blob: b276748f8f0096ac78fc78fd6789cc7b00f5c204 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "flutter/fml/macros.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/contents/filters/filter_contents.h"
#include "impeller/entity/entity.h"
#include "impeller/entity/entity_pass_delegate.h"
#include "impeller/entity/inline_pass_context.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/render_target.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/texture.h"
#include "impeller/typographer/lazy_glyph_atlas.h"
namespace impeller {
class ContentContext;
class EntityPass {
using Element = std::variant<Entity, std::unique_ptr<EntityPass>>;
using BackdropFilterProc = std::function<std::shared_ptr<FilterContents>(
const Matrix& effect_transform,
bool is_subpass)>;
struct StencilCoverageLayer {
std::optional<Rect> coverage;
size_t stencil_depth;
using StencilCoverageStack = std::vector<StencilCoverageLayer>;
void SetDelegate(std::unique_ptr<EntityPassDelegate> delgate);
size_t GetSubpassesDepth() const;
std::unique_ptr<EntityPass> Clone() const;
void AddEntity(Entity entity);
void SetElements(std::vector<Element> elements);
EntityPass* AddSubpass(std::unique_ptr<EntityPass> pass);
EntityPass* GetSuperpass() const;
bool Render(ContentContext& renderer,
const RenderTarget& render_target) const;
void IterateAllEntities(const std::function<bool(Entity&)>& iterator);
/// @brief Iterate entities in this pass up until the first subpass is found.
/// This is useful for limiting look-ahead optimizations.
/// @return Returns whether a subpass was encountered.
bool IterateUntilSubpass(const std::function<bool(Entity&)>& iterator);
/// @brief Return the number of entities on this pass.
size_t GetEntityCount() const;
void SetTransformation(Matrix xformation);
void SetStencilDepth(size_t stencil_depth);
void SetBlendMode(BlendMode blend_mode);
void SetBackdropFilter(std::optional<BackdropFilterProc> proc);
std::optional<Rect> GetSubpassCoverage(
const EntityPass& subpass,
std::optional<Rect> coverage_crop) const;
std::optional<Rect> GetElementsCoverage(
std::optional<Rect> coverage_crop) const;
struct EntityResult {
enum Status {
/// The entity was successfully resolved and can be rendered.
/// An unexpected rendering error occurred while resolving the Entity.
/// The entity should be skipped because rendering it will contribute
/// nothing to the frame.
/// @brief The resulting entity that should be rendered. If `std::nullopt`,
/// there is nothing to render.
Entity entity;
/// @brief This is set to `false` if there was an unexpected rendering
/// error while resolving the Entity.
Status status = kFailure;
static EntityResult Success(Entity e) { return {e, kSuccess}; }
static EntityResult Failure() { return {{}, kFailure}; }
static EntityResult Skip() { return {{}, kSkip}; }
EntityResult GetEntityForElement(const EntityPass::Element& element,
ContentContext& renderer,
InlinePassContext& pass_context,
ISize root_pass_size,
Point position,
uint32_t pass_depth,
StencilCoverageStack& stencil_coverage_stack,
size_t stencil_depth_floor) const;
bool OnRender(ContentContext& renderer,
ISize root_pass_size,
EntityPassTarget& render_target,
Point position,
Point parent_position,
uint32_t pass_depth,
StencilCoverageStack& stencil_coverage_stack,
size_t stencil_depth_floor = 0,
std::shared_ptr<Contents> backdrop_filter_contents = nullptr,
collapsed_parent_pass = std::nullopt) const;
std::vector<Element> elements_;
EntityPass* superpass_ = nullptr;
Matrix xformation_;
size_t stencil_depth_ = 0u;
BlendMode blend_mode_ = BlendMode::kSourceOver;
bool cover_whole_screen_ = false;
/// These values are incremented whenever something is added to the pass that
/// requires reading from the backdrop texture. Currently, this can happen in
/// the following scenarios:
/// 1. An entity with an "advanced blend" is added to the pass.
/// 2. A subpass with a backdrop filter is added to the pass.
/// These are tracked as separate values because we may ignore
/// blend_reads_from_pass_texture_ if the device supports framebuffer based
/// advanced blends.
uint32_t advanced_blend_reads_from_pass_texture_ = 0;
uint32_t backdrop_filter_reads_from_pass_texture_ = 0;
uint32_t GetTotalPassReads(ContentContext& renderer) const;
std::optional<BackdropFilterProc> backdrop_filter_proc_ = std::nullopt;
std::unique_ptr<EntityPassDelegate> delegate_ =
struct CanvasStackEntry {
Matrix xformation;
size_t stencil_depth = 0u;
bool is_subpass = false;
bool contains_clips = false;
} // namespace impeller