blob: 411510f81f8446ac8a8f8c063555bf5f8050f6b9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a component which will run in a flutter_runner or dart_runner
# This template is not intended to be used directly. Users should use the
# flutter_component and dart_component actions instead.
# Parameters
# manifest (required)
# The component manifest
# Type: path
# main_package (required)
# The name of the package containing the main_dart
# Type: string
# component_name (optional)
# The name of the component.
# Type: string
# Default: target_name
# build_cfg (required)
# A description of how to build this component. This object needs
# to contain the following variables:
# runtime_meta: a path to the partial cmx file containing the runner
# platform_name: either 'dart_runner' or 'flutter_runner'
# is_aot: a boolean indicating if this is an AOT build
# is_product: a boolean indicating if this is a product build
# enable_asserts: whether we should enable asserts when compiling
# main_dart (required)
# File containing the main function of the component.
# Type: string
# generate_asset_manifest (optional)
# If true, will generate an asset manifest for this component
# Type: boolean
# Default: false
# deps
# testonly
# visibility
template("flutter_dart_component") {
assert(defined(invoker.manifest), "must specify a manifest file")
assert(defined(invoker.build_cfg), "must specify build_cfg")
assert(defined(invoker.main_dart), "Must specify main_dart")
assert(defined(invoker.main_package), "Must specify main_package")
build_cfg = invoker.build_cfg
_component_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
_component_deps += invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.component_name)) {
_component_name = invoker.component_name
} else {
_component_name = target_name
# merge the runner cmx into this one which allows us to switch runners based
# on compilation modes
_merged_target_name = "${target_name}_merged.cmx"
cmc_merge(_merged_target_name) {
sources = [
rebase_path(build_cfg.runtime_meta, "."),
_merged_outputs = []
_merged_outputs += get_target_outputs(":$_merged_target_name")
_merged_manifest = _merged_outputs[0]
_component_deps += [ ":$_merged_target_name" ]
_dart_package_config_target_name = "${target_name}_dart_package"
dart_package_config(_dart_package_config_target_name) {
deps = _component_deps
_package_config_output = []
_package_config_output =
_packages_path = _package_config_output[0]
_kernel_target_name = _component_name + "_kernel"
_kernel_target_dep_name = _kernel_target_name + "_gen_file"
_kernel_path = "$target_gen_dir/__untraced_dart_kernel__/${target_name}.dil"
dart_kernel(_kernel_target_name) {
kernel_path = _kernel_path
# establishes a dependency chain for the snapshot since
# the kernel is wrapped in a group
kernel_target_name = _kernel_target_dep_name
deps = [ ":$_dart_package_config_target_name" ]
packages_path = _packages_path
args = [
# always generate a manifest for fuchsia builds. If this is an aot build
# the kernel will ignore this variable.
generate_manifest = true
platform_name = build_cfg.platform_name
product = build_cfg.is_product
is_aot = build_cfg.is_aot
_component_deps += [ ":$_kernel_target_name" ]
if (build_cfg.is_aot) {
_snapshot_path = "$target_gen_dir/${_component_name}"
_snapshot_target_name = target_name + "_snapshot"
_stats_json_path =
if (build_cfg.is_product) {
_gen_snapshot_script_target = gen_snapshot_product
} else {
_gen_snapshot_script_target = gen_snapshot
executable_action(_snapshot_target_name) {
deps = [ ":$_kernel_target_dep_name" ]
inputs = [ _kernel_path ]
outputs = [
if (defined(invoker.toolchain)) {
toolchain = invoker.toolchain
} else {
toolchain = host_toolchain
# Construct the host toolchain version of the tool.
# host_tool = invoker.tool + "($toolchain)"
host_tool = _gen_snapshot_script_target + "($toolchain)"
# Get the path to the executable. Currently, this assumes that the tool
# does not specify output_name so that the target name is the name to use.
# If that's not the case, we'll need another argument to the script to
# specify this, since we can't know what the output name is (it might be in
# another file not processed yet).
host_executable =
get_label_info(host_tool, "root_out_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(host_tool, "name") + host_executable_suffix
# Add the executable itself as an input.
inputs += [ host_executable ]
deps += [ host_tool ]
tool = host_executable
args = [
"--elf=" + rebase_path(_snapshot_path, root_build_dir),
"--print-instructions-sizes-to=" +
rebase_path(_stats_json_path, root_build_dir),
# No asserts in debug or release product.
# No asserts in non-product release
# Yes asserts in non-product debug.
# if (is_debug && !dart_force_product)
if (build_cfg.enable_asserts) {
args += [ "--enable_asserts" ]
args += [ rebase_path(_kernel_path, root_build_dir) ]
# copy the snapshot as a resource
_snapshot_resource_target_name = "${target_name}_snapshot_resource"
resource(_snapshot_resource_target_name) {
sources = [ _snapshot_path ]
outputs = [ "data/${_component_name}/" ]
_component_deps += [
fuchsia_component(target_name) {
deps = _component_deps
manifest = _merged_manifest