| REM Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
| REM Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| REM found in the LICENSE file. |
| REM ---------------------------------- NOTE ---------------------------------- |
| REM Please keep the logic in this file consistent with the logic in the |
| REM `format.sh` script in the same directory to ensure that it continues to |
| REM work across all platforms! |
| REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| FOR %%i IN ("%~dp0..\..") DO SET SRC_DIR=%%~fi |
| REM Test if Git is available on the Host |
| where /q git || ECHO Error: Unable to find git in your PATH. && EXIT /B 1 |
| SET repo_dir=%SRC_DIR%\flutter |
| SET dart_sdk_path=%SRC_DIR%\third_party\dart\tools\sdks\dart-sdk |
| SET dart=%dart_sdk_path%\bin\dart.exe |
| REM Do not use the CALL command in the next line to execute Dart. CALL causes |
| REM Windows to re-read the line from disk after the CALL command has finished |
| REM regardless of the ampersand chain. |
| "%dart%" --disable-dart-dev bin\format.dart %* & exit /B !ERRORLEVEL! |