Make the frontend_server validate kernel files more strictly (#29497)

This change will make Flutter's frontend_server validate that any kernel
file given to it was produced by the same Dart SDK hash as the
frontend_server itself is based upon.

Notice that this implies one cannot use the prebuilt Dart SDK's
frontend_server and give it kernel files produced in the current build
iff //third_party/dart is at a different SDK hash. (By-default the
prebuilt Dart SDK and //third_party/dart are based on the same git
commit hash)

=> This is mainly relevant for people who change //third_party/dart
   during local development (e.g. for preparing rolls, ...)

=> In such cases one should pass "--no-prebuilt-dart-sdk" to

The effect of this change is that one will get a clear message on
mismatched kernel files instead of possibly an exception from the CFE.

The change is changing the Flutter build actions similar to how [0]
changed the Dart build actions.


diff --git a/build/dart/rules.gni b/build/dart/rules.gni
index 8a595bf..04f9d2e 100644
--- a/build/dart/rules.gni
+++ b/build/dart/rules.gni
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 frontend_server_files =
@@ -267,6 +268,13 @@
     assert(false, "Bad snapshot_kind: '$snapshot_kind'")
+  # Ensure the compiled appliation (e.g. frontend-server, ...) will use this
+  # Dart SDK hash when consuming/producing kernel.
+  #
+  # (Instead of ensuring every user of the "application_snapshot" passes it's
+  # own)
+  snapshot_vm_args += [ "-Dsdk_hash=$sdk_hash" ]
   if (flutter_prebuilt_dart_sdk) {
     action(target_name) {