blob: a4a3966a27e62933b173b7448dfcca9c3521c80c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package io.flutter.plugin.mouse;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.os.Build;
import android.view.PointerIcon;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.MouseCursorChannel;
import java.util.HashMap;
/** A mandatory plugin that handles mouse cursor requests. */
public class MouseCursorPlugin {
@NonNull private final MouseCursorViewDelegate mView;
@NonNull private final MouseCursorChannel mouseCursorChannel;
public MouseCursorPlugin(
@NonNull MouseCursorViewDelegate view, @NonNull MouseCursorChannel mouseCursorChannel) {
mView = view;
this.mouseCursorChannel = mouseCursorChannel;
new MouseCursorChannel.MouseCursorMethodHandler() {
public void activateSystemCursor(@NonNull String kind) {
* Return a pointer icon object for a system cursor.
* <p>This method guarantees to return a non-null object.
private PointerIcon resolveSystemCursor(@NonNull String kind) {
if (MouseCursorPlugin.systemCursorConstants == null) {
// Initialize the map when first used, because the map can grow big in the future (~70)
// and most mobile devices will not use them.
MouseCursorPlugin.systemCursorConstants =
new HashMap<String, Integer>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
put("none", Integer.valueOf(PointerIcon.TYPE_NULL));
// "basic": default
put("click", Integer.valueOf(PointerIcon.TYPE_HAND));
put("text", Integer.valueOf(PointerIcon.TYPE_TEXT));
// "forbidden": default
put("grab", Integer.valueOf(PointerIcon.TYPE_GRAB));
put("grabbing", Integer.valueOf(PointerIcon.TYPE_GRABBING));
put("verticalDoubleArrow", Integer.valueOf(PointerIcon.TYPE_VERTICAL_DOUBLE_ARROW));
final int cursorConstant =
MouseCursorPlugin.systemCursorConstants.getOrDefault(kind, PointerIcon.TYPE_ARROW);
return mView.getSystemPointerIcon(cursorConstant);
* Detaches the text input plugin from the platform views controller.
* <p>The MouseCursorPlugin instance should not be used after calling this.
public void destroy() {
* A map from Flutter's system cursor {@code kind} to Android's pointer icon constants.
* <p>It is null until the first time a system cursor is requested, at which time it is filled
* with the entire mapping.
@NonNull private static HashMap<String, Integer> systemCursorConstants;
* Delegate interface for requesting the system to display a pointer icon object.
* <p>Typically implemented by an {@link android.view.View}, such as a {@code FlutterView}.
public interface MouseCursorViewDelegate {
* Gets a system pointer icon object for the given {@code type}.
* <p>If typeis not recognized, returns the default pointer icon.
* <p>This is typically implemented by calling {@link android.view.PointerIcon.getSystemIcon}
* with the context associated with this view.
public PointerIcon getSystemPointerIcon(int type);
* Request the pointer to display the specified icon object.
* <p>If the delegate is implemented by a {@link android.view.View}, then this method is
* automatically implemented by View.
public void setPointerIcon(@NonNull PointerIcon icon);