blob: 7d944785c4f455f7b950de986b03db333cb7df7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package io.flutter;
import io.flutter.embedding.engine.loader.FlutterLoader;
* This class is a simple dependency injector for the relatively thin Android part of the Flutter
* engine.
* <p>This simple solution is used facilitate testability without bringing in heavier
* app-development centric dependency injection frameworks such as Guice or Dagger2 or spreading
* construction injection everywhere.
public final class FlutterInjector {
private static FlutterInjector instance;
private static boolean accessed;
* Use {@link FlutterInjector.Builder} to specify members to be injected via the static {@code
* FlutterInjector}.
* <p>This can only be called at the beginning of the program before the {@link #instance()} is
* accessed.
public static void setInstance(@NonNull FlutterInjector injector) {
if (accessed) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot change the FlutterInjector instance once it's been "
+ "read. If you're trying to dependency inject, be sure to do so at the beginning of "
+ "the program");
instance = injector;
* Retrieve the static instance of the {@code FlutterInjector} to use in your program.
* <p>Once you access it, you can no longer change the values injected.
* <p>If no override is provided for the injector, reasonable defaults are provided.
public static FlutterInjector instance() {
accessed = true;
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Builder().build();
return instance;
// This whole class is here to enable testing so to test the thing that lets you test, some degree
// of hack is needed.
public static void reset() {
accessed = false;
instance = null;
private FlutterInjector(boolean shouldLoadNative, @NonNull FlutterLoader flutterLoader) {
this.shouldLoadNative = shouldLoadNative;
this.flutterLoader = flutterLoader;
private boolean shouldLoadNative;
private FlutterLoader flutterLoader;
* Returns whether the Flutter Android engine embedding should load the native C++ engine.
* <p>Useful for testing since JVM tests via Robolectric can't load native libraries.
public boolean shouldLoadNative() {
return shouldLoadNative;
/** Returns the {@link FlutterLoader} instance to use for the Flutter Android engine embedding. */
public FlutterLoader flutterLoader() {
return flutterLoader;
* Builder used to supply a custom FlutterInjector instance to {@link
* FlutterInjector#setInstance(FlutterInjector)}.
* <p>Non-overriden values have reasonable defaults.
public static final class Builder {
private boolean shouldLoadNative = true;
* Sets whether the Flutter Android engine embedding should load the native C++ engine.
* <p>Useful for testing since JVM tests via Robolectric can't load native libraries.
* <p>Defaults to true.
public Builder setShouldLoadNative(boolean shouldLoadNative) {
this.shouldLoadNative = shouldLoadNative;
return this;
private FlutterLoader flutterLoader;
* Sets a {@link FlutterLoader} override.
* <p>A reasonable default will be used if unspecified.
public Builder setFlutterLoader(@NonNull FlutterLoader flutterLoader) {
this.flutterLoader = flutterLoader;
return this;
private void fillDefaults() {
if (flutterLoader == null) {
flutterLoader = new FlutterLoader();
* Builds a {@link FlutterInjector} from the builder. Unspecified properties will have
* reasonable defaults.
public FlutterInjector build() {
System.out.println("should load native is " + shouldLoadNative);
return new FlutterInjector(shouldLoadNative, flutterLoader);