blob: 7adb44a189225f893db583a8a283b66923de6b9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/metal/command_buffer_mtl.h"
#include "flutter/fml/make_copyable.h"
#include "flutter/fml/synchronization/semaphore.h"
#include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/metal/blit_pass_mtl.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/metal/compute_pass_mtl.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/metal/context_mtl.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/metal/render_pass_mtl.h"
namespace impeller {
API_AVAILABLE(ios(14.0), macos(11.0))
static NSString* MTLCommandEncoderErrorStateToString(
MTLCommandEncoderErrorState state) {
switch (state) {
case MTLCommandEncoderErrorStateUnknown:
return @"unknown";
case MTLCommandEncoderErrorStateCompleted:
return @"completed";
case MTLCommandEncoderErrorStateAffected:
return @"affected";
case MTLCommandEncoderErrorStatePending:
return @"pending";
case MTLCommandEncoderErrorStateFaulted:
return @"faulted";
return @"unknown";
static NSString* MTLCommandBufferErrorToString(MTLCommandBufferError code) {
switch (code) {
case MTLCommandBufferErrorNone:
return @"none";
case MTLCommandBufferErrorInternal:
return @"internal";
case MTLCommandBufferErrorTimeout:
return @"timeout";
case MTLCommandBufferErrorPageFault:
return @"page fault";
case MTLCommandBufferErrorNotPermitted:
return @"not permitted";
case MTLCommandBufferErrorOutOfMemory:
return @"out of memory";
case MTLCommandBufferErrorInvalidResource:
return @"invalid resource";
case MTLCommandBufferErrorMemoryless:
return @"memory-less";
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<unknown> %zu", code];
static bool LogMTLCommandBufferErrorIfPresent(id<MTLCommandBuffer> buffer) {
if (!buffer) {
return true;
if (buffer.status == MTLCommandBufferStatusCompleted) {
return true;
std::stringstream stream;
stream << ">>>>>>>" << std::endl;
stream << "Impeller command buffer could not be committed!" << std::endl;
if (auto desc = buffer.error.localizedDescription) {
stream << desc.UTF8String << std::endl;
if (buffer.error) {
stream << "Domain: "
<< (buffer.error.domain.length > 0u ? buffer.error.domain.UTF8String
: "<unknown>")
<< " Code: "
<< MTLCommandBufferErrorToString(
<< std::endl;
if (@available(iOS 14.0, macOS 11.0, *)) {
NSArray<id<MTLCommandBufferEncoderInfo>>* infos =
for (id<MTLCommandBufferEncoderInfo> info in infos) {
stream << (info.label.length > 0u ? info.label.UTF8String
: "<Unlabelled Render Pass>")
<< ": "
<< MTLCommandEncoderErrorStateToString(info.errorState).UTF8String
<< std::endl;
auto signposts = [info.debugSignposts componentsJoinedByString:@", "];
if (signposts.length > 0u) {
stream << signposts.UTF8String << std::endl;
for (id<MTLFunctionLog> log in buffer.logs) {
auto desc = log.description;
if (desc.length > 0u) {
stream << desc.UTF8String << std::endl;
stream << "<<<<<<<";
VALIDATION_LOG << stream.str();
return false;
static id<MTLCommandBuffer> CreateCommandBuffer(id<MTLCommandQueue> queue) {
if (@available(iOS 14.0, macOS 11.0, *)) {
auto desc = [[MTLCommandBufferDescriptor alloc] init];
// Degrades CPU performance slightly but is well worth the cost for typical
// Impeller workloads.
desc.errorOptions = MTLCommandBufferErrorOptionEncoderExecutionStatus;
return [queue commandBufferWithDescriptor:desc];
return [queue commandBuffer];
CommandBufferMTL::CommandBufferMTL(const std::weak_ptr<const Context>& context,
id<MTLCommandQueue> queue)
: CommandBuffer(context), buffer_(CreateCommandBuffer(queue)) {}
CommandBufferMTL::~CommandBufferMTL() = default;
bool CommandBufferMTL::IsValid() const {
return buffer_ != nil;
void CommandBufferMTL::SetLabel(const std::string& label) const {
if (label.empty()) {
[buffer_ setLabel:@(];
static CommandBuffer::Status ToCommitResult(MTLCommandBufferStatus status) {
switch (status) {
case MTLCommandBufferStatusCompleted:
return CommandBufferMTL::Status::kCompleted;
case MTLCommandBufferStatusEnqueued:
return CommandBufferMTL::Status::kPending;
return CommandBufferMTL::Status::kError;
bool CommandBufferMTL::OnSubmitCommands(CompletionCallback callback) {
auto context = context_.lock();
if (!context) {
return false;
if (callback) {
addCompletedHandler:^(id<MTLCommandBuffer> buffer) {
[[maybe_unused]] auto result =
<< "Must not have errors during command buffer submission.";
[buffer_ commit];
buffer_ = nil;
return true;
bool CommandBufferMTL::EncodeAndSubmit(
const std::shared_ptr<RenderPass>& render_pass) {
TRACE_EVENT0("impeller", "CommandBufferMTL::EncodeAndSubmit");
if (!IsValid() || !render_pass->IsValid()) {
return false;
auto context = context_.lock();
if (!context) {
return false;
[buffer_ enqueue];
auto buffer = buffer_;
buffer_ = nil;
auto worker_task_runner = ContextMTL::Cast(*context).GetWorkerTaskRunner();
auto mtl_render_pass = static_cast<RenderPassMTL*>(render_pass.get());
// Render command encoder creation has been observed to exceed the stack size
// limit for worker threads, and therefore is intentionally constructed on the
// raster thread.
auto render_command_encoder =
[buffer renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:mtl_render_pass->desc_];
if (!render_command_encoder) {
return false;
auto task = fml::MakeCopyable(
[render_pass, buffer, render_command_encoder, weak_context = context_]() {
auto context = weak_context.lock();
if (!context) {
[render_command_encoder endEncoding];
auto mtl_render_pass = static_cast<RenderPassMTL*>(render_pass.get());
if (!mtl_render_pass->label_.empty()) {
[render_command_encoder setLabel:@(mtl_render_pass->label_.c_str())];
auto result = mtl_render_pass->EncodeCommands(
context->GetResourceAllocator(), render_command_encoder);
[render_command_encoder endEncoding];
if (result) {
[buffer commit];
} else {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Failed to encode command buffer";
return true;
bool CommandBufferMTL::EncodeAndSubmit(
const std::shared_ptr<BlitPass>& blit_pass,
const std::shared_ptr<Allocator>& allocator) {
if (!IsValid() || !blit_pass->IsValid()) {
return false;
auto context = context_.lock();
if (!context) {
return false;
[buffer_ enqueue];
auto buffer = buffer_;
buffer_ = nil;
auto worker_task_runner = ContextMTL::Cast(*context).GetWorkerTaskRunner();
auto task = fml::MakeCopyable(
[blit_pass, buffer, weak_context = context_, allocator]() {
auto context = weak_context.lock();
if (!blit_pass->EncodeCommands(allocator)) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Failed to encode blit pass.";
[buffer commit];
return true;
void CommandBufferMTL::OnWaitUntilScheduled() {}
std::shared_ptr<RenderPass> CommandBufferMTL::OnCreateRenderPass(
RenderTarget target) {
if (!buffer_) {
return nullptr;
auto pass = std::shared_ptr<RenderPassMTL>(
new RenderPassMTL(context_, target, buffer_));
if (!pass->IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
return pass;
std::shared_ptr<BlitPass> CommandBufferMTL::OnCreateBlitPass() {
if (!buffer_) {
return nullptr;
auto pass = std::shared_ptr<BlitPassMTL>(new BlitPassMTL(buffer_));
if (!pass->IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
return pass;
std::shared_ptr<ComputePass> CommandBufferMTL::OnCreateComputePass() {
if (!buffer_) {
return nullptr;
auto pass =
std::shared_ptr<ComputePassMTL>(new ComputePassMTL(context_, buffer_));
if (!pass->IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
return pass;
} // namespace impeller