blob: 468c62ffdf4fa725f28db934bbbc88cef117d4c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/fl_key_embedder_responder.h"
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/fl_key_embedder_responder_private.h"
#include "flutter/shell/platform/linux/key_mapping.h"
constexpr uint64_t kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond = 1000;
static const FlutterKeyEvent empty_event{
.struct_size = sizeof(FlutterKeyEvent),
.timestamp = 0,
.type = kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown,
.physical = 0,
.logical = 0,
.character = nullptr,
.synthesized = false,
// Look up a hash table that maps a uint64_t to a uint64_t.
// Returns 0 if not found.
// Both key and value should be directly hashed.
static uint64_t lookup_hash_table(GHashTable* table, uint64_t key) {
return gpointer_to_uint64(
g_hash_table_lookup(table, uint64_to_gpointer(key)));
static gboolean hash_table_find_equal_value(gpointer key,
gpointer value,
gpointer user_data) {
return gpointer_to_uint64(value) == gpointer_to_uint64(user_data);
// Look up a hash table that maps a uint64_t to a uint64_t; given its key,
// find its value.
// Returns 0 if not found.
// Both key and value should be directly hashed.
static uint64_t reverse_lookup_hash_table(GHashTable* table, uint64_t value) {
return gpointer_to_uint64(g_hash_table_find(
table, hash_table_find_equal_value, uint64_to_gpointer(value)));
static uint64_t to_lower(uint64_t n) {
constexpr uint64_t lower_a = 0x61;
constexpr uint64_t upper_a = 0x41;
constexpr uint64_t upper_z = 0x5a;
constexpr uint64_t lower_a_grave = 0xe0;
constexpr uint64_t upper_a_grave = 0xc0;
constexpr uint64_t upper_thorn = 0xde;
constexpr uint64_t division = 0xf7;
// ASCII range.
if (n >= upper_a && n <= upper_z) {
return n - upper_a + lower_a;
// EASCII range.
if (n >= upper_a_grave && n <= upper_thorn && n != division) {
return n - upper_a_grave + lower_a_grave;
return n;
/* Define FlKeyEmbedderUserData */
* FlKeyEmbedderUserData:
* The user_data used when #FlKeyEmbedderResponder sends message through the
* embedder.SendKeyEvent API.
#define FL_TYPE_EMBEDDER_USER_DATA fl_key_embedder_user_data_get_type()
struct _FlKeyEmbedderUserData {
GObject parent_instance;
FlKeyResponderAsyncCallback callback;
gpointer user_data;
G_DEFINE_TYPE(FlKeyEmbedderUserData, fl_key_embedder_user_data, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
static void fl_key_embedder_user_data_dispose(GObject* object);
static void fl_key_embedder_user_data_class_init(
FlKeyEmbedderUserDataClass* klass) {
G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->dispose = fl_key_embedder_user_data_dispose;
static void fl_key_embedder_user_data_init(FlKeyEmbedderUserData* self) {}
static void fl_key_embedder_user_data_dispose(GObject* object) {
// The following line suppresses a warning for unused function
// Creates a new FlKeyChannelUserData private class with all information.
// The callback and the user_data might be nullptr.
static FlKeyEmbedderUserData* fl_key_embedder_user_data_new(
FlKeyResponderAsyncCallback callback,
gpointer user_data) {
FlKeyEmbedderUserData* self = FL_KEY_EMBEDDER_USER_DATA(
g_object_new(FL_TYPE_EMBEDDER_USER_DATA, nullptr));
self->callback = callback;
self->user_data = user_data;
return self;
/* Define FlKeyEmbedderResponder */
namespace {
typedef enum {
} StateLogicInferrence;
struct _FlKeyEmbedderResponder {
GObject parent_instance;
EmbedderSendKeyEvent send_key_event;
// Internal record for states of whether a key is pressed.
// It is a map from Flutter physical key to Flutter logical key. Both keys
// and values are directly stored uint64s. This table is freed by the
// responder.
GHashTable* pressing_records;
// Internal record for states of whether a lock mode is enabled.
// It is a bit mask composed of GTK mode bits.
guint lock_records;
// Internal record for the last observed key mapping.
// It stores the physical key last seen during a key down event for a logical
// key. It is used to synthesize modifier keys and lock keys.
// It is a map from Flutter logical key to physical key. Both keys and
// values are directly stored uint64s. This table is freed by the responder.
GHashTable* mapping_records;
// The inferred logic type indicating whether the CapsLock state logic is
// reversed on this platform.
// For more information, see #update_caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence.
StateLogicInferrence caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence;
// Record if any events has been sent during a
// |fl_key_embedder_responder_handle_event| call.
bool sent_any_events;
// A static map from GTK modifier bits to #FlKeyEmbedderCheckedKey to
// configure the modifier keys that needs to be tracked and kept synchronous
// on.
// The keys are directly stored guints. The values must be freed with g_free.
// This table is freed by the responder.
GHashTable* modifier_bit_to_checked_keys;
// A static map from GTK modifier bits to #FlKeyEmbedderCheckedKey to
// configure the lock mode bits that needs to be tracked and kept synchronous
// on.
// The keys are directly stored guints. The values must be freed with g_free.
// This table is freed by the responder.
GHashTable* lock_bit_to_checked_keys;
// A static map generated by reverse mapping lock_bit_to_checked_keys.
// It is a map from primary physical keys to lock bits. Both keys and values
// are directly stored uint64s. This table is freed by the responder.
GHashTable* logical_key_to_lock_bit;
static void fl_key_embedder_responder_iface_init(
FlKeyResponderInterface* iface);
static void fl_key_embedder_responder_dispose(GObject* object);
static void fl_key_embedder_responder_handle_event(
FlKeyResponder* responder,
FlKeyEvent* event,
uint64_t specified_logical_key,
FlKeyResponderAsyncCallback callback,
gpointer user_data);
static void fl_key_embedder_responder_iface_init(
FlKeyResponderInterface* iface) {
iface->handle_event = fl_key_embedder_responder_handle_event;
// Initializes the FlKeyEmbedderResponder class methods.
static void fl_key_embedder_responder_class_init(
FlKeyEmbedderResponderClass* klass) {
G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->dispose = fl_key_embedder_responder_dispose;
// Initializes an FlKeyEmbedderResponder instance.
static void fl_key_embedder_responder_init(FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self) {}
// Disposes of an FlKeyEmbedderResponder instance.
static void fl_key_embedder_responder_dispose(GObject* object) {
FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self = FL_KEY_EMBEDDER_RESPONDER(object);
g_clear_pointer(&self->pressing_records, g_hash_table_unref);
g_clear_pointer(&self->mapping_records, g_hash_table_unref);
g_clear_pointer(&self->modifier_bit_to_checked_keys, g_hash_table_unref);
g_clear_pointer(&self->lock_bit_to_checked_keys, g_hash_table_unref);
g_clear_pointer(&self->logical_key_to_lock_bit, g_hash_table_unref);
// Fill in #logical_key_to_lock_bit by associating a logical key with
// its corresponding modifier bit.
// This is used as the body of a loop over #lock_bit_to_checked_keys.
static void initialize_logical_key_to_lock_bit_loop_body(gpointer lock_bit,
gpointer value,
gpointer user_data) {
FlKeyEmbedderCheckedKey* checked_key =
GHashTable* table = reinterpret_cast<GHashTable*>(user_data);
// Creates a new FlKeyEmbedderResponder instance.
FlKeyEmbedderResponder* fl_key_embedder_responder_new(
EmbedderSendKeyEvent send_key_event) {
FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self = FL_KEY_EMBEDDER_RESPONDER(
self->send_key_event = std::move(send_key_event);
self->pressing_records = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
self->mapping_records = g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
self->lock_records = 0;
self->caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence = kStateLogicUndecided;
self->modifier_bit_to_checked_keys =
g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_free);
self->lock_bit_to_checked_keys =
g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_free);
self->logical_key_to_lock_bit =
g_hash_table_new(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal);
return self;
/* Implement FlKeyEmbedderUserData */
static uint64_t apply_id_plane(uint64_t logical_id, uint64_t plane) {
return (logical_id & kValueMask) | plane;
static uint64_t event_to_physical_key(const FlKeyEvent* event) {
auto found = xkb_to_physical_key_map.find(event->keycode);
if (found != xkb_to_physical_key_map.end()) {
return found->second;
return apply_id_plane(event->keycode, kGtkPlane);
static uint64_t event_to_logical_key(const FlKeyEvent* event) {
guint keyval = event->keyval;
auto found = gtk_keyval_to_logical_key_map.find(keyval);
if (found != gtk_keyval_to_logical_key_map.end()) {
return found->second;
// EASCII range
if (keyval < 256) {
return apply_id_plane(to_lower(keyval), kUnicodePlane);
// Auto-generate key
return apply_id_plane(keyval, kGtkPlane);
static uint64_t event_to_timestamp(const FlKeyEvent* event) {
return kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond * static_cast<double>(event->time);
// Returns a newly accocated UTF-8 string from event->keyval that must be
// freed later with g_free().
static char* event_to_character(const FlKeyEvent* event) {
gunichar unicodeChar = gdk_keyval_to_unicode(event->keyval);
glong items_written;
gchar* result = g_ucs4_to_utf8(&unicodeChar, 1, NULL, &items_written, NULL);
if (items_written == 0) {
if (result != NULL) {
return nullptr;
return result;
// Handles a response from the embedder API to a key event sent to the framework
// earlier.
static void handle_response(bool handled, gpointer user_data) {
g_autoptr(FlKeyEmbedderUserData) data = FL_KEY_EMBEDDER_USER_DATA(user_data);
g_return_if_fail(data->callback != nullptr);
data->callback(handled, data->user_data);
// Sends a synthesized event to the framework with no demand for callback.
static void synthesize_simple_event(FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self,
FlutterKeyEventType type,
uint64_t physical,
uint64_t logical,
double timestamp) {
FlutterKeyEvent out_event;
out_event.struct_size = sizeof(out_event);
out_event.timestamp = timestamp;
out_event.type = type;
out_event.physical = physical;
out_event.logical = logical;
out_event.character = nullptr;
out_event.synthesized = true;
self->sent_any_events = true;
self->send_key_event(&out_event, nullptr, nullptr);
namespace {
// Context variables for the foreach call used to synchronize pressing states
// and lock states.
typedef struct {
FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self;
guint state;
uint64_t event_logical_key;
bool is_down;
double timestamp;
} SyncStateLoopContext;
} // namespace
// Update the pressing record.
// If `logical_key` is 0, the record will be set as "released". Otherwise, the
// record will be set as "pressed" with this logical key. This function asserts
// that the key is pressed if the caller asked to release, and vice versa.
static void update_pressing_state(FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self,
uint64_t physical_key,
uint64_t logical_key) {
if (logical_key != 0) {
g_return_if_fail(lookup_hash_table(self->pressing_records, physical_key) ==
} else {
g_return_if_fail(lookup_hash_table(self->pressing_records, physical_key) !=
// Update the lock record.
// If `is_down` is false, this function is a no-op. Otherwise, this function
// finds the lock bit corresponding to `physical_key`, and flips its bit.
static void possibly_update_lock_bit(FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self,
uint64_t logical_key,
bool is_down) {
if (!is_down) {
const guint mode_bit = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(g_hash_table_lookup(
self->logical_key_to_lock_bit, uint64_to_gpointer(logical_key)));
if (mode_bit != 0) {
self->lock_records ^= mode_bit;
static void update_mapping_record(FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self,
uint64_t physical_key,
uint64_t logical_key) {
g_hash_table_insert(self->mapping_records, uint64_to_gpointer(logical_key),
// Synchronizes the pressing state of a key to its state from the event by
// synthesizing events.
// This is used as the body of a loop over #modifier_bit_to_checked_keys.
static void synchronize_pressed_states_loop_body(gpointer key,
gpointer value,
gpointer user_data) {
SyncStateLoopContext* context =
FlKeyEmbedderCheckedKey* checked_key =
const guint modifier_bit = GPOINTER_TO_INT(key);
FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self = context->self;
// Each TestKey contains up to two logical keys, typically the left modifier
// and the right modifier, that correspond to the same modifier_bit. We'd
// like to infer whether to synthesize a down or up event for each key.
// The hard part is that, if we want to synthesize a down event, we don't know
// which physical key to use. Here we assume the keyboard layout do not change
// frequently and use the last physical-logical relationship, recorded in
// #mapping_records.
const uint64_t logical_keys[] = {
const guint length = checked_key->secondary_logical_key == 0 ? 1 : 2;
const bool any_pressed_by_state = (context->state & modifier_bit) != 0;
bool any_pressed_by_record = false;
// Traverse each logical key of this modifier bit for 2 purposes:
// 1. Perform the synthesization of release events: If the modifier bit is 0
// and the key is pressed, synthesize a release event.
// 2. Prepare for the synthesization of press events: If the modifier bit is
// 1, and no keys are pressed (discovered here), synthesize a press event
// later.
for (guint logical_key_idx = 0; logical_key_idx < length; logical_key_idx++) {
const uint64_t logical_key = logical_keys[logical_key_idx];
g_return_if_fail(logical_key != 0);
const uint64_t pressing_physical_key =
reverse_lookup_hash_table(self->pressing_records, logical_key);
const bool this_key_pressed_before_event = pressing_physical_key != 0;
any_pressed_by_record =
any_pressed_by_record || this_key_pressed_before_event;
if (this_key_pressed_before_event && !any_pressed_by_state) {
const uint64_t recorded_physical_key =
lookup_hash_table(self->mapping_records, logical_key);
// Since this key has been pressed before, there must have been a recorded
// physical key.
g_return_if_fail(recorded_physical_key != 0);
// In rare cases #recorded_logical_key is different from #logical_key.
const uint64_t recorded_logical_key =
lookup_hash_table(self->pressing_records, recorded_physical_key);
synthesize_simple_event(self, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp,
recorded_physical_key, recorded_logical_key,
update_pressing_state(self, recorded_physical_key, 0);
// If the modifier should be pressed, synthesize a down event for its primary
// key.
if (any_pressed_by_state && !any_pressed_by_record) {
const uint64_t logical_key = checked_key->primary_logical_key;
const uint64_t recorded_physical_key =
lookup_hash_table(self->mapping_records, logical_key);
// The physical key is derived from past mapping record if possible.
// The event to be synthesized is a key down event. There might not have
// been a mapping record, in which case the hard-coded #primary_physical_key
// is used.
const uint64_t physical_key = recorded_physical_key != 0
? recorded_physical_key
: checked_key->primary_physical_key;
if (recorded_physical_key == 0) {
update_mapping_record(self, physical_key, logical_key);
synthesize_simple_event(self, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown, physical_key,
logical_key, context->timestamp);
update_pressing_state(self, physical_key, logical_key);
// Find the stage # by the current record, which should be the recorded stage
// before the event.
static int find_stage_by_record(bool is_down, bool is_enabled) {
constexpr int stage_by_record_index[] = {
0, // is_down: 0, is_enabled: 0
2, // 0 1
3, // 1 0
1 // 1 1
return stage_by_record_index[(is_down << 1) + is_enabled];
// Find the stage # by an event for the target key, which should be inferred
// stage before the event.
static int find_stage_by_self_event(int stage_by_record,
bool is_down_event,
bool is_state_on,
bool reverse_state_logic) {
if (!is_state_on) {
return reverse_state_logic ? 2 : 0;
if (is_down_event) {
return reverse_state_logic ? 0 : 2;
return stage_by_record;
// Find the stage # by an event for a non-target key, which should be inferred
// stage during the event.
static int find_stage_by_others_event(int stage_by_record, bool is_state_on) {
g_return_val_if_fail(stage_by_record >= 0 && stage_by_record < 4,
if (!is_state_on) {
return 0;
if (stage_by_record == 0) {
return 1;
return stage_by_record;
// Infer the logic type of CapsLock on the current platform if applicable.
// In most cases, when a lock key is pressed or released, its event has the
// key's state as 0-1-1-1 for the 4 stages (as documented in
// #synchronize_lock_states_loop_body) respectively. But in very rare cases it
// produces 1-1-0-1, which we call "reversed state logic". This is observed
// when using Chrome Remote Desktop on macOS (likely a bug).
// To detect whether the current platform behaves normally or reversed, this
// function is called on the first down event of CapsLock before calculating
// stages. This function then store the inferred mode as
// self->caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence.
// This does not help if the same app session is used alternatively between a
// reversed platform and a normal platform. But this is the best we can do.
static void update_caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence(
FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self,
bool is_down_event,
bool enabled_by_state,
int stage_by_record) {
if (self->caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence != kStateLogicUndecided) {
if (!is_down_event) {
const int stage_by_event = find_stage_by_self_event(
stage_by_record, is_down_event, enabled_by_state, false);
if ((stage_by_event == 0 && stage_by_record == 2) ||
(stage_by_event == 2 && stage_by_record == 0)) {
self->caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence = kStateLogicReversed;
} else {
self->caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence = kStateLogicNormal;
// Synchronizes the lock state of a key to its state from the event by
// synthesizing events.
// This is used as the body of a loop over #lock_bit_to_checked_keys.
// This function might modify #caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence.
static void synchronize_lock_states_loop_body(gpointer key,
gpointer value,
gpointer user_data) {
SyncStateLoopContext* context =
FlKeyEmbedderCheckedKey* checked_key =
guint modifier_bit = GPOINTER_TO_INT(key);
FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self = context->self;
const uint64_t logical_key = checked_key->primary_logical_key;
const uint64_t recorded_physical_key =
lookup_hash_table(self->mapping_records, logical_key);
// The physical key is derived from past mapping record if possible.
// If the event to be synthesized is a key up event, then there must have
// been a key down event before, which has updated the mapping record.
// If the event to be synthesized is a key down event, then there might
// not have been a mapping record, in which case the hard-coded
// #primary_physical_key is used.
const uint64_t physical_key = recorded_physical_key != 0
? recorded_physical_key
: checked_key->primary_physical_key;
// A lock mode key can be at any of a 4-stage cycle, depending on whether it's
// pressed and enabled. The following table lists the definition of each
// stage (TruePressed and TrueEnabled), the event of the lock key between
// every 2 stages (SelfType and SelfState), and the event of other keys at
// each stage (OthersState). On certain platforms SelfState uses a reversed
// rule for certain keys (SelfState(rvsd), as documented in
// #update_caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence).
// # [0] [1] [2] [3]
// TruePressed: Released Pressed Released Pressed
// TrueEnabled: Disabled Enabled Enabled Disabled
// SelfType: Down Up Down Up
// SelfState: 0 1 1 1
// SelfState(rvsd): 1 1 0 1
// OthersState: 0 1 1 1
// When the exact stage can't be derived, choose the stage that requires the
// minimal synthesization.
const uint64_t pressed_logical_key =
recorded_physical_key == 0
? 0
: lookup_hash_table(self->pressing_records, recorded_physical_key);
g_return_if_fail(pressed_logical_key == 0 ||
pressed_logical_key == logical_key);
const int stage_by_record = find_stage_by_record(
pressed_logical_key != 0, (self->lock_records & modifier_bit) != 0);
const bool enabled_by_state = (context->state & modifier_bit) != 0;
const bool this_key_is_event_key = logical_key == context->event_logical_key;
if (this_key_is_event_key && checked_key->is_caps_lock) {
update_caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence(self, context->is_down,
enabled_by_state, stage_by_record);
g_return_if_fail(self->caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence !=
const bool reverse_state_logic =
checked_key->is_caps_lock &&
self->caps_lock_state_logic_inferrence == kStateLogicReversed;
const int stage_by_event =
? find_stage_by_self_event(stage_by_record, context->is_down,
enabled_by_state, reverse_state_logic)
: find_stage_by_others_event(stage_by_record, enabled_by_state);
// The destination stage is equal to stage_by_event but shifted cyclically to
// be no less than stage_by_record.
constexpr int kNumStages = 4;
const int destination_stage = stage_by_event >= stage_by_record
? stage_by_event
: stage_by_event + kNumStages;
g_return_if_fail(stage_by_record <= destination_stage);
if (stage_by_record == destination_stage) {
for (int current_stage = stage_by_record; current_stage < destination_stage;
current_stage += 1) {
if (current_stage == 9) {
const int standard_current_stage = current_stage % kNumStages;
const bool is_down_event =
standard_current_stage == 0 || standard_current_stage == 2;
if (is_down_event && recorded_physical_key == 0) {
update_mapping_record(self, physical_key, logical_key);
FlutterKeyEventType type =
is_down_event ? kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown : kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp;
update_pressing_state(self, physical_key, is_down_event ? logical_key : 0);
possibly_update_lock_bit(self, logical_key, is_down_event);
synthesize_simple_event(self, type, physical_key, logical_key,
static void fl_key_embedder_responder_handle_event_impl(
FlKeyResponder* responder,
FlKeyEvent* event,
uint64_t specified_logical_key,
FlKeyResponderAsyncCallback callback,
gpointer user_data) {
FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self = FL_KEY_EMBEDDER_RESPONDER(responder);
g_return_if_fail(event != nullptr);
g_return_if_fail(callback != nullptr);
const uint64_t physical_key = event_to_physical_key(event);
const uint64_t logical_key = specified_logical_key != 0
? specified_logical_key
: event_to_logical_key(event);
const double timestamp = event_to_timestamp(event);
const bool is_down_event = event->is_press;
SyncStateLoopContext sync_state_context;
sync_state_context.self = self;
sync_state_context.state = event->state;
sync_state_context.timestamp = timestamp;
sync_state_context.is_down = is_down_event;
sync_state_context.event_logical_key = logical_key;
// Update lock mode states
synchronize_lock_states_loop_body, &sync_state_context);
// Update pressing states
// Construct the real event
const uint64_t last_logical_record =
lookup_hash_table(self->pressing_records, physical_key);
FlutterKeyEvent out_event;
out_event.struct_size = sizeof(out_event);
out_event.timestamp = timestamp;
out_event.physical = physical_key;
out_event.logical =
last_logical_record != 0 ? last_logical_record : logical_key;
out_event.character = nullptr;
out_event.synthesized = false;
g_autofree char* character_to_free = nullptr;
if (is_down_event) {
if (last_logical_record) {
// A key has been pressed that has the exact physical key as a currently
// pressed one. This can happen during repeated events.
out_event.type = kFlutterKeyEventTypeRepeat;
} else {
out_event.type = kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown;
character_to_free = event_to_character(event); // Might be null
out_event.character = character_to_free;
} else { // is_down_event false
if (!last_logical_record) {
// The physical key has been released before. It might indicate a missed
// event due to loss of focus, or multiple keyboards pressed keys with the
// same physical key. Ignore the up event.
callback(true, user_data);
} else {
out_event.type = kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp;
if (out_event.type != kFlutterKeyEventTypeRepeat) {
update_pressing_state(self, physical_key, is_down_event ? logical_key : 0);
possibly_update_lock_bit(self, logical_key, is_down_event);
if (is_down_event) {
update_mapping_record(self, physical_key, logical_key);
FlKeyEmbedderUserData* response_data =
fl_key_embedder_user_data_new(callback, user_data);
self->sent_any_events = true;
self->send_key_event(&out_event, handle_response, response_data);
// Sends a key event to the framework.
static void fl_key_embedder_responder_handle_event(
FlKeyResponder* responder,
FlKeyEvent* event,
uint64_t specified_logical_key,
FlKeyResponderAsyncCallback callback,
gpointer user_data) {
FlKeyEmbedderResponder* self = FL_KEY_EMBEDDER_RESPONDER(responder);
self->sent_any_events = false;
responder, event, specified_logical_key, callback, user_data);
if (!self->sent_any_events) {
self->send_key_event(&empty_event, nullptr, nullptr);