blob: 1527e707fab9172bde88ee1f2d212c71ef711dbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import '../common/fake_asset_manager.dart';
import '../common/test_initialization.dart';
void main() {
internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain);
void testMain() {
group('$SkiaFontCollection', () {
final List<String> warnings = <String>[];
late void Function(String) oldPrintWarning;
late FakeAssetScope testAssetScope;
setUpAll(() async {
oldPrintWarning = printWarning;
printWarning = (String warning) {
tearDownAll(() {
printWarning = oldPrintWarning;
setUp(() {
testAssetScope = fakeAssetManager.pushAssetScope();
mockHttpFetchResponseFactory = null;
tearDown(() {
mockHttpFetchResponseFactory = null;
test('logs no warnings with the default mock asset manager', () async {
final SkiaFontCollection fontCollection = SkiaFontCollection();
await fontCollection.loadAssetFonts(await fetchFontManifest(fakeAssetManager));
expect(warnings, isEmpty);
test('logs a warning if one of the registered fonts is invalid', () async {
mockHttpFetchResponseFactory = (String url) async {
final ByteBuffer bogusData = Uint8List.fromList('this is not valid font data'.codeUnits).buffer;
return MockHttpFetchResponse(
status: 200,
url: url,
contentLength: bogusData.lengthInBytes,
payload: MockHttpFetchPayload(byteBuffer: bogusData),
final SkiaFontCollection fontCollection = SkiaFontCollection();
testAssetScope.setAsset('FontManifest.json', stringAsUtf8Data('''
"family": "BrokenFont",
// It should complete without error, but emit a warning about BrokenFont.
await fontCollection.loadAssetFonts(await fetchFontManifest(fakeAssetManager));
'Failed to load font BrokenFont at packages/bogus/BrokenFont.ttf',
'Verify that packages/bogus/BrokenFont.ttf contains a valid font.',
test('logs an HTTP warning if one of the registered fonts is missing (404 file not found)', () async {
final SkiaFontCollection fontCollection = SkiaFontCollection();
testAssetScope.setAsset('FontManifest.json', stringAsUtf8Data('''
"family": "ThisFontDoesNotExist",
// It should complete without error, but emit a warning about ThisFontDoesNotExist.
await fontCollection.loadAssetFonts(await fetchFontManifest(fakeAssetManager));
'Font family ThisFontDoesNotExist not found (404) at packages/bogus/ThisFontDoesNotExist.ttf'
test('prioritizes Ahem loaded via FontManifest.json', () async {
final SkiaFontCollection fontCollection = SkiaFontCollection();
testAssetScope.setAsset('FontManifest.json', stringAsUtf8Data('''
final ByteBuffer robotoData = await httpFetchByteBuffer('/assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf');
await fontCollection.loadAssetFonts(await fetchFontManifest(fakeAssetManager));
expect(warnings, isEmpty);
// Use `singleWhere` to make sure only one version of 'Ahem' is loaded.
final RegisteredFont ahem = fontCollection.debugRegisteredFonts!
.singleWhere((RegisteredFont font) => == 'Ahem');
// Check that the contents of 'Ahem' is actually Roboto, because that's
// what's specified in the manifest, and the manifest takes precedence.
expect(ahem.bytes.length, robotoData.lengthInBytes);
test('falls back to default Ahem URL', () async {
final SkiaFontCollection fontCollection = renderer.fontCollection as SkiaFontCollection;
final ByteBuffer ahemData = await httpFetchByteBuffer('/assets/fonts/ahem.ttf');
// Use `singleWhere` to make sure only one version of 'Ahem' is loaded.
final RegisteredFont ahem = fontCollection.debugRegisteredFonts!
.singleWhere((RegisteredFont font) => == 'Ahem');
// Check that the contents of 'Ahem' is actually Roboto, because that's
// what's specified in the manifest, and the manifest takes precedence.
expect(ahem.bytes.length, ahemData.lengthInBytes);
test('FlutterTest is the default test font', () async {
final SkiaFontCollection fontCollection = renderer.fontCollection as SkiaFontCollection;
expect(fontCollection.debugRegisteredFonts, isNotEmpty);
expect(fontCollection.debugRegisteredFonts!, 'FlutterTest');