blob: b70ee43ae89893ab9289e7b4ba985d90b8049e50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:engine_build_configs/engine_build_configs.dart';
import 'command.dart';
import 'flags.dart';
// ignore: public_member_api_docs
final class QueryCommand extends CommandBase {
// ignore: public_member_api_docs
required super.environment,
required this.configs,
}) {
// Add options here that are common to all queries.
abbr: 'a',
help: 'List all results, even when not relevant on this platform',
negatable: false,
abbr: 'b',
help: 'Restrict the query to a single builder.',
allowed: <String>[
for (final MapEntry<String, BuilderConfig> entry in configs.entries)
if (entry.value.canRunOn(environment.platform)) entry.key,
allowedHelp: <String, String>{
// TODO(zanderso): Add human readable descriptions to the json files.
for (final MapEntry<String, BuilderConfig> entry in configs.entries)
if (entry.value.canRunOn(environment.platform))
entry.key: entry.value.path,
environment: environment,
configs: configs,
/// Build configurations loaded from the engine from under ci/builders.
final Map<String, BuilderConfig> configs;
String get name => 'query';
String get description => 'Provides information about build configurations '
'and tests.';
/// The 'query builds' command.
final class QueryBuildersCommand extends CommandBase {
/// Constructs the 'query build' command.
required super.environment,
required this.configs,
/// Build configurations loaded from the engine from under ci/builders.
final Map<String, BuilderConfig> configs;
String get name => 'builders';
String get description => 'Provides information about CI builder '
Future<int> run() async {
// Loop through all configs, and log those that are compatible with the
// current platform.
final bool all = parent!.argResults![allFlag]! as bool;
final String? builderName = parent!.argResults![builderFlag] as String?;
final bool verbose = globalResults![verboseFlag]! as bool;
if (!verbose) {
'Add --verbose to see detailed information about each builder',
for (final String key in configs.keys) {
if (builderName != null && key != builderName) {
final BuilderConfig config = configs[key]!;
if (!config.canRunOn(environment.platform) && !all) {
environment.logger.status('"$key" builder:');
for (final Build build in config.builds) {
if (!build.canRunOn(environment.platform) && !all) {
environment.logger.status('"${}" config', indent: 3);
if (!verbose) {
environment.logger.status('gn flags:', indent: 6);
for (final String flag in {
environment.logger.status(flag, indent: 9);
if ( {
environment.logger.status('ninja targets:', indent: 6);
for (final String target in {
environment.logger.status(target, indent: 9);
return 0;