blob: 7fc77d7e3266632bdd61a3b12e7d8078b7505dcd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "impeller/entity/contents/filters/filter_contents.h"
namespace impeller {
class ColorFilterContents : public FilterContents {
enum class AbsorbOpacity {
/// @brief the [inputs] are expected to be in the order of dst, src.
static std::shared_ptr<ColorFilterContents> MakeBlend(
BlendMode blend_mode,
FilterInput::Vector inputs,
std::optional<Color> foreground_color = std::nullopt);
static std::shared_ptr<ColorFilterContents> MakeColorMatrix(
FilterInput::Ref input,
const ColorMatrix& color_matrix);
static std::shared_ptr<ColorFilterContents> MakeLinearToSrgbFilter(
FilterInput::Ref input);
static std::shared_ptr<ColorFilterContents> MakeSrgbToLinearFilter(
FilterInput::Ref input);
~ColorFilterContents() override;
void SetAbsorbOpacity(AbsorbOpacity absorb_opacity);
AbsorbOpacity GetAbsorbOpacity() const;
/// @brief Sets an alpha that is applied to the final blended result.
void SetAlpha(Scalar alpha);
std::optional<Scalar> GetAlpha() const;
// |FilterContents|
std::optional<Rect> GetFilterSourceCoverage(
const Matrix& effect_transform,
const Rect& output_limit) const override;
AbsorbOpacity absorb_opacity_ = AbsorbOpacity::kNo;
std::optional<Scalar> alpha_;
ColorFilterContents(const ColorFilterContents&) = delete;
ColorFilterContents& operator=(const ColorFilterContents&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller