blob: ff15c388c713b7737ed3e1b071012b30c058d2f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "impeller/entity/contents/filters/filter_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/filters/inputs/filter_input.h"
namespace impeller {
/// A gaussian blur filter that performs the work for one dimension of a
/// multi-dimensional Gaussian blur.
/// This filter takes a snapshot of its provided FilterInput, creates a new
/// render pass and blurs the contents. Two of these are chained together to
/// perform a full 2D blur effect.
/// Example:
/// Input Pass 1
/// +-------------+ +-----+
/// | | | |
/// | | | | Pass 2
/// | | | | +----+
/// | | | | | |
/// | | -> | | -> | |
/// | | | | | |
/// | | | | +----+
/// | | | | 87x102
/// +-------------+ +-----+
/// 586x678 97x678
/// The math for determining how much of the input should be processed for a
/// given sigma (aka radius) is found in `Sigma::operator Radius`. The math for
/// determining how much to scale down the input based on the radius is inside
/// the curve function in this implementation.
/// See also:
/// - `FilterContents::MakeGaussianBlur`
/// - //flutter/impeller/entity/shaders/gaussian_blur/gaussian_blur.glsl
class DirectionalGaussianBlurFilterContents final : public FilterContents {
~DirectionalGaussianBlurFilterContents() override;
/// Set sigma (stddev) used for 'direction_'.
void SetSigma(Sigma sigma);
/// Set sigma (stddev) used for direction 90 degrees from 'direction_'.
/// Not used if `!is_second_pass_`.
void SetSecondarySigma(Sigma sigma);
void SetDirection(Vector2 direction);
void SetBlurStyle(BlurStyle blur_style);
void SetTileMode(Entity::TileMode tile_mode);
/// Determines if this filter represents the second pass in a chained
/// 2D gaussian blur.
/// If `is_second_pass_ == true` then the `secondary_sigma_` is used to
/// determine the blur radius in the 90 degree rotation of direction_. Its
/// output aspect-ratio will closely match the FilterInput snapshot at the
/// beginning of the chain.
void SetIsSecondPass(bool is_second_pass);
// |FilterContents|
std::optional<Rect> GetFilterSourceCoverage(
const Matrix& effect_transform,
const Rect& output_limit) const override;
// |FilterContents|
std::optional<Rect> GetFilterCoverage(
const FilterInput::Vector& inputs,
const Entity& entity,
const Matrix& effect_transform) const override;
// |FilterContents|
std::optional<Entity> RenderFilter(
const FilterInput::Vector& input_textures,
const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
const Matrix& effect_transform,
const Rect& coverage,
const std::optional<Rect>& coverage_hint) const override;
Sigma blur_sigma_;
Sigma secondary_blur_sigma_;
Vector2 blur_direction_;
BlurStyle blur_style_ = BlurStyle::kNormal;
Entity::TileMode tile_mode_ = Entity::TileMode::kDecal;
bool is_second_pass_ = false;
const DirectionalGaussianBlurFilterContents&) = delete;
DirectionalGaussianBlurFilterContents& operator=(
const DirectionalGaussianBlurFilterContents&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller