blob: 6053eb5f1e50466a4288998f8b2c169b6368937d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# NOTE: Generally, the build rules in //flutter/tools/fuchsia/dart/,
# //flutter/tools/fuchsia/dart/kernel/, and similar SUBDIRECTORIES of
# //flutter/tools/fuchsia/ (such as //flutter/tools/fuchsia/flutter/)
# mirror the directory paths and much of the build rule content of fuchsia.git
# //build/...
# Most of the fuchsia-derived build rules were implemented after some similar
# build rules already existed in the directory //flutter/tools/fuchsia/
# and several existing build targets use these (legacy) build rules.
# Though some rules and targets in //flutter/tools/fuchsia/ have similar names
# to the fuchsia.git-derived rules, the rule structures and behavior can be
# different. Therefore both are maintained for now.
# This file--dart_kernel.gni--and its primary template--dart_kernel()--match
# pre-existing (legacy) template and filename in
# //flutter/tools/fuchsia/dart_kernel.gni.
# The templates appear to have different behavior, so both will be maintained
# until we can determine a better way to reconcile them.
_gen_kernel_label =
_gen_kernel_path =
get_label_info(_gen_kernel_label, "root_out_dir") + "/dart-tools/gen_kernel"
flutter_platform_name = "flutter_runner"
dart_platform_name = "dart_runner"
# Converts the kernel manifest file from fini format to JSON format and
# registers the metadata for the fuchsia_package to pick up.
# Parameters
# manifest (required)
# Path to the kernel manifest
# Type: Path
template("_convert_kernel_manifest") {
assert(defined(invoker.manifest), "dart_kernel() requires a manifest")
action(target_name) {
_converted_file_name =
script = "//flutter/tools/fuchsia/dart/kernel/"
args = [
rebase_path(root_out_dir) + "/",
rebase_path(invoker.manifest, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_converted_file_name, root_build_dir),
sources = [ invoker.manifest ]
outputs = [ _converted_file_name ]
metadata = {
distribution_entries = [
file = rebase_path(_converted_file_name, root_build_dir)
label = get_label_info(target_name, "label_with_toolchain")
# Generates dill files for a Dart application.
# It is not likely that this target will be used directly. Instead, developers
# should use the dart_tool or dart/flutter_component targets which create a
# kernel for you.
# Parameters
# platform_name (required)
# The name of the platform, either "flutter_runner" or "dart_runner".
# packages_path (required)
# Path to the package_config.json file.
# main_dart (required, mutually exclusive)
# Path to Dart source file containing main(). Mutually exclusive with
# main_dart_file. This is relative to source_dir, should exist in the
# main_package, and uses a package: URI.
# main_package (required, mutually exclusive)
# The name of the package which contains main. Mutually exclusive with
# main_dart_file.
# main_dart_file (required, mutually exclusive)
# Path to Dart source file containing main(). Mutually exclusive with
# main_dart. This doesn't need to necessarily exist in main_package and uses
# a fuchsia-source: URI.
# product (required)
# Whether this should be built with the product runner.
# is_aot required)
# Whether this kernel is an aot build.
# generate_manifest (optional)
# Whether the compiler should generate a kernel manifest containing the list
# of partial dill files in JIT builds. This flag is ignored in aot builds
# Default: false
# kernel_path (optional)
# The path to the kernel output. Defaults to target_gen_dir/${target_name}.dil
# kernel_target_name (optional)
# The name of the kernel target. This parameter is required if you are
# depending on the kernel_path for an input. This allows you to establish a
# dependency chain on the generated file.
# args (optional)
# A list of additional arguments to the compiler.dart program in this
# directory that generates the kernel files.
# link_platform (optional)
# Whether the kernel compiler should link the current platform.dill into
# the build. If false, the --no-link-platform flag will be passed to the
# compiler. Defaults to false.
template("dart_kernel") {
assert(defined(invoker.platform_name), "dart_kernel() requires platform_name")
"dart_kernel() requires the path to the package config")
(defined(invoker.main_dart) && defined(invoker.main_package)) !=
"dart_kernel() requires either (main_dart and main_package) or main_dart_file")
assert(defined(invoker.product), "dart_kernel() requires product")
assert(defined(invoker.is_aot), "dart_kernel() requires is_aot")
if (defined(invoker.kernel_target_name)) {
_kernel_target_name = invoker.kernel_target_name
} else {
_kernel_target_name = "${target_name}_kernel"
_group_deps = [ ":$_kernel_target_name" ]
_kernel_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_kernel_deps += invoker.deps
# TODO(richkadel): The manifest (if not using AOT) is used by
# flutter_dart_component, to populate the file it calls
# `_convert_kernel_manifest_file`.
_generate_manifest = false
if (invoker.is_aot) {
not_needed(invoker, [ "generate_manifest" ])
} else {
if (defined(invoker.generate_manifest)) {
_generate_manifest = invoker.generate_manifest
if (_generate_manifest) {
_kernel_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}.dilpmanifest"
_convert_target_name = "${target_name}_convert_kernel_manifest"
_convert_kernel_manifest(_convert_target_name) {
manifest = _kernel_manifest
# must depend on the kernel target so we have the kernel manifest
deps = [ ":$_kernel_target_name" ]
_group_deps += [ ":$_convert_target_name" ]
action(_kernel_target_name) {
if (defined(invoker.kernel_path)) {
_kernel_path = invoker.kernel_path
} else {
_kernel_path =
depfile = "${_kernel_path}.d"
_kernel_deps += [ _gen_kernel_label ]
if (invoker.platform_name == flutter_platform_name) {
_kernel_deps += [
_platform_path = "$root_out_dir/flutter_runner_patched_sdk"
} else if (invoker.platform_name == dart_platform_name) {
_kernel_deps += [ "//flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/dart_runner/kernel:kernel_platform_files" ]
_platform_path = "$root_out_dir/dart_runner_patched_sdk"
} else {
"platform_name must be either dart_runner or flutter_runner")
_platform_strong_dill = "${_platform_path}/platform_strong.dill"
inputs = [
outputs = [ _kernel_path ]
if (_generate_manifest) {
outputs += [
# Explicit output when using --manifest.
# Implicit output when using --manifest; see createManifest in compiler.dart.
_kernel_manifest + ".dilplist",
_kernel_manifest + ".frameworkversion",
_multi_root_scheme = "fuchsia-source"
# Rebase against // instead of root_build_dir since the package_config is
# relative to the sources.
_rebased_packages_path = rebase_path(invoker.packages_path, "//")
# gen_kernel writes absolute paths to depfiles, convert them to relative.
# See more information in
script = "//flutter/tools/fuchsia/"
args = [
"--depfile=" + rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_gen_kernel_path, root_out_dir),
if (defined(invoker.args)) {
args += invoker.args
args += [
rebase_path(_platform_strong_dill, root_build_dir),
# Repeating "--depfile" because the previous one is for
# ``, and this one is for `_gen_kernel_path`.
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_kernel_path, root_build_dir),
# TODO(richkadel): It should be possible to remove all of the build rules
# related to `generate_manifest`. Without the following two flags, the
# `gen_kernel` step will produce one large `.dil` file, instead of multiple
# `.dilp` files with a `.dilplist`. But the Fuchsia flutter runner
# _currently_ only looks for a `.dilplist`. If the runner is changed to
# support loading a single `.dil` for the Dart Fuchsia component code, then
# consider removing all code supporting `generate_manifest` (and remove
# ``).
if (_generate_manifest) {
args += [
rebase_path(_kernel_manifest, root_build_dir),
if (flutter_runtime_mode == "debug") {
args += [ "--embed-sources" ]
} else {
args += [ "--no-embed-sources" ]
if (invoker.is_aot) {
args += [
} else if (!defined(invoker.link_platform) || !invoker.link_platform) {
args += [ "--no-link-platform" ]
if (invoker.product) {
# Setting this flag in a non-product release build for AOT (a "profile"
# build) causes the vm service isolate code to be tree-shaken from an app.
# See the pragma on the entrypoint here:
# This define excludes debugging and profiling code from Flutter.
args += [ "-Ddart.vm.product=true" ]
} else {
if (flutter_runtime_mode == "profile") {
# The following define excludes debugging code from Flutter.
args += [ "-Ddart.vm.profile=true" ]
if (defined(invoker.main_dart)) {
args += [ "package:${invoker.main_package}/${invoker.main_dart}" ]
} else {
rebased_main_dart = rebase_path(invoker.main_dart_file, "//")
args += [ "$_multi_root_scheme:///$rebased_main_dart" ]
deps = _kernel_deps
group(target_name) {
public_deps = _group_deps