blob: 96c5fc0d5765e9cf6ef82bfe89d5b6c2c97142f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async' show Timer, runZoned;
import 'dart:io' as io show IOSink, stderr, stdout;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart' as log;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
// This is where a flutter_tool style progress spinner, color output,
// ascii art, terminal control for clearing lines or the whole screen, etc.
// can go. We can just add more methods to Logger using the flutter_tool's
// Logger as a guide:
/// A simplified wrapper around the [Logger] from package:logging.
/// The default log level is [Logger.status]. A --quiet flag might change it to
/// [Logger.warning] or [Logger.error]. A --verbose flag might change it to
/// [].
/// Log messages at [Logger.warning] and higher will be written to stderr, and
/// to stdout otherwise. [Logger.test] records all log messages to a buffer,
/// which can be inspected by unit tetss.
class Logger {
/// Constructs a logger for use in the tool.
: _logger = log.Logger.detached('et'),
_test = false {
_logger.level = statusLevel;
/// A logger for tests.
: _logger = log.Logger.detached('et'),
_test = true {
_logger.level = statusLevel;
_logger.onRecord.listen((log.LogRecord r) => _testLogs.add(r));
/// The logging level for error messages. These go to stderr.
static const log.Level errorLevel = log.Level('ERROR', 100);
/// The logging level for warning messages. These go to stderr.
static const log.Level warningLevel = log.Level('WARNING', 75);
/// The logging level for normal status messages. These go to stdout.
static const log.Level statusLevel = log.Level('STATUS', 25);
/// The logging level for verbose informational messages. These go to stdout.
static const log.Level infoLevel = log.Level('INFO', 10);
static void _handler(log.LogRecord r) {
final io.IOSink sink = r.level >= warningLevel ? io.stderr : io.stdout;
final String prefix =
r.level >= warningLevel ? '[${r.time}] ${r.level}: ' : '';
_ioSinkWrite(sink, '$prefix${r.message}');
// Status of the global io.stderr and io.stdout is shared across all
// Logger instances.
static bool _stdioDone = false;
// stdout and stderr might already be closed, and when not already closed,
// writing can still fail by throwing either a sync or async exception.
// This function handles all three cases.
static void _ioSinkWrite(io.IOSink sink, String message) {
if (_stdioDone) {
runZoned<void>(() {
try {
} catch (_) {
_stdioDone = true;
}, onError: (Object e, StackTrace s) {
_stdioDone = true;
static void _setupIoSink(io.IOSink sink) {
(void _) {
_stdioDone = true;
onError: (Object err, StackTrace st) {
_stdioDone = true;
final log.Logger _logger;
final List<log.LogRecord> _testLogs = <log.LogRecord>[];
final bool _test;
Spinner? _status;
/// Get the current logging level.
log.Level get level => _logger.level;
/// Set the current logging level.
set level(log.Level l) {
_logger.level = l;
/// Record a log message level [Logger.error] and throw a FatalError.
/// This should only be called when the program has entered an impossible
/// to recover from state or when something isn't implemented yet.
void fatal(
Object? message, {
int indent = 0,
bool newline = true,
bool fit = false,
}) {
_emitLog(errorLevel, message, indent, newline, fit);
throw FatalError(_formatMessage(message, indent, newline, fit));
/// Record a log message at level [Logger.error].
void error(
Object? message, {
int indent = 0,
bool newline = true,
bool fit = false,
}) {
_emitLog(errorLevel, message, indent, newline, fit);
/// Record a log message at level [Logger.warning].
void warning(
Object? message, {
int indent = 0,
bool newline = true,
bool fit = false,
}) {
_emitLog(warningLevel, message, indent, newline, fit);
/// Record a log message at level [Logger.warning].
void status(
Object? message, {
int indent = 0,
bool newline = true,
bool fit = false,
}) {
_emitLog(statusLevel, message, indent, newline, fit);
/// Record a log message at level [].
void info(
Object? message, {
int indent = 0,
bool newline = true,
bool fit = false,
}) {
_emitLog(infoLevel, message, indent, newline, fit);
/// Writes a number of spaces to stdout equal to the width of the terminal
/// and emits a carriage return.
void clearLine() {
if (!io.stdout.hasTerminal || _test) {
/// Starts printing a progress spinner.
Spinner startSpinner({
void Function()? onFinish,
}) {
void finishCallback() {
_status = null;
_status = io.stdout.hasTerminal && !_test
? FlutterSpinner(onFinish: finishCallback)
: Spinner(onFinish: finishCallback);
return _status!;
static void _emitClearLine() {
if (io.stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes) {
// Go to start of the line and clear the line.
_ioSinkWrite(io.stdout, '\r\x1B[K');
final int width = io.stdout.terminalColumns;
final String backspaces = '\b' * width;
final String spaces = ' ' * width;
_ioSinkWrite(io.stdout, '$backspaces$spaces$backspaces');
String _formatMessage(Object? message, int indent, bool newline, bool fit) {
String m = '${' ' * indent}$message${newline ? '\n' : ''}';
if (fit && io.stdout.hasTerminal) {
m = fitToWidth(m, io.stdout.terminalColumns);
return m;
void _emitLog(
log.Level level,
Object? message,
int indent,
bool newline,
bool fit,
) {
final String m = _formatMessage(message, indent, newline, fit);
_logger.log(level, m);
/// Shorten a string such that its length will be `w` by replacing
/// enough characters in the middle with '...'. Trailing whitespace will not
/// be preserved or counted against 'w', but if the input ends with a newline,
/// then the output will end with a newline that is not counted against 'w'.
/// That is, if the input string ends with a newline, the output string will
/// have length up to (w + 1) and end with a newline.
/// If w <= 0, the result will be the empty string.
/// If w <= 3, the result will be a string containing w '.'s.
/// If there are a different number of non-'...' characters to the right and
/// left of '...' in the result, then the right will have one more than the
/// left.
static String fitToWidth(String s, int w) {
// Preserve a trailing newline if needed.
final String maybeNewline = s.endsWith('\n') ? '\n' : '';
if (w <= 0) {
return maybeNewline;
if (w <= 3) {
return '${'.' * w}$maybeNewline';
// But remove trailing whitespace before removing the middle of the string.
s = s.trimRight();
if (s.length <= w) {
return '$s$maybeNewline';
// remove (s.length + 3 - w) characters from the middle of `s` and
// replace them with '...'.
final int diff = (s.length + 3) - w;
final int leftEnd = (s.length - diff) ~/ 2;
final int rightStart = (s.length + diff) ~/ 2;
s = s.replaceRange(leftEnd, rightStart, '...');
return s + maybeNewline;
/// In a [Logger] constructed by [Logger.test], this list will contain all of
/// the [LogRecord]s emitted by the test.
List<log.LogRecord> get testLogs => _testLogs;
/// A base class for progress spinners, and a no-op implementation that prints
/// nothing.
class Spinner {
/// Creates a progress spinner. If supplied the `onDone` callback will be
/// called when `finish()` is called.
/// The callback called when `finish()` is called.
final void Function()? onFinish;
/// Starts the spinner animation.
void start() {}
/// Pauses the spinner animation. That is, this call causes printing to the
/// terminal to stop.
void pause() {}
/// Resumes the animation at the same from where `pause()` was called.
void resume() {}
/// Ends an animation, calling the `onFinish` callback if one was provided.
void finish() {
/// A [Spinner] implementation that prints an animated "Flutter" banner.
class FlutterSpinner extends Spinner {
// ignore: public_member_api_docs
/// The frames of the animation.
static const String frames = '⢸⡯⠭⠅⢸⣇⣀⡀⢸⣇⣸⡇⠈⢹⡏⠁⠈⢹⡏⠁⢸⣯⣭⡅⢸⡯⢕⡂⠀⠀';
static final List<String> _flutterAnimation = frames.runes
.map<String>((int scalar) => String.fromCharCode(scalar))
Timer? _timer;
int _ticks = 0;
int _lastAnimationFrameLength = 0;
void start() {
void _startSpinner() {
_timer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 100), _callback);
void _callback(Timer timer) {
Logger._ioSinkWrite(io.stdout, '\b' * _lastAnimationFrameLength);
_ticks += 1;
final String newFrame = _currentAnimationFrame;
_lastAnimationFrameLength = newFrame.runes.length;
Logger._ioSinkWrite(io.stdout, newFrame);
String get _currentAnimationFrame {
return _flutterAnimation[_ticks % _flutterAnimation.length];
void pause() {
_lastAnimationFrameLength = 0;
void resume() {
void finish() {
_timer = null;
_lastAnimationFrameLength = 0;
if (onFinish != null) {
/// FatalErrors are thrown when a fatal error has occurred.
class FatalError extends Error {
/// Constructs a FatalError with a message.
final String _message;
String toString() => _message;