blob: 58b3e1401d1a75885f89867adba728047ce2a4d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "impeller/entity/geometry/geometry.h"
namespace impeller {
class EllipseGeometry final : public Geometry {
explicit EllipseGeometry(Point center, Scalar radius);
explicit EllipseGeometry(Point center, Scalar radius, Scalar stroke_width);
~EllipseGeometry() = default;
// |Geometry|
bool CoversArea(const Matrix& transform, const Rect& rect) const override;
// |Geometry|
bool IsAxisAlignedRect() const override;
// Computes the 4 corners of a rectangle that defines the line and
// possibly extended endpoints which will be rendered under the given
// transform, and returns true if such a rectangle is defined.
// The coordinates will be generated in the original coordinate system
// of the line end points and the transform will only be used to determine
// the minimum line width.
// For kButt and kSquare end caps the ends should always be exteded as
// per that decoration, but for kRound caps the ends might be extended
// if the goal is to get a conservative bounds and might not be extended
// if the calling code is planning to draw the round caps on the ends.
// @return true if the transform and width were not degenerate
bool ComputeCorners(Point corners[4],
const Matrix& transform,
bool extend_endpoints) const;
// |Geometry|
GeometryResult GetPositionBuffer(const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
RenderPass& pass) const override;
// |Geometry|
GeometryVertexType GetVertexType() const override;
// |Geometry|
std::optional<Rect> GetCoverage(const Matrix& transform) const override;
// |Geometry|
GeometryResult GetPositionUVBuffer(Rect texture_coverage,
Matrix effect_transform,
const ContentContext& renderer,
const Entity& entity,
RenderPass& pass) const override;
Point center_;
Scalar radius_;
Scalar stroke_width_;
EllipseGeometry(const EllipseGeometry&) = delete;
EllipseGeometry& operator=(const EllipseGeometry&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller