blob: 6844f4e463d6afe6342da60c459a2e91e47b6ee2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/metal/shader_library_mtl.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/metal/shader_function_mtl.h"
namespace impeller {
ShaderLibraryMTL::ShaderLibraryMTL(NSArray<id<MTLLibrary>>* libraries)
: libraries_(libraries) {
if (libraries_ == nil || libraries_.count == 0) {
is_valid_ = true;
ShaderLibraryMTL::~ShaderLibraryMTL() = default;
bool ShaderLibraryMTL::IsValid() const {
return is_valid_;
std::shared_ptr<const ShaderFunction> ShaderLibraryMTL::GetFunction(
const std::string_view& name,
ShaderStage stage) {
if (!IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
ShaderKey key(name, stage);
if (auto found = functions_.find(key); found != functions_.end()) {
return found->second;
id<MTLFunction> function = nil;
for (size_t i = 0, count = [libraries_ count]; i < count; i++) {
function = [libraries_[i] newFunctionWithName:@(];
if (function) {
if (function == nil) {
return nullptr;
auto func = std::shared_ptr<ShaderFunctionMTL>(new ShaderFunctionMTL(
library_id_, function, {, name.size()}, stage));
functions_[key] = func;
return func;
} // namespace impeller