blob: 7a53d9ceded5d08d0dadbe0c3ef5068d9ca9fb91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tessellator.h"
#include <vector>
namespace impeller {
PathBuilder* CreatePathBuilder() {
return new PathBuilder();
void DestroyPathBuilder(PathBuilder* builder) {
delete builder;
void MoveTo(PathBuilder* builder, Scalar x, Scalar y) {
builder->MoveTo(Point(x, y));
void LineTo(PathBuilder* builder, Scalar x, Scalar y) {
builder->LineTo(Point(x, y));
void CubicTo(PathBuilder* builder,
Scalar x1,
Scalar y1,
Scalar x2,
Scalar y2,
Scalar x3,
Scalar y3) {
builder->CubicCurveTo(Point(x1, y1), Point(x2, y2), Point(x3, y3));
void Close(PathBuilder* builder) {
struct Vertices* Tessellate(PathBuilder* builder,
int fill_type,
Scalar scale,
Scalar angle_tolerance,
Scalar cusp_limit) {
auto path = builder->CopyPath(static_cast<FillType>(fill_type));
auto smoothing = SmoothingApproximation(scale, angle_tolerance, cusp_limit);
auto polyline = path.CreatePolyline(smoothing);
std::vector<float> points;
if (Tessellator{}.Tessellate(path.GetFillType(), polyline,
[&points](Point vertex) {
}) != Tessellator::Result::kSuccess) {
return nullptr;
Vertices* vertices = new Vertices();
vertices->points = new float[points.size()];
if (!vertices->points) {
return nullptr;
vertices->length = points.size();
std::copy(points.begin(), points.end(), vertices->points);
return vertices;
void DestroyVertices(Vertices* vertices) {
delete vertices->points;
delete vertices;
} // namespace impeller