(" << erode->radius_x() << ", " << erode->radius_y() << ")";
case DlImageFilterType::kMatrix: {
const DlMatrixImageFilter* matrix = filter.asMatrix();
os_ << "DlMatrixImageFilter(" << matrix->matrix() << ", " << matrix->sampling() << ")";
case DlImageFilterType::kCompose: {
const DlComposeImageFilter* compose = filter.asCompose();
os_ << "DlComposeImageFilter(" << std::endl;
startl() << "outer: ";
os_ << "," << std::endl;
startl() << "inner: ";
os_ << std::endl;
startl() << ")";
case DlImageFilterType::kColorFilter: {
const DlColorFilterImageFilter* color_filter = filter.asColorFilter();
os_ << "DlColorFilterImageFilter(";
os_ << ")";
case DlImageFilterType::kLocalMatrix: {
const DlLocalMatrixImageFilter* local_matrix = filter.asLocalMatrix();
os_ << "DlLocalMatrixImageFilter(" << local_matrix->matrix();
os_ << "," << std::endl;
startl() << "filter: ";
os_ << std::endl;
startl() << ")";
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::out(const DlImageFilter* filter) {
if (filter == nullptr) {
os_ << "no ImageFilter";
} else {
os_ << "&";
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::setImageFilter(const DlImageFilter* filter) {
startl() << "setImageFilter(";
os_ << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::save() {
startl() << "save();" << std::endl;
startl() << "{" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::saveLayer(const SkRect& bounds,
const SaveLayerOptions options,
const DlImageFilter* backdrop) {
startl() << "saveLayer(" << bounds << ", " << options;
if (backdrop) {
os_ << "," << std::endl;
startl() << "backdrop: ";
} else {
os_ << ", no backdrop";
os_ << ");" << std::endl;
startl() << "{" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::restore() {
startl() << "}" << std::endl;
startl() << "restore();" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::translate(SkScalar tx, SkScalar ty) {
startl() << "translate(" << tx << ", " << ty << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::scale(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) {
startl() << "scale(" << sx << ", " << sy << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::rotate(SkScalar degrees) {
startl() << "rotate(" << degrees << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::skew(SkScalar sx, SkScalar sy) {
startl() << "skew(" << sx << ", " << sy << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::transform2DAffine(
SkScalar mxx, SkScalar mxy, SkScalar mxt,
SkScalar myx, SkScalar myy, SkScalar myt) {
startl() << "transform2DAffine(" << std::endl;
<< "[" << mxx << ", " << mxy << ", " << mxt << "], "
<< std::endl;
<< "[" << myx << ", " << myy << ", " << myt << "], "
<< std::endl;
startl() << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::transformFullPerspective(
SkScalar mxx, SkScalar mxy, SkScalar mxz, SkScalar mxt,
SkScalar myx, SkScalar myy, SkScalar myz, SkScalar myt,
SkScalar mzx, SkScalar mzy, SkScalar mzz, SkScalar mzt,
SkScalar mwx, SkScalar mwy, SkScalar mwz, SkScalar mwt) {
startl() << "transformFullPerspective(" << std::endl;
<< "[" << mxx << ", " << mxy << ", " << mxz << ", " << mxt << "], "
<< std::endl;
<< "[" << myx << ", " << myy << ", " << myz << ", " << myt << "], "
<< std::endl;
<< "[" << mzx << ", " << mzy << ", " << mzz << ", " << mzt << "], "
<< std::endl;
<< "[" << mwx << ", " << mwy << ", " << mwz << ", " << mwt << "]"
<< std::endl;
startl() << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::transformReset() {
startl() << "transformReset();" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::clipRect(const SkRect& rect, ClipOp clip_op,
bool is_aa) {
startl() << "clipRect("
<< rect << ", "
<< clip_op << ", "
<< "isaa: " << is_aa
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::clipOval(const SkRect& bounds, ClipOp clip_op,
bool is_aa) {
startl() << "clipOval("
<< bounds << ", "
<< clip_op << ", "
<< "isaa: " << is_aa
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::clipRRect(const SkRRect& rrect,
ClipOp clip_op,
bool is_aa) {
startl() << "clipRRect("
<< rrect << ", "
<< clip_op << ", "
<< "isaa: " << is_aa
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::clipPath(const SkPath& path, ClipOp clip_op,
bool is_aa) {
startl() << "clipPath("
<< path << ", "
<< clip_op << ", "
<< "isaa: " << is_aa
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawColor(DlColor color, DlBlendMode mode) {
startl() << "drawColor("
<< color << ", "
<< mode
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawPaint() {
startl() << "drawPaint();" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawLine(const SkPoint& p0,
const SkPoint& p1) {
startl() << "drawLine(" << p0 << ", " << p1 << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawDashedLine(const DlPoint& p0,
const DlPoint& p1,
DlScalar on_length,
DlScalar off_length) {
startl() << "drawDashedLine("
<< p0 << ", "
<< p1 << ", "
<< on_length << ", "
<< off_length
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawRect(const SkRect& rect) {
startl() << "drawRect(" << rect << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawOval(const SkRect& bounds) {
startl() << "drawOval(" << bounds << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawCircle(const SkPoint& center,
SkScalar radius) {
startl() << "drawCircle(" << center << ", " << radius << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawRRect(const SkRRect& rrect) {
startl() << "drawRRect(" << rrect << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawDRRect(const SkRRect& outer,
const SkRRect& inner) {
startl() << "drawDRRect(outer: " << outer << ", " << std::endl;
startl() << " inner: " << inner << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawPath(const SkPath& path) {
startl() << "drawPath(" << path << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawArc(const SkRect& oval_bounds,
SkScalar start_degrees,
SkScalar sweep_degrees,
bool use_center) {
startl() << "drawArc("
<< oval_bounds << ", "
<< start_degrees << ", "
<< sweep_degrees << ", "
<< "use_center: " << use_center
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawPoints(PointMode mode,
uint32_t count,
const SkPoint points[]) {
startl() << "drawPoints(" << mode << ", ";
out_array("points", count, points)
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawVertices(const std::shared_ptr<DlVertices>& vertices,
DlBlendMode mode) {
startl() << "drawVertices("
<< "DlVertices("
<< vertices->mode() << ", ";
out_array("vertices", vertices->vertex_count(), vertices->vertices()) << ", ";
out_array("texture_coords", vertices->vertex_count(), vertices->texture_coordinates()) << ", ";
out_array("colors", vertices->vertex_count(), vertices->colors()) << ", ";
out_array("indices", vertices->index_count(), vertices->indices())
<< "), " << mode << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawImage(const sk_sp<DlImage> image,
const SkPoint point,
DlImageSampling sampling,
bool render_with_attributes) {
startl() << "drawImage(" << image.get() << "," << std::endl;
startl() << " " << point << ", "
<< sampling << ", "
<< "with attributes: " << render_with_attributes
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawImageRect(const sk_sp<DlImage> image,
const SkRect& src,
const SkRect& dst,
DlImageSampling sampling,
bool render_with_attributes,
SrcRectConstraint constraint) {
startl() << "drawImageRect(" << image.get() << "," << std::endl;
startl() << " src: " << src << "," << std::endl;
startl() << " dst: " << dst << "," << std::endl;
startl() << " " << sampling << ", "
<< "with attributes: " << render_with_attributes << ", "
<< constraint
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawImageNine(const sk_sp<DlImage> image,
const SkIRect& center,
const SkRect& dst,
DlFilterMode filter,
bool render_with_attributes) {
startl() << "drawImageNine(" << image.get() << "," << std::endl;
startl() << " center: " << center << "," << std::endl;
startl() << " dst: " << dst << "," << std::endl;
startl() << " " << filter << ", "
<< "with attributes: " << render_with_attributes
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawAtlas(const sk_sp<DlImage> atlas,
const SkRSXform xform[],
const SkRect tex[],
const DlColor colors[],
int count,
DlBlendMode mode,
DlImageSampling sampling,
const SkRect* cull_rect,
bool render_with_attributes) {
startl() << "drawAtlas(" << atlas.get() << ", ";
out_array("xforms", count, xform) << ", ";
out_array("tex_coords", count, tex) << ", ";
out_array("colors", count, colors) << ", "
<< mode << ", " << sampling << ", cull: " << cull_rect << ", "
<< "with attributes: " << render_with_attributes
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawDisplayList(
const sk_sp<DisplayList> display_list, SkScalar opacity) {
startl() << "drawDisplayList("
<< "ID: " << display_list->unique_id() << ", "
<< "bounds: " << display_list->bounds() << ", "
<< "opacity: " << opacity
<< ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawTextBlob(const sk_sp<SkTextBlob> blob,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y) {
startl() << "drawTextBlob("
<< blob.get() << ", "
<< x << ", " << y << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawTextFrame(
const std::shared_ptr<impeller::TextFrame>& text_frame,
SkScalar x,
SkScalar y) {
startl() << "drawTextFrame("
<< text_frame.get() << ", "
<< x << ", " << y << ");" << std::endl;
void DisplayListStreamDispatcher::drawShadow(const SkPath& path,
const DlColor color,
const SkScalar elevation,
bool transparent_occluder,
SkScalar dpr) {
startl() << "drawShadow("
<< path << ", "
<< color << ", "
<< elevation << ", "
<< transparent_occluder << ", "
<< dpr
<< ");" << std::endl;
// clang-format on
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flutter