blob: d2e19dbb5c7dd2f88de836ddc2fcb350e99cc042 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:engine_repo_tools/engine_repo_tools.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
void main(List<String> args) {
final Engine? engine = Engine.tryFindWithin();
final ArgParser parser = ArgParser()
abbr: 'h',
help: 'Print this usage information.',
negatable: false,
help: 'Path to clangd. Defaults to deriving the path from compile_commands.json.',
help: 'Path to a directory containing compile_commands.json.',
defaultsTo: engine?.latestOutput()?.compileCommandsJson.parent.path,
final ArgResults results = parser.parse(args);
if (results['help'] as bool) {
final String? compileCommandsDir = results['compile-commands-dir'] as String?;
if (compileCommandsDir == null) {
io.stderr.writeln('Must provide a path to compile_commands.json');
io.exitCode = 1;
final io.File compileCommandsFile = io.File(p.join(compileCommandsDir, 'compile_commands.json'));
if (!compileCommandsFile.existsSync()) {
io.stderr.writeln('No compile_commands.json found in $compileCommandsDir');
io.exitCode = 1;
final List<Object?> compileCommands = json.decode(compileCommandsFile.readAsStringSync()) as List<Object?>;
if (compileCommands.isEmpty) {
io.stderr.writeln('Unexpected: compile_commands.json is empty');
io.exitCode = 1;
String? clangd = results['clangd'] as String?;
final Map<String, Object?> entry = compileCommands.first! as Map<String, Object?>;
final String checkFile;
if (entry case {
'command': final String command,
'directory': final String directory,
'file': final String file,
}) {
// Given a path like ../../flutter/, we want to check
checkFile = p.join(directory, file);
// On CI, the command path is different from the local path.
// Find the engine root and derive the clangd path from there.
if (clangd == null) {
// Strip the command to find the path to the engine root.
// i.e. "command": "/path/to/engine/src/... arg1 arg2 ..."
// This now looks like "../../flutter/buildtools/{platform}/{...}"
final String commandPath = p.dirname(command.split(' ').first);
// Find the canonical path to the command (i.e. resolve "../" and ".")
// This now looks like "/path/to/engine/src/flutter/buildtools/{platform}/{...}"
final String path = p.canonicalize(
p.join(compileCommandsDir, commandPath),
// Extract which platform we're building for (e.g. linux-x64, mac-arm64, mac-x64).
final String platform = RegExp(
// Find the engine root and derive the clangd path from there.
final Engine compileCommandsEngineRoot = Engine.findWithin(path);
clangd = p.join(
// engine/src/flutter
// buildtools
// {platform}
// clangd
} else {
io.stderr.writeln('Unexpected: compile_commands.json has an unexpected format');
io.stderr.writeln('First entry: ${const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(entry)}');
io.exitCode = 1;
// Run clangd.
try {
final io.ProcessResult result = io.Process.runSync(clangd, <String>[
if ((result.stderr as String).contains('Path specified by --compile-commands-dir does not exist')) {
io.stdout.writeln('clangd_check failed: --compile-commands-dir does not exist');
io.exitCode = 1;
} else if ((result.stderr as String).contains('Failed to resolve path')) {
io.stdout.writeln('clangd_check failed: --check file does not exist');
io.exitCode = 1;
} else {
io.exitCode = result.exitCode;
} on io.ProcessException catch (e) {
io.stderr.writeln('Failed to run clangd: $e');
io.stderr.writeln(const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(entry));
io.exitCode = 1;