blob: c35dc21e6812d0823df0083d83bb3adb99da124d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/queue_vk.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/context_vk.h"
namespace impeller {
QueueVK::QueueVK(QueueIndexVK index, vk::Queue queue)
: index_(index), queue_(queue) {}
QueueVK::~QueueVK() = default;
const QueueIndexVK& QueueVK::GetIndex() const {
return index_;
vk::Result QueueVK::Submit(const vk::SubmitInfo& submit_info,
const vk::Fence& fence) const {
Lock lock(queue_mutex_);
return queue_.submit(submit_info, fence);
vk::Result QueueVK::Present(const vk::PresentInfoKHR& present_info) {
Lock lock(queue_mutex_);
return queue_.presentKHR(present_info);
void QueueVK::InsertDebugMarker(std::string_view label) const {
if (!HasValidationLayers()) {
vk::DebugUtilsLabelEXT label_info;
label_info.pLabelName =;
Lock lock(queue_mutex_);
QueuesVK::QueuesVK() = default;
QueuesVK::QueuesVK(const vk::Device& device,
QueueIndexVK graphics,
QueueIndexVK compute,
QueueIndexVK transfer) {
auto vk_graphics = device.getQueue(, graphics.index);
auto vk_compute = device.getQueue(, compute.index);
auto vk_transfer = device.getQueue(, transfer.index);
// Always set up the graphics queue.
graphics_queue = std::make_shared<QueueVK>(graphics, vk_graphics);
ContextVK::SetDebugName(device, vk_graphics, "ImpellerGraphicsQ");
// Setup the compute queue if its different from the graphics queue.
if (compute == graphics) {
compute_queue = graphics_queue;
} else {
compute_queue = std::make_shared<QueueVK>(compute, vk_compute);
ContextVK::SetDebugName(device, vk_compute, "ImpellerComputeQ");
// Setup the transfer queue if its different from the graphics or compute
// queues.
if (transfer == graphics) {
transfer_queue = graphics_queue;
} else if (transfer == compute) {
transfer_queue = compute_queue;
} else {
transfer_queue = std::make_shared<QueueVK>(transfer, vk_transfer);
ContextVK::SetDebugName(device, vk_transfer, "ImpellerTransferQ");
bool QueuesVK::IsValid() const {
return graphics_queue && compute_queue && transfer_queue;
} // namespace impeller