blob: 745f8b2e84cf7d86152bcdf187d2994235a414c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:developer' as developer;
import 'dart:js_interop';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import 'package:ui/ui_web/src/ui_web.dart' as ui_web;
import 'package:web_test_fonts/web_test_fonts.dart';
/// The mode the app is running in.
/// Keep these in sync with the same constants on the framework-side under foundation/constants.dart.
const bool kReleaseMode =
/// A constant that is true if the application was compiled in profile mode.
const bool kProfileMode =
/// A constant that is true if the application was compiled in debug mode.
const bool kDebugMode = !kReleaseMode && !kProfileMode;
/// Returns mode of the app is running in as a string.
String get buildMode => kReleaseMode
? 'release'
: kProfileMode
? 'profile'
: 'debug';
/// A benchmark metric that includes frame-related computations prior to
/// submitting layer and picture operations to the underlying renderer, such as
/// HTML and CanvasKit. During this phase we compute transforms, clips, and
/// other information needed for rendering.
const String kProfilePrerollFrame = 'preroll_frame';
/// A benchmark metric that includes submitting layer and picture information
/// to the renderer.
const String kProfileApplyFrame = 'apply_frame';
final List<ui.VoidCallback> _hotRestartListeners = <ui.VoidCallback>[];
/// Requests that [listener] is called just before hot restarting the app.
void registerHotRestartListener(ui.VoidCallback listener) {
/// Pretends that hot restart is about to happen.
/// Useful in tests to check that the engine performs appropriate clean-ups,
/// such as removing static DOM listeners, prior to allowing the Dart runtime
/// to re-initialize the program.
void debugEmulateHotRestart() {
// While hot restart listeners are executing, more listeners may be added. To
// avoid concurrent modification, the listeners are copies and emptied. If new
// listeners are added in the process, the loop will pick them up.
while (_hotRestartListeners.isNotEmpty) {
final List<ui.VoidCallback> copyOfListeners = _hotRestartListeners.toList();
for (final ui.VoidCallback listener in copyOfListeners) {
/// How far along the initialization process the engine is currently is.
/// The initialization process starts with [none] and proceeds in increasing
/// `index` number until [initialized].
enum DebugEngineInitializationState {
/// Initialization hasn't started yet.
/// The engine is initializing its non-UI services.
/// The engine has initialized its non-UI services, but hasn't started
/// initializing the UI.
/// The engine started attaching UI surfaces to the web page.
/// The engine has fully completed initialization.
/// At this point the framework can start using the engine for I/O, rendering,
/// etc.
/// This is the final state of the engine.
/// The current initialization state of the engine.
/// See [DebugEngineInitializationState] for possible states.
DebugEngineInitializationState get initializationState => _initializationState;
DebugEngineInitializationState _initializationState = DebugEngineInitializationState.uninitialized;
/// Resets the state back to [DebugEngineInitializationState.uninitialized].
/// This is for testing only.
void debugResetEngineInitializationState() {
_initializationState = DebugEngineInitializationState.uninitialized;
/// Initializes non-UI engine services.
/// Does not put any UI onto the page. It is therefore safe to call this
/// function while the page is showing non-Flutter UI, such as a loading
/// indicator, a splash screen, or in an add-to-app scenario where the host page
/// is written using a different web framework.
/// See also:
/// * [initializeEngineUi], which is typically called after this function, and
/// puts UI elements on the page.
Future<void> initializeEngineServices({
ui_web.AssetManager? assetManager,
JsFlutterConfiguration? jsConfiguration
}) async {
if (_initializationState != DebugEngineInitializationState.uninitialized) {
assert(() {
throw StateError(
'Invalid engine initialization state. `initializeEngineServices` was '
'called, but the engine has already started initialization and is '
'currently in state "$_initializationState".'
_initializationState = DebugEngineInitializationState.initializingServices;
// Store `jsConfiguration` so user settings are available to the engine.
// Called by the Web runtime just before hot restarting the app.
// This extension cleans up resources that are registered with browser's
// global singletons that Dart compiler is unable to clean-up automatically.
// This extension does not need to clean-up Dart statics. Those are cleaned
// up by the compiler.
developer.registerExtension('ext.flutter.disassemble', (_, __) {
for (final ui.VoidCallback listener in _hotRestartListeners) {
return Future<developer.ServiceExtensionResponse>.value(
if (Profiler.isBenchmarkMode) {
bool waitingForAnimation = false;
scheduleFrameCallback = () {
// We're asked to schedule a frame and call `frameHandler` when the frame
// fires.
if (!waitingForAnimation) {
waitingForAnimation = true;
domWindow.requestAnimationFrame((JSNumber highResTime) {
// In Flutter terminology "building a frame" consists of "beginning
// frame" and "drawing frame".
// We do not call `recordBuildFinish` from here because
// part of the rasterization process, particularly in the HTML
// renderer, takes place in the ``.
// Reset immediately, because `frameHandler` can schedule more frames.
waitingForAnimation = false;
// We have to convert high-resolution time to `int` so we can construct
// a `Duration` out of it. However, high-res time is supplied in
// milliseconds as a double value, with sub-millisecond information
// hidden in the fraction. So we first multiply it by 1000 to uncover
// microsecond precision, and only then convert to `int`.
final int highResTimeMicroseconds =
(1000 * highResTime.toDartDouble).toInt();
if (EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.onBeginFrame != null) {
Duration(microseconds: highResTimeMicroseconds));
if (EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.onDrawFrame != null) {
// TODO(yjbanov): technically Flutter flushes microtasks between
// onBeginFrame and onDrawFrame. We don't, which hasn't
// been an issue yet, but eventually we'll have to
// implement it properly. (Also see the to-do in
// `EnginePlatformDispatcher.scheduleWarmUpFrame`).
assetManager ??= ui_web.AssetManager(assetBase: configuration.assetBase);
Future<void> initializeRendererCallback () async => renderer.initialize();
await Future.wait<void>(<Future<void>>[initializeRendererCallback(), _downloadAssetFonts()]);
_initializationState = DebugEngineInitializationState.initializedServices;
/// Initializes the UI surfaces for the Flutter framework to render to.
/// Must be called after [initializeEngineServices].
/// This function will start altering the HTML structure of the page. If used
/// in an add-to-app scenario, the host page is expected to prepare for Flutter
/// UI appearing on screen prior to calling this function.
Future<void> initializeEngineUi() async {
if (_initializationState != DebugEngineInitializationState.initializedServices) {
assert(() {
throw StateError(
'Invalid engine initialization state. `initializeEngineUi` was '
'called while the engine initialization state was '
'"$_initializationState". `initializeEngineUi` can only be called '
'when the engine is in state '
_initializationState = DebugEngineInitializationState.initializingUi;
RawKeyboard.initialize(onMacOs: operatingSystem == OperatingSystem.macOs);
if (!configuration.multiViewEnabled) {
final EngineFlutterWindow implicitView =
ensureImplicitViewInitialized(hostElement: configuration.hostElement);
if (renderer is HtmlRenderer) {
_initializationState = DebugEngineInitializationState.initialized;
ui_web.AssetManager get engineAssetManager => _debugAssetManager ?? _assetManager!;
ui_web.AssetManager? _assetManager;
ui_web.AssetManager? _debugAssetManager;
set debugOnlyAssetManager(ui_web.AssetManager? manager) => _debugAssetManager = manager;
void _setAssetManager(ui_web.AssetManager assetManager) {
if (assetManager == _assetManager) {
_assetManager = assetManager;
Future<void> _downloadAssetFonts() async {
if (ui_web.debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment) {
// Load the embedded test font before loading fonts from the assets so that
// the embedded test font is the default (first) font.
await renderer.fontCollection.loadFontFromList(,
fontFamily: EmbeddedTestFont.flutterTest.fontFamily
if (_debugAssetManager != null || _assetManager != null) {
await renderer.fontCollection.loadAssetFonts(await fetchFontManifest(ui_web.assetManager));
/// Whether to disable the font fallback system.
/// We need to disable font fallbacks for some framework tests because
/// Flutter error messages may contain an arrow symbol which is not
/// covered by ASCII fonts. This causes us to try to download the
/// Noto Sans Symbols font, which kicks off a `Timer` which doesn't
/// complete before the Widget tree is disposed (this is by design).
bool get debugDisableFontFallbacks => _debugDisableFontFallbacks;
set debugDisableFontFallbacks(bool value) {
_debugDisableFontFallbacks = value;
bool _debugDisableFontFallbacks = false;