blob: 53f35a94ab89047f45885737c34375ce56e4c61a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include "fml/status_or.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/context_vk.h"
#include "vulkan/vulkan_handles.hpp"
namespace impeller {
/// @brief A per-frame descriptor pool. Descriptors
/// from this pool don't need to be freed individually. Instead, the
/// pool must be collected after all the descriptors allocated from
/// it are done being used.
/// The pool or it's descriptors may not be accessed from multiple
/// threads.
/// Encoders create pools as necessary as they have the same
/// threading and lifecycle restrictions.
class DescriptorPoolVK {
explicit DescriptorPoolVK(std::weak_ptr<const ContextVK> context);
fml::StatusOr<vk::DescriptorSet> AllocateDescriptorSets(
const vk::DescriptorSetLayout& layout,
const ContextVK& context_vk);
std::weak_ptr<const ContextVK> context_;
std::vector<vk::UniqueDescriptorPool> pools_;
fml::Status CreateNewPool(const ContextVK& context_vk);
DescriptorPoolVK(const DescriptorPoolVK&) = delete;
DescriptorPoolVK& operator=(const DescriptorPoolVK&) = delete;
/// @brief Creates and manages the lifecycle of |vk::DescriptorPoolVK|
/// objects.
class DescriptorPoolRecyclerVK final
: public std::enable_shared_from_this<DescriptorPoolRecyclerVK> {
~DescriptorPoolRecyclerVK() = default;
/// The maximum number of descriptor pools this recycler will hold onto.
static constexpr size_t kMaxRecycledPools = 32u;
/// @brief Creates a recycler for the given |ContextVK|.
/// @param[in] context The context to create the recycler for.
explicit DescriptorPoolRecyclerVK(std::weak_ptr<ContextVK> context)
: context_(std::move(context)) {}
/// @brief Gets a descriptor pool.
/// This may create a new descriptor pool if no existing pools had
/// the necessary capacity.
vk::UniqueDescriptorPool Get();
/// @brief Returns the descriptor pool to be reset on a background
/// thread.
/// @param[in] pool The pool to recycler.
void Reclaim(vk::UniqueDescriptorPool&& pool);
std::weak_ptr<ContextVK> context_;
Mutex recycled_mutex_;
std::vector<vk::UniqueDescriptorPool> recycled_ IPLR_GUARDED_BY(
/// @brief Creates a new |vk::CommandPool|.
/// @returns Returns a |std::nullopt| if a pool could not be created.
vk::UniqueDescriptorPool Create();
/// @brief Reuses a recycled |vk::CommandPool|, if available.
/// @returns Returns a |std::nullopt| if a pool was not available.
std::optional<vk::UniqueDescriptorPool> Reuse();
DescriptorPoolRecyclerVK(const DescriptorPoolRecyclerVK&) = delete;
DescriptorPoolRecyclerVK& operator=(const DescriptorPoolRecyclerVK&) = delete;
} // namespace impeller