blob: 65b959a0d4884fa78b48ed108bfd6b32e8fac4eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/gles/gles.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/gles/proc_table_gles.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/command.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/vertex_descriptor.h"
namespace impeller {
/// @brief Sets up stage bindings for single draw call in the OpenGLES
/// backend.
class BufferBindingsGLES {
bool RegisterVertexStageInput(const ProcTableGLES& gl,
const std::vector<ShaderStageIOSlot>& inputs);
bool ReadUniformsBindings(const ProcTableGLES& gl, GLuint program);
bool BindVertexAttributes(const ProcTableGLES& gl,
size_t vertex_offset) const;
bool BindUniformData(const ProcTableGLES& gl,
Allocator& transients_allocator,
const Bindings& vertex_bindings,
const Bindings& fragment_bindings) const;
bool UnbindVertexAttributes(const ProcTableGLES& gl) const;
/// @brief The arguments to glVertexAttribPointer.
struct VertexAttribPointer {
GLuint index = 0u;
GLint size = 4;
GLenum type = GL_FLOAT;
GLenum normalized = GL_FALSE;
GLsizei stride = 0u;
GLsizei offset = 0u;
std::vector<VertexAttribPointer> vertex_attrib_arrays_;
std::map<std::string, GLint> uniform_locations_;
bool BindUniformBuffer(const ProcTableGLES& gl,
Allocator& transients_allocator,
const BufferResource& buffer) const;
bool BindTextures(const ProcTableGLES& gl, const Bindings& bindings) const;
} // namespace impeller