blob: adc2720d6272aae2110424f85a8f0901abc4ad3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/command_encoder_vk.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/compute_pass.h"
namespace impeller {
class CommandBufferVK;
class ComputePassVK final : public ComputePass {
// |ComputePass|
~ComputePassVK() override;
friend class CommandBufferVK;
std::shared_ptr<CommandBufferVK> command_buffer_;
std::string label_;
std::array<uint32_t, 3> max_wg_size_ = {};
bool is_valid_ = false;
// Per-command state.
std::array<vk::DescriptorImageInfo, kMaxBindings> image_workspace_;
std::array<vk::DescriptorBufferInfo, kMaxBindings> buffer_workspace_;
std::array<vk::WriteDescriptorSet, kMaxBindings + kMaxBindings>
size_t bound_image_offset_ = 0u;
size_t bound_buffer_offset_ = 0u;
size_t descriptor_write_offset_ = 0u;
bool has_label_ = false;
bool pipeline_valid_ = false;
vk::DescriptorSet descriptor_set_ = {};
vk::PipelineLayout pipeline_layout_ = {};
ComputePassVK(std::shared_ptr<const Context> context,
std::shared_ptr<CommandBufferVK> command_buffer);
// |ComputePass|
bool IsValid() const override;
// |ComputePass|
void OnSetLabel(const std::string& label) override;
// |ComputePass|
bool EncodeCommands() const override;
// |ComputePass|
void SetCommandLabel(std::string_view label) override;
// |ComputePass|
void SetPipeline(const std::shared_ptr<Pipeline<ComputePipelineDescriptor>>&
pipeline) override;
// |ComputePass|
void AddBufferMemoryBarrier() override;
// |ComputePass|
void AddTextureMemoryBarrier() override;
// |ComputePass|
fml::Status Compute(const ISize& grid_size) override;
// |ResourceBinder|
bool BindResource(ShaderStage stage,
DescriptorType type,
const ShaderUniformSlot& slot,
const ShaderMetadata& metadata,
BufferView view) override;
// |ResourceBinder|
bool BindResource(ShaderStage stage,
DescriptorType type,
const SampledImageSlot& slot,
const ShaderMetadata& metadata,
std::shared_ptr<const Texture> texture,
const std::unique_ptr<const Sampler>& sampler) override;
bool BindResource(size_t binding,
DescriptorType type,
const BufferView& view);
} // namespace impeller