blob: dd60026b44f70d0a2489ad7928eeb7fe49efca87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include "impeller/base/thread.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/vk.h" // IWYU pragma: keep.
#include "vulkan/vulkan_handles.hpp"
namespace impeller {
class ContextVK;
class CommandPoolRecyclerVK;
/// @brief Manages the lifecycle of a single |vk::CommandPool|.
/// A |vk::CommandPool| is expensive to create and reset. This class manages
/// the lifecycle of a single |vk::CommandPool| by returning to the origin
/// (|CommandPoolRecyclerVK|) when it is destroyed to be reused.
/// @warning This class is not thread-safe.
/// @see |CommandPoolRecyclerVK|
class CommandPoolVK final {
/// @brief Creates a resource that manages the life of a command pool.
/// @param[in] pool The command pool to manage.
/// @param[in] buffers Zero or more command buffers in an initial state.
/// @param[in] recycler The context that will be notified on destruction.
CommandPoolVK(vk::UniqueCommandPool pool,
std::vector<vk::UniqueCommandBuffer>&& buffers,
std::weak_ptr<ContextVK>& context)
: pool_(std::move(pool)),
context_(context) {}
/// @brief Creates and returns a new |vk::CommandBuffer|.
/// @return Always returns a new |vk::CommandBuffer|, but if for any
/// reason a valid command buffer could not be created, it will be
/// a `{}` default instance (i.e. while being torn down).
vk::UniqueCommandBuffer CreateCommandBuffer();
/// @brief Collects the given |vk::CommandBuffer| to be retained.
/// @param[in] buffer The |vk::CommandBuffer| to collect.
/// @see |GarbageCollectBuffersIfAble|
void CollectCommandBuffer(vk::UniqueCommandBuffer&& buffer);
/// @brief Delete all Vulkan objects in this command pool.
void Destroy();
CommandPoolVK(const CommandPoolVK&) = delete;
CommandPoolVK& operator=(const CommandPoolVK&) = delete;
Mutex pool_mutex_;
vk::UniqueCommandPool pool_ IPLR_GUARDED_BY(pool_mutex_);
std::vector<vk::UniqueCommandBuffer> unused_command_buffers_;
std::weak_ptr<ContextVK>& context_;
// Used to retain a reference on these until the pool is reset.
std::vector<vk::UniqueCommandBuffer> collected_buffers_ IPLR_GUARDED_BY(
/// @brief Creates and manages the lifecycle of |vk::CommandPool| objects.
/// A |vk::CommandPool| is expensive to create and reset. This class manages
/// the lifecycle of |vk::CommandPool| objects by creating and recycling them;
/// or in other words, a pool for command pools.
/// A single instance should be created per |ContextVK|.
/// Every "frame", a single |CommandPoolResourceVk| is made available for each
/// thread that calls |Get|. After calling |Dispose|, the current thread's pool
/// is moved to a background thread, reset, and made available for the next time
/// |Get| is called and needs to create a command pool.
/// Commands in the command pool are not necessarily done executing when the
/// pool is recycled, when all references are dropped to the pool, they are
/// reset and returned to the pool of available pools.
/// @note This class is thread-safe.
/// @see |vk::CommandPoolResourceVk|
/// @see |ContextVK|
/// @see
class CommandPoolRecyclerVK final
: public std::enable_shared_from_this<CommandPoolRecyclerVK> {
/// A unique command pool and zero or more recycled command buffers.
struct RecycledData {
vk::UniqueCommandPool pool;
std::vector<vk::UniqueCommandBuffer> buffers;
/// @brief Clean up resources held by all per-thread command pools
/// associated with the given context.
/// @param[in] context The context.
static void DestroyThreadLocalPools(const ContextVK* context);
/// @brief Creates a recycler for the given |ContextVK|.
/// @param[in] context The context to create the recycler for.
explicit CommandPoolRecyclerVK(std::weak_ptr<ContextVK> context)
: context_(std::move(context)) {}
/// @brief Gets a command pool for the current thread.
/// @warning Returns a |nullptr| if a pool could not be created.
std::shared_ptr<CommandPoolVK> Get();
/// @brief Returns a command pool to be reset on a background thread.
/// @param[in] pool The pool to recycler.
void Reclaim(vk::UniqueCommandPool&& pool,
std::vector<vk::UniqueCommandBuffer>&& buffers);
/// @brief Clears all recycled command pools to let them be reclaimed.
void Dispose();
std::weak_ptr<ContextVK> context_;
Mutex recycled_mutex_;
std::vector<RecycledData> recycled_ IPLR_GUARDED_BY(recycled_mutex_);
/// @brief Creates a new |vk::CommandPool|.
/// @returns Returns a |std::nullopt| if a pool could not be created.
std::optional<CommandPoolRecyclerVK::RecycledData> Create();
/// @brief Reuses a recycled |RecycledData|, if available.
/// @returns Returns a |std::nullopt| if a pool was not available.
std::optional<RecycledData> Reuse();
CommandPoolRecyclerVK(const CommandPoolRecyclerVK&) = delete;
CommandPoolRecyclerVK& operator=(const CommandPoolRecyclerVK&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller