blob: 17c45c16fdcf4dbf166c41addaf842ae2465372c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <impeller/blending.glsl>
#include <impeller/color.glsl>
#include <impeller/types.glsl>
// kScreen = 0,
// kOverlay,
// kDarken,
// kLighten,
// kColorDodge,
// kColorBurn,
// kHardLight,
// kSoftLight,
// kDifference,
// kExclusion,
// kMultiply,
// kHue,
// kSaturation,
// kColor,
// kLuminosity,
// Note, this isn't a switch as GLSL ES 1.0 does not support them.
f16vec3 AdvancedBlend(f16vec3 dst, f16vec3 src, int blend_type) {
if (blend_type == 0) {
return IPBlendScreen(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 1) {
return IPBlendOverlay(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 2) {
return IPBlendDarken(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 3) {
return IPBlendLighten(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 4) {
return IPBlendColorDodge(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 5) {
return IPBlendColorBurn(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 6) {
return IPBlendHardLight(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 7) {
return IPBlendSoftLight(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 8) {
return IPBlendDifference(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 9) {
return IPBlendExclusion(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 10) {
return IPBlendMultiply(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 11) {
return IPBlendHue(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 12) {
return IPBlendSaturation(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 13) {
return IPBlendColor(dst, src);
if (blend_type == 14) {
return IPBlendLuminosity(dst, src);
return f16vec3(0.0hf);