blob: 59ba4af616c1c9646645b63944e089f6e89f1e8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "FlutterCodecs.h"
#import "FlutterMacros.h"
* Wraps a `UIView` for embedding in the Flutter hierarchy
@protocol FlutterPlatformView <NSObject>
* Returns a reference to the `UIView` that is wrapped by this `FlutterPlatformView`.
- (UIView*)view;
@protocol FlutterPlatformViewFactory <NSObject>
* Create a `FlutterPlatformView`.
* Implemented by iOS code that expose a `UIView` for embedding in a Flutter app.
* The implementation of this method should create a new `UIView` and return it.
* @param frame The rectangle for the newly created `UIView` measured in points.
* @param viewId A unique identifier for this `UIView`.
* @param args Parameters for creating the `UIView` sent from the Dart side of the Flutter app.
* If `createArgsCodec` is not implemented, or if no creation arguments were sent from the Dart
* code, this will be null. Otherwise this will be the value sent from the Dart code as decoded by
* `createArgsCodec`.
- (NSObject<FlutterPlatformView>*)createWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
arguments:(id _Nullable)args;
* Returns the `FlutterMessageCodec` for decoding the args parameter of `createWithFrame`.
* Only needs to be implemented if `createWithFrame` needs an arguments parameter.
- (NSObject<FlutterMessageCodec>*)createArgsCodec;