blob: 2e0946302d5cfaef861962195d49b04913bfcd82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/sampler_vk.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/context_vk.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/formats_vk.h"
#include "impeller/renderer/backend/vulkan/yuv_conversion_vk.h"
namespace impeller {
static vk::UniqueSampler CreateSampler(
const vk::Device& device,
const SamplerDescriptor& desc,
const std::shared_ptr<YUVConversionVK>& yuv_conversion) {
const auto mip_map = ToVKSamplerMipmapMode(desc.mip_filter);
const auto min_filter = ToVKSamplerMinMagFilter(desc.min_filter);
const auto mag_filter = ToVKSamplerMinMagFilter(desc.mag_filter);
const auto address_mode_u = ToVKSamplerAddressMode(desc.width_address_mode);
const auto address_mode_v = ToVKSamplerAddressMode(desc.height_address_mode);
const auto address_mode_w = ToVKSamplerAddressMode(desc.depth_address_mode);
// For VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion
auto& sampler_info = sampler_chain.get();
sampler_info.magFilter = mag_filter;
sampler_info.minFilter = min_filter;
sampler_info.addressModeU = address_mode_u;
sampler_info.addressModeV = address_mode_v;
sampler_info.addressModeW = address_mode_w;
sampler_info.borderColor = vk::BorderColor::eFloatTransparentBlack;
sampler_info.mipmapMode = mip_map;
sampler_info.maxLod = VK_LOD_CLAMP_NONE;
if (yuv_conversion && yuv_conversion->IsValid()) {
sampler_chain.get<vk::SamplerYcbcrConversionInfo>().conversion =
// TL;DR: When using YUV conversion, our samplers are somewhat hobbled and
// not all options configurable in Impeller (especially the linear
// filtering which is by far the most used form of filtering) can be
// supported. Switch to safe defaults.
// Spec: If sampler Y'CBCR conversion is enabled and the potential format
// features of the sampler Y'CBCR conversion do not support or enable
// separate reconstruction filters, minFilter and magFilter must be equal to
// the sampler Y'CBCR conversion's chromaFilter.
// Thing is, we don't enable separate reconstruction filters. By the time we
// are here, we also don't have access to the descriptor used to create this
// conversion. So we don't yet know what the chromaFilter is. But eNearest
// is a safe bet since the `AndroidHardwareBufferTextureSourceVK` defaults
// to that safe value. So just use that.
// See the validation VUID-VkSamplerCreateInfo-minFilter-01645 for more.
sampler_info.magFilter = vk::Filter::eNearest;
sampler_info.minFilter = vk::Filter::eNearest;
// Spec: If sampler Y′CBCR conversion is enabled, addressModeU,
// addressModeV, and addressModeW must be
// and unnormalizedCoordinates must be VK_FALSE.
// See the validation VUID-VkSamplerCreateInfo-addressModeU-01646 for more.
sampler_info.addressModeU = vk::SamplerAddressMode::eClampToEdge;
sampler_info.addressModeV = vk::SamplerAddressMode::eClampToEdge;
sampler_info.addressModeW = vk::SamplerAddressMode::eClampToEdge;
sampler_info.anisotropyEnable = false;
sampler_info.unnormalizedCoordinates = false;
} else {
auto sampler = device.createSamplerUnique(sampler_chain.get());
if (sampler.result != vk::Result::eSuccess) {
VALIDATION_LOG << "Could not create sampler: "
<< vk::to_string(sampler.result);
return {};
if (!desc.label.empty()) {
ContextVK::SetDebugName(device, sampler.value.get(), desc.label.c_str());
return std::move(sampler.value);
SamplerVK::SamplerVK(const vk::Device& device,
SamplerDescriptor desc,
std::shared_ptr<YUVConversionVK> yuv_conversion)
: Sampler(std::move(desc)),
CreateSampler(device, desc_, yuv_conversion))),
yuv_conversion_(std::move(yuv_conversion)) {
is_valid_ = sampler_ && !!sampler_->Get();
SamplerVK::~SamplerVK() = default;
vk::Sampler SamplerVK::GetSampler() const {
return *sampler_;
std::shared_ptr<SamplerVK> SamplerVK::CreateVariantForConversion(
std::shared_ptr<YUVConversionVK> conversion) const {
if (!conversion || !is_valid_) {
return nullptr;
return std::make_shared<SamplerVK>(device_, desc_, std::move(conversion));
const std::shared_ptr<YUVConversionVK>& SamplerVK::GetYUVConversion() const {
return yuv_conversion_;
} // namespace impeller